#carbon footprints


Just a random bit of knowledge I received recently. When I think of online gaming or anything online really I thought of it all as ethereal. People connecting from device to device through the ether. But we have friends that are electricians that all went to work for a company that tests electrical systems for server warehouses and I learned I was completely wrong.

Games like Call of Duty and Fortnite are really giant warehouses of energy sucking servers. Not just one, but multiple giants warehouses with rows and rows and rows of physical servers in every region of the US and all over the globe for each and every popular game.

My State is a leader in nuclear power but gas and coal are #1 and #2 so all the servers here use mostly gas and coal. So things like NFTs and popular online games have HUGE carbon footprints because they take vast amounts of physical servers sitting in giant warehouses running on power grids that use very little renewables.

True story
