

Um ehrlich zu sein, will ich es gar nicht weiter versuchen. Ich will einfach gehen und diesem Buch ein Ende geben.



any other borderlines find their impulsiveness getting worse on a higher dose of seroquel ?? i upped my dose recently on recommendation from a psych but my impulsive symptoms have been wreaking havoc on me- is this normal ? does it go away ? 

yeah so uh. question answered. i was just in a hypomanic episode- anyways now my hair is green and i have 30 whole dollars left in my bank account- 

side note: i might have bipolar 2 as well as bpd 

5 years have passed and yet i still feel like i am 13 and still didn’t get out of this hole. it is my home.

i’ve tried so hard but i guess being a good person doesn’t get you anywhere.

the fear of it

never coming to existence

will never leave me

i think i will keep dreaming.

i am too much in love with the moon to be a morning person.

the memory is unclear but the feelings remain.

when i realized

you werent for me

i broke my pieces

just to fit in with yours

yet you still werent for me

and i was left broken.

i dont care

if the world ends

because with you

it will start again in the morning.

searching for a word

good enough to describe my love to you

i found nothing

because no one ever loved that much.

i fall in love with you every day

again and again

and each is different

in different i mean more beautiful

with endless improvement.

how is it possible

that our pure souls

found each other

in this world full of disgrace.
