#faery witch


Every mermaid knows, as she gazed into her mirror, that beauty is in the eye of the one beheld! If you believe that you are beautiful, there is no doubt that most people will be charmed by you.



For this spell you will need a mirror- preferably a pretty one,with a handle. You will also need some spring water; some dried rose petals; some seaweed (which can be obtained in good health-food stores,or gather your own); a rose-pink candle; your favorite romantic CD (preferably instrumental rather than singing);and a natural sponge.

  1. Make an infusion by filling a pan with spring water,bringing it to the boil, adding the rose petals and seaweed and then taking the pan off the heat. While the petals and seaweed are soaking, run a bath of warm water,light your candle in the bathroom, and start to play the CD, (or song on your phone,youtube or radio), to build up an atmosphere.
  2. Strain the infusion and add it to your bath. (Note: it is always a good idea to test for allergies 24 hours beforehand by placing a small amount of infusion on your inner wrist.) When the water is at the right temperature for you, get in, and close your eyes.
  3. Bring to mind your own special water fairy that you met in the previous visualization (here click here)and ask her to be near. You may feel her presence as a slight tingling, and if you are lucky, you will see her.
  4. Pick up the sponge and stroke your body all over,enjoying the sensuous experience. Tell your body it is beautiful (even if you are in the habit of thinking the opposite). Say, “From the sea came my life, from the sea came my body. Like the mermaids I am beautiful.” Mentally ask your special mermaid to fill you with confidence and joy in your own sexuality.
  5. Now pick up the mirror, look into your eyes and say, “I love you.” Say this as many times as you can, while sitting comfortably in the bath. Maybe your mermaid will whisper something encouraging in your ear.
  6. Complete the spell by thanking your mermaid and snuffing out the candle with a drop of water. As the water drains from the bath, let your consciousness return to normal. Wrap yourself in a big, soft towel and pamper yourself.
Earth spirits are just about the easiest ones to make contact with. Their forms tend to be less subtle than those of many fairies,and they generally stick to one place- so if you feel a location is haunted by these beings, it will always be haunted. Wherever anything grows, there will be a fairy to attend to it.

Earth fairies love gardens,and will gather round you while you are planting and watering. At the end of a hot day they exult when you get out the hose or watering can, and will dance among the refreshed flowers with glee. Often they do not like you weeding,though,so make sure you always do this with respect. Leave a patch of your garden to grow wild, for the fairies love this and it creates a space for all the plants that are unwelcome elsewhere- just because humans do not like them, this does not mean they do not have a valuable place in the scheme of things.


  1. To draw close to the gnomes,settle quietly in your garden or in a park,woodland, field, or hillside- close to a barrow-mound may be the most powerful place of all. Gnomes of the deep earth may be experienced in a cave or hollow,whereas others may be more of the flower- or tree-fairy types. Let your bare feet and hands make contact with the earth,mud or stone. Beat a soft rhythm on a drum,if you wish.
  2. Be very still, relaxed,and quiet. Try not to see anything,because that will put you in the wrong frame of mind. Just be there, and be observant- these spirits do not show themselves in the ways you might expect, and seeing them can seem almost ordinary.
  3. Be aware of any little movements out of the corner of your eye, for that is where spirits are often first perceived. An animal running in the undergrowth may also be a shy gnome in disguise. Look out for the face of the Green Man among the leaves, and watch flowers, for they can also be sweet faces, nodding and smiling.
  4. To show they have drawn close to you, gnomes will often give you a tangible gift,such as a coin or a piece of jewelry. If you find this on your path,treasure it, for it is very lucky.

Every plant is in essence a “fairy” plant, because fairies take care of them. However,there are some plants that are especially notable. Many flowers are linked to fairies,and in the Balkans, fairies are said to be born in flowers, to tend them as they bloom and fade.

The idea of flower fairies was popularized by (link -> Cicely Mary Barker(1895-1973),who illustrated the immensely successful Flower Fairy series of books, in which a fairy is depicted for each bloom, wearing clothes that look like the flower itself. This may appear to be a pretty fiction,but (like so many works of the imagination) it draws its inspiration from the subtle realms- for each flower does have a fairy and, when this is revealed to us, has some of the characteristics of the plant.

The wild rose,primrose,bluebell,cowslip,marigold,foxglove, and red campion are among many flowers especially associated with fairies. Herbs are a fairy favorite because they are both beautiful (generally) and useful. Wearing thyme can enable you to see fairies. Nettles and gorse are said to deter fairies- except, of course, for the Nettle and Gorse Fairies themselves. Fairies are said to live inside stalks of straw,which can be twisted to form an amulet. A four-leafed clover is especially lucky,so if you find such a leaf, treasure it. And, seven grains of wheat laid on a four-leafed clover enable you to see fairies.

