#black family

It’s all fun and games and pureblood extravaganza until Lucius Malfoy, aged seven and having careful

It’s all fun and games and pureblood extravaganza until Lucius Malfoy, aged seven and having carefully inspected Miss Bellatrix Black, decides to proclaim his findings on the young lady in question to all and sundry in the piercing voice of the very young.

Bellatrix Black is an ugly hag.

Druella Black grabs her husband’s arm, and hisses something about Bellatrix and temper.There is a moment of tense silence where no one dares move, as everyone present tries to decide which course of action would avoid beginning a blood feud between the Blacks and Malfoys.

Narcissa Black, age six and usually considered the darling of the family - always well behaved, never been a trouble in her life - surprises everyone by taking matters into her own hands and picking the cake from the side-table, lobs it straight into Lucius’ face.

My sister is the bestest, she says fiercely, you’re nothing but a – a stupid oaf!

Lucius bursts into tears and there is a flurry of activity during which Cygnus Black, poorly concealing his laughter, picks his youngest daughter up – still scowling like a young and angry tigress – and takes her out of the room. Druella wrings her hands apologizing profusely while Abraxas Malfoy struggles to keep a straight face. Bellatrix looks torn between laughter, being touched at her sister’s fierce love for her and anger over the loss of a perfectly good cake.

(The Lestrange brothers solve that particular dilemma when they start to pick pieces cake off Lucius and eat it. If a LestrangeofLestrange Place can do it, so can milady Black, Bellatrix reasons.)

Narcissa, meanwhile, bears her scolding in stoic silence and refuses to apologize to Lucius.

He’s a rude little boy and he deserved, you saw what he called Bella, papa!

Papa concedes that his youngest daughter has a point, but young ladies do not throw cakes in young gentlemen’s faces.

But he’s not a gentleman!

 Cygnus sighs and decides that there is no reasoning with Narcissa when she’s in high dudgeon over an insult to either Andromeda or Bellatrix – or for that matter him or Druella.

You’ll be sent to Gryffindor if you don’t apologize, he says in a half-hearted threat.

Narcissa returns, chin tilted high and apologizes, but with a glint in her eye that lets everyone know that she is doing this because her Papa, who is a gentleman asked her to very nicely and not at all because she means it.

It is this same fierce protectiveness for family and this wild disregard for the rules by which people play that she will carry with her into the future.

She learns, however, to disregard the rules like a ladywould.

(Narcissa Black-Malfoy requested by jjh2456)

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If you think browbeating your children into being good little purebloods is what it takes,then you h

If you think browbeating your children into being good little purebloods is what it takes,then you have failed to understand what it means to be a Black.

We are transgressive by nature, us Blacks. Others may make rules, but we live by no rules but our own - have you not heard, have you not known? Foolish woman.

Consider this your reward for your folly. One son, a whimpering ball, ready to come and go at the slightest move of your finger - aye, you have him well-trained. But he was no Black. Blacks do not bow their knees to other men, certainly not half-breeds. Or have you forgotten your proud ancestry? Poor lad, I could have made much of him. One treats that sort of boy gently, one wins their trust and knowing them in and out, one knows how to better lead them in the straight and narrow. Alas, he is dead and so goes the last of our line; a snivelling piece of work with far too many secrets for his own good.

Ah but the other one could have truly revived our fortunes. He had gumption. An enterprising mind. Precisely the sort of son our ancestors would be delighted to have. But you, my dear, you pushed him away by beating him when you ought to have mollycoddled him. Do you not understand the minds of children? They must be led, not pushed and pummelled into shape. He could have been great, had you known howto raise him to choose for himself, when the time came, the ways of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Instead he turned blood-traitor and now he is in Azkaban and therefore, will amount to nothing. A worthless young fellow and you are entirely to blame.

Excellent. I’m sure you are quitedelighted with your handiwork. You have, after all, singlehandedly wrought the downfall of our family. I must commend you for having managed in but twenty years what others have failed to accomplish in centuries, yea millennia. They will all laud and fete you beyond the veil and demand to know how you did it.

Ah, but you want advice, is it? Ah. Charming. Should I part with my words of wisdom or shall I keep them to myself knowing that you will simply fail to understand what it is I am saying?

