#alt text added

The nestlé rabbit mascot in a corporate suit version of his usual clothes. He's cheerfully saying "The best stolen water, and the cheapest chocolate child labor can buy"

Nestlé is a monster selling things no one needs, & that isn’t theirs to sell. [ 12345]

Its ironic and cruel to knowingly put something in a child’s hands which took the labor of other children to make.

He sleeps in even more interesting configurations than I do

an orange cat sleeping with his faced pressed firmly into a pink chairALT
Digital illustration of two dragons flying two fantasy adventuring parties across the sky. In the foreground, a red dragon wearing gold jewelry carries a party of four: a pink tiefling, a fire gnasi, a dwarf in silver armor, and an elf in elegant clothing. Flying away from this group is a yellow dragon dressed in white ribbons, carrying a party of five: another pink tiefling, a blue tiefling, a goblin, a tabaxi, and a half-elf. The dragons smile at one another as the parties wave to one another across the distance. In the background is a wide blue sky and green mountains dotted with squat, stylized houses.ALT

Safe travels, adventurers! ☁️