Fairy Mushrooms

One plant especially associated with fairies in the fly agaric (Amanita Muscaria), a red and white spotted mushroom. Fairies are often depicted sitting on this mushroom, and the red caps worn by many fairies may be linked to this plant. Fly agaric is psychotropic (that is, it can affect the mind,emotions or behavior) and was ingested by European shamans to induce visions. Many of the reported visits to Fairyland- with their enhanced colors,strange music, and time distortion - sound ike drug-induced “trips”. So might the whole idea of fairies arise from drug use? Or is it more likely that the essence of certain plants,when used correctly,can take us into the true world of vibrant, enchanted Nature? Of course, to experiment with this would be dangerous in the extreme, but experienced shamans from Native American and other traditions have been using such plants since time immemorial. More than chemistry is at work here- the very soul of the plant combines with that of the human being and reveals a magical world to the traveler: the world of Fairyland

Many fairies are linked to just one tree or plant, or to a group of trees. Trees are extremely special - a fact recognized by the Native Americans, who call them “The Standing People”. Often you will come upon a tree and be very aware of its spirit, which is usually warm, wise, and welcoming; it can be very healing to be close to such trees. Occasionally, however, a tree may be not to well disposed towards humans (as the hobbits found in “The Lord of The Rings with Old Man Willow), and then it is best to keep your distance.


In times gone by,the earth was covered in forest, and when we go deep into the woodland, we really are in the presence of beings that are unutterably ancient, for all the accumulated wisdom of the ages is embodied in each tree. The primeval forest is also a metaphor for our unconscious, our deepest and most primitive impulses and yearnings. Tree fairies can teach us a great deal about ourselves, if we have the courage to listen. When we are alone in nature we are able to hear our own thoughts and feelings more clearly, and it is easier to be trustful with ourselves.

Long ago, many trees were considered to be the home of oracles, with deity whispering through the leaves.

The Fairy Triad

Oak,ash,and thorn are termed the Fairy Triad,and where three grow, fairies can easily be seen. Many fairies are reputed to live in the majestic oak,and to feel one is to risk the wrath of the Old Gods- namely,fairies. Druid worship took place in groves,and the oak grove was especially sacred. Ash may be used to protect against fairies,when carried as a staff or wand, but also offers a potential gateway between the worlds,as it was the tree upon which the Norse god Odin hung, to gain the secret of the runes. The twisted shape of hawthorn is magical indeed,especially when growing near a  barrow mound or in groups of three. It is courting disaster to damage such a tree, and even dozing beneath one may be to risk fairy displeasure.Like much of nature, trees have been abused. Always proceed with respect  for trees in order to retain the goodwill of the Fairy Folk.

After a full day, ordinary daytime slips into an otherworldly realm of twilight; this is the most mystical hour. Here in this time and space where it is no longer day but not yet night, Twilight Fairies dance,play,flutes, and bless the oncoming night. Eventide approaches, and Twilight Fairies, though not rambunctious or loud, are excited to accept the decline of the sun-filled day because the night is given to mysteries and dreams.The Fairy Queen is sure to emerge or witness Twilight Fairies caper in their starry robes and moonbeam caps of creamy glowing white.

(ART LINK) - Margaret Morales

How Twilight Fairies Help Us

These sweet,playfully curious and furtive fairies want to draw us out of routines, lighten our beleaguered woes, and cool us in the soft shadows of our innate goodness. Twilight Fairies want us to draw near one another, to whisper kind thoughts and keep a sense of mirth, no matter what the day had brought. Fairies of Twilight surround us with excitement mixed with holiness as we give over to the moon rising.

How To Connect With Twilight Fairies

If you’d like to blend with the Fairies of Twilight, know that they invite you to their celebration. Drawing near to this magical space and time, it is best to go outside and watch the light as it changes, to see the sun go down and notice the way the trees,leaves,grass, and water transform in a wonderfully, almost eerie way. Invite friends and family over and set up a twilight dinner table outside (in warmer weather) using only candles for lighting and you’ll experience the enchanting sweetness of Twilight Fairies, as all of your sense the intimate thrill of the waning day, marveling at the approach of the night.

~Source:A Little Bit Of Fairies By Elaine Clayton

Use herbs in a pouch, or while cooking, and stir the mix or infusions to empower the spell to protect the home, any possessions, your workplace, and property. Use incense in sticks, cones, or as a powder incense and burn it on heated charcoal blocks and use a lighted incense stick like a smoke pen to write empowerments or symbols.