Had I been in your place I would have given my children something to be proud of. A name to bear with pride, to raise one’s head high. Not a bloated, pompous ideal that even a five year old could see through. Oh the dark magic isn’t the only thing that characterizes us, Walburga dear. We’re not like the others; pompous old windbags with no good to their names. I would have taught your eldest - er, Sirius, wasn’t it? Quite, quite - about the goodwe had done. Charities and fundraisers, forward thinking progressives who believed women could rule families just as much as men could - no, no, no, you mustn’t interrupt, you know as well as I that the sons and daughters of Morgana, Morgause, Elaine and Arthur could hardly believe that a woman should allow her husband to place his foot upon her neck ‘an he choose to do so. I would have told him how we were the ones who first reformed the Ministry classifications system and made them create a new class of people called beings. One has to reason with stubborn children, to show them that you are not yourself a stubborn child - you are an adult and possessed of an infinitely great fount of wisdom. It is the only way to treat with stubborn young Gryffindors, not to berate them and beat them and hope that they will see the wisdom of your path. No, you must lead them to choose your way, only then will they be all the more loyal to it.

Ah and the other one. I would have drawn him out of his shell and made him talk. Silent obedience is, as you would know if you had listened to the wisdom of your fathers, inevitably a sign of the silent rebellion that surfaces at the most inopportune moments.

What’s that? Oh, I was unpopular was I? How surprising. Those damn fool witches and wizards and their wishy washy dreams of an all inclusive society didn't like having their children labelled idiots and shipped off to the Centaur Liasion Office. Merely doing my duty by my country, for shame, is a man to be punished for doing his duty? Heaven help us all, this is the end of England as we know it and it’s all yourfault.

Of course, it is easy to be wise in retrospect and chide me for not foreseeing how little their parents or indeed they would love me for my foresight, just as it is easy for me to tell you how you have failed your sons. Merlin, what do they teach you in school nowadays? What do you mean but Phineas? I know no Phineas save myself - no there is no Phineas, cease your prating woman! No doubt it was your wagging tongue which sent Orion early to his grave - no for the last time no there is no Phineas but I! Phineas Nigellus Black, the first of his name and head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black!

I am tired. My head aches and I am fatigued to the bone. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black will crumble and fade away and be as but dust in the wind.

You may leave.

 (Phineas Nigellus Black requested by inkyhooves)

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Not every Black went to Slytherin. Not every Lestrange was a seccessionist. Not every Malfoy was a mNot every Black went to Slytherin. Not every Lestrange was a seccessionist. Not every Malfoy was a mNot every Black went to Slytherin. Not every Lestrange was a seccessionist. Not every Malfoy was a mNot every Black went to Slytherin. Not every Lestrange was a seccessionist. Not every Malfoy was a m

Not every Black went to Slytherin. Not every Lestrange was a seccessionist. Not every Malfoy was a muggle-hater.

The Malfoys never talked about Nephilius Malfoy, Abraxas Malfoy’s younger brother, and one of the few Malfoys to have firmly fought for the rights of both Squibs and Muggleborns.

Of course, he had a nasty way of showing up precisely when they didn’t want him around.

The Blacks simply stripped the family disgraces of their names. Off the family tapestry they went and as far as they were concerned, were no longer Blacks, even if they pretendedto carry the name as both Sirius and Alphard did.

The Lestranges had the simplest method for dealing with those who failed to toe the family line.

The ghost of Dido Lestrange will tell you exactly how.

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The Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient House of BlackThree sisters: Morgana, MorgauseThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient House of BlackThree sisters: Morgana, MorgauseThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient House of BlackThree sisters: Morgana, MorgauseThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient House of BlackThree sisters: Morgana, MorgauseThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient House of BlackThree sisters: Morgana, MorgauseThe Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient House of BlackThree sisters: Morgana, Morgause

The Sacred Twenty Eight: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

Three sisters: Morgana, Morgause and Elaine of Garlot. One dark, one brown, one fair. Three sisters: Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa. One a warrior, one a rebel, one entirely unexceptional.

Of all the houses of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the Blacks were the only ones who could trace their descent to an ancient royal family, canonized in both myth and legend. There were those who were openly skeptical that a wizarding family could claim to be related to Arthur, King of the Britons and his three half-sisters; Morgana, Morgause and Elaine of Garlot - such a claim, they said, was far too exaggerated and could never be proven (for none were allowed to see the Black family tapestry but the Blacks themselves). But most agreed - out of fear and awe - that the Blacks indeed were children of these great sorcerers.

For how could they dispute it when all the portraits of these mythical figures seemed to live again in the faces of the Blacks striding alongside them in the Ministry, studying at Hogwarts, holidaying with them in the South of France?

