#and yes i have endured shitty shitty guys






I’m mad enough about seeing that “ew men I hate being bisexual” post on my dash, that you know what? If you can, please reblog this with at least one thing you love about men. It can be anything! Physical, an emotional trait - anything.

I’ll go first: I love men’s smiles. They’re so warm, and pure, and bright. Seeing men smile genuinely makes my day better.

girl you’re so brave ❤️

i love when grown ass men aren’t part of the over a million members of / aren’t lurking r/18_19 and aren’t beating their meat to barely legal still in highschool naked teenage girls

I love when grown ass men only deny, deflect, and drink to deal with their issues with no regard for the girls they fuck up in the process. Fuck men.

Oh no, I’ve known some shitty ass men. Was sexually assaulted by a man too, thought he was my friend. First relationship was me being groomed and abused by an adult as a tween (don’t count that one). My dad abused me emotionally (maybe a bit physically but I’m still unclear on how to define that).

Shit still wasn’t as bad as the women (multiple) who sexually assaulted me, the abuse endured by my mother from her mom, the abuse I faced from my mother, or any of the abuse you assholes are excusing from women that I have experienced, and that I know others close to me have experienced. My father said shitty things to me, he never once said I was a failure who he wished he never loved and would never love from that moment on and insinuated he wished I was never born. You know who did? My mom! Wow! I could go on, and on, an on about shitty ass women I’ve had in my life. Because there are shitty ass women, believe it or not.

I don’t seem to understand how many shitty men there are out there? I think I do actually. I’m not paranoid and thinking all men are secretly evil masterminds out to get me, if that’s the issue. But y’all refuse to acknowledge how many evil women there are, hiding perfectly in plain site, out there. Hell, anytime I respond with personal antidotes or the fact that there are shitty women I never get a response. I only do get a response if it can fit your guy’s propaganda, your whole agenda and lies. Because I know for a fact y’all don’t want to think about the gross, and disgusting, and awful women there are out there because that throws your whole argument out the window.

Because it’s almost like…people can choose to be bad people, and it’s not just a disease that plagues one specific half of the population. Wow! Maybe no one is inherently evil!