  1. Allspice- for money,passion,swift-moving,or urgent matters.
  2. Basil- for fidelity,prosperity,protection,and fear of flying.
  3. Chamomile(Roman) and Chamomile(German)- for healing,babies,children, animals,and reversing bad luck. It also helps to attract money and is helpful in family matters.
  4. Cedar/Cedar Wood- for healing,cleansing bad influences,negative thoughts,and harmony.
  5. Cinnamon- for passion,regaining money after loss, urgently needing money and psychic awareness.
  6. Dragon’s Blood- for fierce protection,anti-curse,any major enterprise, and male potency.
  7. Fennel- for travel,house sales,and moves. It helps to banish and  keep harm away from people,animals, and places.
  8. Frankincense- For wealth,courage,joy,career,success,and travel. Also used in formal rituals.
  9. Hyssop- For making a love commitment;healing;spirituality;all forms of protection, especially from psychic attack;and as an infusion to cleanse artifacts.
  10. Juniper- purifies homes; protects against accidents,thieves,and illness;and male potency.
  11. Lemongrass/Lemon- repels spite,malice,and gossip. It also helps with psychic awareness and travel.
  12. Lemon Verbena- For breaking a run of bad luck,protection against negativity, the Evil Eye, and ill-wishing.
  13. Mint and Peppermint drives negativity from objects and places,and brings money, health,love, and success.
  14. Myrtle- For a lasting marriage,mature love, domestic happiness,property, and security.
  15. Myrrh- For healing,peace,purification,overcoming grief, and protection against evil.Can be used in formal rituals and in moon magic.
  16. Pine- Drives away harm from the home and family, especially newborn infants, cleansing negativity and malice, guarding property, and premises.
  17. Rosemary- For learning,love,fidelity,prosperity,and banishing malevolence.
  18. Sage- For longevity,good health,examinations,interviews,tests,protection of home and family,slow-growing prosperity, and wisdom.
  19. Sandalwood- For spiritual awareness and healing,leadership,justice, compensation,and sexuality. Can be used in formal rituals.
  20. Tarragon- The dragon herb,courage,and anti-bullying,and the shedding of old burdens,guilt,fears,and destructive relationships.
  21. Thyme- Psychically cleanses the home,possessions,vehicles and land,health, memory of past worlds,and drives away nightmares and phantoms of the night.
  22. Vertivert- For love, breaks a run of bad luck, protects against theft and negativity.

Fairies of the flowers are filled with light and fluttering energy, their wings like silken petals, iridescent as a dragonfly’s wings. In fact, you may think you saw a dragonfly when in actuality it was a Flower Fairy you saw. They’re lovely, each to each, with satin and silky skirts, tiny seed like ballet slippers, and greatly colored petal hats and collars. They’re sensual yet modest,bold yet coy. Their allure is intoxicating. They are pure sexual,fruitful energy. They carry different traits, some receptive, others assertive and each conduct specific duties. Some are lovely,dainty fairies who are also shy and a bit sensitive, for all their pride and glorious beauty. They need adoration and respect or they feel faint and their mood wilts. They do everything they can to earn praise since they aim to do only one thing, and that is to give beauty to the world through their fecundity. 

How Flower Fairies Help Us

Flower Fairies make it possible for humans to live through their focus on pollination and fruitful fulfillment of life giving life.They help nectar flow to attract and seduce bees to spread pollen. In our lives symbolically, they produce in us the desire to germinate ideas and see our own potential realized, to sweeten our judgement as they suggest we develop our own advantageous flowering through worthwhile pursuits. They remind us that we are benefactors to others, and bear plenteous gifts to share.

 How To Connect With Flower Fairies

If you want to feel sexy, align with Flower Fairies! Try looking at life in a daring new way, freeing yourself of the weight of worry and allowing others to breathe their own air, to do as they choose to do, to learn through life as they deem best for them. Flower Fairies focus on their own great beauty and pay less attention to other flowers, and this is what each flower you behold (by admiring them on the stem or picking and arranging them in your home) beckons you to do. Flower Fairies want you to connect with them and receive the deep gratitude and love of self that they embody. The best way is to bring flowers in and pay attention to them. Admire them profusely and dance around them. Put flowers at your bedside and on tables throughout the home. Let them know you understand their exquisiteness. This will enhance your alluring qualities, bringing out your natural refinement and grace.

cordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets o


the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets old and crafty and wise, where nobody gets old and bitter of tongue.

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To see a fairy in your dream indicates that you are in search of some help or advice for a problem or decision, but may not want to directly admit you need help. In particular, if the fairy is evil, then it suggests that an aspect of yourself needs to be set free. The fairy is also symbolic of your soul and the feminine aspects of yourself.

Are you losing your mind?

Surly you are.

For a mind intact,

Would not mistake such words like that.

But at last, you’ve unscrewed your head.

How sad.

The maggots ate through the brain that’s dead.

