#graceling realm


Hi! Mod Sara here. I just finished Winterkeep and I’m ready to take my part in the memes so if you don’t want anything spoiled, please filter the tags #winterkeep spoilers and #book: winterkeep.


Alright, gracelingblr, I need yalls hot takes:

If Katsa lived in our world in the modern era, would she have an emo phase?

If not what would her Teenage Stereotype be?

Katsa is an emo jock, and she and Raffin definitely have their emo phases at the same time.

King Leck: You have a lot of nerve being here.

Katsa: You have a lot of nerve being alive!

Katsa: We’ve got pigs blood, we’re gonna throw it.

Po: Like, as a statement?

Katsa: Could be a statement. Could just be blood throwing. As soon as you’re throwing blood, you’re saying something really, aren’t you?

Fire: Can you imagine not being human and just living out your days as a weeping willow, though? Beautiful? By the water? Unburdened? Ideal.

Archer: I want to be the one from Harry Potter that beats the shit out of everyone.

Po: You’re totally in synch with your family?

Saf: Um, yeah, because they always wanted a son with a criminal record who dropped out of high school, so… pretty much delivered on that one.

*addressing the council*

Po: “Ladies and gentlemen” is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly I’m falling asleep already.

Katsa: “Cowards” on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, casual and fun, short and to the point, exciting, and it’s time for the change

When I was in high school people treated me like a criminal. BECAUSE I KILLED SOMEBODY!


Larch: what do you have there?

Immiker: a knife!!


I can see you and I are going to get along like a house on fire. There may be no survivors.

- Young Cansrel to young King Nax

You don’t understand. I like Po but I don’t like Po. I have very positive feelings of attraction towards him but I also want to punch him in the arm.

- Katsa

Fire: Excited for the debate?

Brigan: I think there should be less talking.

Fire: In politics?

Brigan: In life.

Po: Hey do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?

Bitterblue: You’re a hazard to society.

Katsa: And a coward. Do twenty.

Bitterblue: What is your problem? Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about your sad, miserable life?

Saf: Yes, it does 100%



“I don’t want you to be hopeful, I want you to feel fear” this girl is 43 levels of metal

Bitterblue energy