But if those concerned with the veracity of this outrageous claim had bothered to dig through records held in the Department of Mysteries - held purely for historical purposes, of course - they might have found a series of bills and commissions to various unknown artists and artisans of the early 11th century. Of early tapestry-weavers instructed to portray their patrons as characters from Arthurian legends - else face death (how wonderful those ancient times were, where the missing poor prompted no visits from the Auror department). Of mosaics and etchings presented to this family; all the children of the Lady Igraine shown with the high cheekbones, dark hair and pale faces particular to the Blacks. Of portraits and paintings and landscapes - all in the grand tradition of the rich families of those times. In time, any traces of the original Arthur and his half-sisters were lost and all the artworks concerning the Arthurian legends - even among the muggles - came to assign each character the same face over and over again; pale skin, dark hair (sometimes light for Elaine of Garlot was a fair young maiden), high cheekbones: trademark of the Black family. 

And yet these records would mean nothing, not even in a history textbook, not after all this time. For who could say, after all these centuries, that the Blacks were not descended from Arthur, Morgana, Morgause and Elaine?

The Blacks were not practically royalty. They were royalty.

[Paintings: Morgan le Fay by Frederick Sandys, The Magic Circle by John William Waterhouse, The Accolade by Edmund Blair Leighton

Photo Credit: Helena Bonham Carter as Morgan Le Fay (Merlin, 1998), Katie McGrath as Morgana (Merlin, 2008), Imogen Poots as Fanny Knight (Miss Austen Regrets, 2007)]

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2019 is lookin a lot like how 2018 would have looked had procrastination, self-doubt and outright laziness not interfered.

Power, progression and all potential tapped into and realized, all this year and beyond ✊

“How many scientific studies have been done on the power of an embrace?

The heat

The electricity conducted

Surging from you to him, to you

The jolt followed by the calm

Now, exhale”



For more black magic

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The issue here is that all of these groups of men and their value of their women cannot be analyzed outside of the context of colonialism. They cannot be analyzed outside of the fact that the black woman, and man, are the most despised and degraded group of people on earth. Society doesn’t value the black woman and that resentment is taught to all of us, including black women, from birth.

Asian women are uplifted in society, “Hispanic” women (by which I assume they mean Latina/ indigenous women cuz if they’re talking about women actually from Spain then they’re talking about white women) are uplifted, white women are the archetype, the standard of beauty, of worth, of womanhood period while black women are the opposite of the white woman- the opposite of her beauty, her grace, her worth, her womanhood and are treated accordingly.

How many of those same white, asian and Hispanic women would happily marry (not just sleep with) a black man? Very, very few. I’m also confident that black women unwilling to be with black men vastly outnumbers other groups of women unwilling to be with men of their own nationality.

This certainly isn’t the fault of the black woman but neither is it the fault of the black man.

This is the result of a societal standard that the entire world’s population subscribes to by default until they make a conscious effort to overcome it (decolonizing the mind). Black people, historically and presently, are the most disempowered, reviled, disregarded, degraded and brutalized people on earth and because of that, we learn to resent each other as well. We develop an inability to even see the value in the life of a black person, much less see one as a viable romantic partner. This is the root of any black person refusing to deal with another black person romantically.

Once this system that makes white people the standard of humanity and everything that stems from it (beauty, intelligence, dignity, worth) is defeated, that’s when black people will be able to enjoy a dignity, respect and societal praise/ upliftment that we haven’t experienced for hundreds of years.

That’s when the worth of our people will be the standard n we’ll most certainly be dating each other lol.


For more black magic Follow IG: TheMightyDexter

“ ‘Land of the free…’

but not me”

- Digable Planets

For more black magic,

Follow IG: @TheMightyDexter

St. Louis, Mo. “Who all there”?For more divinely melanated bodies, Follow Instagram.com/TheMightyD

St. Louis, Mo.

“Who all there”?

For more divinely melanated bodies, Follow Instagram.com/TheMightyDexter

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The Wrath of Urkel

In the couple of days since the release of Childish Gambino’s widely acclaimed This is America video, it’s seemed that the question of his longtime interracial relationship with a white woman and whether or not it takes away from the sincerity of his politically charged, “unapologetically pro-black” video has been the subject of more think-pieces, debates and comment section tussles than the video itself. In one corner, he’s been dismissed as a coon/ sellout and has had the entire agenda of his music video brought under suspicion via the “you can’t talk black and sleep white” argument.