And so now the corpse walks—

sanity cracked.

So tell me girl,

how do you feel about that?


atarot spread to help you in your work with fae! i figured it was a pretty summer appropriate spread as ive been working with fae a lot more in the spring/summer months and im sure lots of you have too~


1. how can i better my relationship with the fae?

2. do my local fae have anything they’d like to tell me?

3. what ways have the fae tried reaching out to me?


message me to receive this reading! 3 card spreads are $3 and i currently take both venmoandpaypal :) please feel free to use this spread in your personal craft if you can’t afford a reading or anything; and please credit if you repost the spread~

I’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand LyoclothesI made patI’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand LyoclothesI made patI’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand LyoclothesI made patI’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand LyoclothesI made patI’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand LyoclothesI made patI’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand LyoclothesI made patI’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand LyoclothesI made patI’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand LyoclothesI made patI’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand LyoclothesI made pat

I’m happy to share this little lookbook for my collaboration with a small brand Lyoclothes

I made patterns, Olya from Lyoclothes made these beautiful dresses.  All the dresses are made from 100% Viscose (rayon). Our dresses are handmade, sewn locally in my hometown - Saint Petersburg. Due to the nature of a small brand, we have a very limited amount of dresses at this moment! Most of the dresses were made in 5 copies.
If you want to purchase a dress - it is possible to make via Etsy at lyochothes.etsy.com with free shipping. Also, we will update the shop very soon with two new dresses!

Also, I’d like to explain the price because it’s important for me to be transparent. Sadly we can’t offer anything by the fast fashion\mass market prices. Most of the dress price is aiming to cover our expenses for good natural fabric, custom high-quality printing, and sewing dresses locally with all the details. I hope for understanding!

Art direction by me.

Photos by me & Fromcelticpark


Post link

Things to Research Before Working with the Fae


Research is the most important thing to do before heading into Faery work and witchcraft. You want to have a lot of in depth and versatile knowledge covering many areas of the topic so you’ll be able to understand and interact with the Fair Folk! If you don’t want to work with the Fair Folk you can use this list to help yourself understand them and take the proper measure if you ever stumble upon them. I know the list could go on forever but I’m compiling the topics I find build a good foundation of understanding. I have compiled this list to give those interested guidance and a push in the right direction, it is best you do your own research before asking other’s personal knowledge and opinions!!

The Basics

  • Terminology(Fae, faery, fairy, changeling, seelie, unseelie, sidhe, etc)
  • The Origins of the Fae (Tuatha de Dannan, Aos Sí, Tylwyth Teg)
  • Faeries in Different Cultures: Celtic (Irish, Scottish, Gaulish, French), Norse, Influences from Greek and Roman culture.
  • Folklore & Myths!! ex. Oisin and Tír na nÓg , Fenian Cycle, Arthurian Legend. 
  • Celtic Gods, Goddesses & Heroes- strong influences and connections to the Fae
  • Types of Faeries (study diverse types from pixies,brownies, pooka to Kelpies, Bwbach and Red caps) *Make sure you can at least answer who, what and where about them.
  • The Otherworlds (Tir na Nog, Caer Arianrhod, Annwn, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, etc.)
  • Faery Landmarks (fairy tree, fairy ring, fairy hill)
  • Signs of the Fae
  • Sacred Trees and Plants (Hawthorn) 
  • Protection!!very important

*Bonus if you learn Celtic Culture

Getting into Working with Them

  • Connecting to Nature and the Land
  • How to Banish Faeries & Protect yourself, house, family, etc.
  • Faery Behaviour and Proper Etiquette
  • Proper Offerings, How to give an Offering
  • Animals associated with the Fair Folk and Why? (raven, deer, etc)
  • Faery Festivals and Holidays (Samhain, Midsummer, Beltane)
  • Why certain things offend them- iron, saying “thank you”,etc.
  • The Courts (Seelie, Unseelie, trooping fairies, solitary)
  • Setting up a Faery Altar
  • How to work with them in Rituals 
  • Faery Flowers, herbs and crystals
  • A proper and personal way to communicate with them!!this means developing psychic ability, tarot, meditation, signs, etc.
  • Hagstones, heptagram/faery star

Some Good Books :) 

The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, by W. Y. Evans Wentz  

Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes 

Enchantment of the Faerie Realm by Ted Andrews 

Faery Craft by Morgan Daimler 

Celtic Mythology: Tales of Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes by Phillip Freeman

**if you have more topics, books or anything else feel free to add some!

Hey friends✨ ‍♀️

I am saying goodbye to Etsy and hello to my very own website MidnightMerkaba.com

We offer herbs, stickers, apothecary kits, crystals, jewelry, candles and decor✨

Take a look at our website & reblogging is much appreciated