In another, more empathetic, corner, Childish Gambino’s interracial relationship has been defended and described as the typical route taken by black nerds after being rejected by black women whom they claim have never been interested in them or their Naruto comics. Black women, in response, have vehemently denied a wholesale rejection of black nerds with the argument that black male nerds simply want white women and have fabricated a black women’s vendetta against them in an attempt to justify their pursuit of white women. Black women have also highlighted the plight of the black female nerd and claim that their experience has been left out of the conversation entirely.

Now what I’ve seen, in the end, is a denial of the validity of the black male nerd’s claims of rejection by the black woman as well as a minimization of the black female nerd and her position within black nerd culture. Both conclusions are inaccurate.

In actuality, the nerdy black guy and the nerdy black girl are very much interconnected and have similar experiences when looking for love within the black community. Black nerd guys feel scorned by the “traditionally” (by colonial/ Eurocentric beauty standards) attractive black woman that every black man is told to want. The black nerd likes a big butt n a smile like everyone else. The problem is the big butt n a smile is absolutely not checking for Urkel because she is seeking out the black man deemed traditionally attractive (by the same colonial/ Eurocentric beauty standards) and is often overlooking any man that doesn’t fit into that mold, aka the black nerd guy. As far as the black nerd girl goes, she too is chasing the colonially defined attractive black man and is also not checking for the awkward, dorky, traditionally unattractive black nerd guy- let’s not pretend that she is. Since the black nerd girl’s interest in men is also governed by colonial beauty standards, she is certainly not checking for Urkel. She wants a fine ass nikka too. However, she’s awkward, dorky and traditionally unattractive so neither the fine ass nikkas, nor the black nerd guy, want her. Both the male and female black nerd end up chasing waterfalls- the traditionally attractive black man/woman whom they are generally denied due to their own traditional unattractiveness- and overlooking each other entirely.

What Urkel means when he says “black women don’t like me” is “Laura Winslow wasn’t tryna gimme no play so I’m throwing all black women away”. It’s a claim based solely off of their history of lofty romantic ambitions, rejected advances and hurt feelings.

With love, and a Dragon Ball Z tattoo,

a former black nerd


“He was cool Super-cool Ultrablack A tan/purple Had a beautiful shadeHe had a double naturalthat

“He was cool
A tan/purple
Had a beautiful shade
He had a double natural
that would put the sisters to shame
His dashikis were tailor made & his beads were imported sea shells
He was triple-hip
His tikis were hand-carved
Out of ivory
And came express from the motherland
He would greet you in Swahili and say goodbye in Yoruba
Mannnn he was so cool & intelligent
Cool-Cool, ultra cool, icebox cool, so cool his wine didn’t have to be cooled
He was air condition cool
Cool-Cool was so cool he made me cool
Cool-Cool so cool we nicknamed him refrigerator
Cool-Cool so cool he didn’t know
After Detroit, Newark, Oakland, and Chicago
We had to remind Cool-cool
to be black
is to be
very hot”

-Don L. Lee, 1969

For more Divinely Melanated Bodies, Follow IG Instagram.com/TheMightyDexter
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“Can we pretend for 5 minutes? Close your eyesAnd dream in colorPaint me your favorite colorAn

“Can we pretend for 5 minutes?
Close your eyes
And dream in color
Paint me your favorite color
And outline me with broken chalks
You are your favorite fairy tale
Your grandmothers recipe to hugs
You have scars
With time, they transform to memories”
- Priscilla Azaglo

For more divinely melenated bodies, Follow IG: Instagram.com/TheMightyDexter
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“We struggle with hopes that she doesn’t have toAnd that her every dream may be pursued, uninterru

“We struggle with hopes that she doesn’t have to
And that her every dream may be pursued, uninterrupted
Cuz she’s everything that’s ever mattered
And everything that ever will matter”

For more divinely melenated bodies, Follow IG: Instagram.com/TheMightyDexter
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Ode to my MotherI wish I knew words like thisBack when life was more painBack to five in the yOde to my MotherI wish I knew words like thisBack when life was more painBack to five in the yOde to my MotherI wish I knew words like thisBack when life was more painBack to five in the y

Ode to my Mother

I wish
I knew words like this
Back when life was more pain
Back to five
in the yard
While she cooked water and pig
With the salt of her tears
- Zula Saata,

IG: Instagram.com/TheMightyDexter
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Sirius Black was a carbon copy of his mother everywhere from his physical appearance down to his mannerisms and this is exactly why they clash.
