

In every series, in the first book, the characters have gone to some sort of party, looking for information.


the fact that jem refuses to take on a role as a shadowhunter because it means fighting without his parabatai fucking hurts

After a few months of inactivity, I decided to force myself to finish all my WIPs, so here is a drawing of Tessa in the famous strawberry dress that I started back in August. I wanted to focus on improving my digital art but I somehow ended up in an art block instead but hey, shit happens. And happy 2021 you guys!

“Siempre pensé que no se podía estar del todo perdido si se conocía el propio corazón. Pero me temo que puedo perderme si no conozco el tuyo”

James Carstairs

“La vida es un libro, y hay mil páginas que aún no he leído. Las querría leer contigo, tantas como pueda, antes de morir”

Will Herondale

“Ya te lo había dicho, Jem, que no me dejarías. Y aún estás conmigo. Cuando respire, pensaré en ti, porque sin ti hace años que estaría muerto. Cuando me despierte y cuando duerma, cuando alce las manos para defenderme o cuando yazca para morir, tú estarás conmigo. Dices que nacemos una y otra vez. Yo digo que es un rio lo que nos separa a los muertos de los vivos. Lo que sé es que si nacemos denuevo, te encontraré en esa otra vida, y que si hay un rio, me esperarás en la orilla a que llegue a ti, para que podamos cruzarlo juntos. ¿Me has odio, James Carstairs? Estamos unidos, tú y yo, por encima de la separación de la muerte, por todas las generaciones que puedan venir. Para siempre”

Will Herondale

“Somos todos los fragmentos de los que recordamos. Tenemos en nuestro interior las esperanzas y los terrores de aquellos que nos aman. Mientras haya amor y memoria, no existe la auténtica pérdida”

James Carstairs

Will: Charlotte, I’ve hurt myself very badly! You must call Jem!

Charlotte: *sighing* Will, it’s just a splinter. You’ll be fine.

Will: I’m bleeding out and I think an infection has already set in!


Charlotte: Fine. *mumbling as she walks away* This is the third time this week.

Does anyone else think about how much Will Herondale loved to read?

I do, but mainly because I love to read as well. And it got me thinking why does Will love to read? Then it hit me, the curse. This poor boy had been on his own for twelve years. Yes, he had Jem and those at the institute like Charlotte and Henry, but he didn’t know that. He thought he had to push everyone he loved away to protect them from himself. I imagine he grew tired of doing that for years and he wanted to feel like he wasn’t alone anymore. So, what does he do? He turns to books. In books he found his new friends, ones he could love and not have to worry about them dying. He got to pretend to be the main characters and go on adventures with his friends feeling all the emotions he didn’t think he could experience with Jem and his family at the institute.

Just when I think I couldn’t love this boy anymore. Will Herondale always finds a way to hit me right in the feels.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

Basically Will throughout the entire series

Will: Nobody can love me or else’s they will die, so I must make them hate me!

Jem: Uh Will, I love you…

Will:Nope, no one loves me!

Tessa: Umm, what about me?

Will: Nobody loves me!

Jem: *taking a nap on the couch*

*sound of the front door opening*

Will: *shouting* Jem!

Jem: *grumply* Whatttttt

Will: I CAUGHT A BIRD! *muffled chirping sounds*

Jem: *sleepily* That’s nice.





It is a very strange thing, to be in love,” he said.
“It changes you.”

lucie: can we go out to eat ice cream?

will: what did tessa say?

lucie: she said no

will: then why did you ask me?

lucie: cause she’s not the boss of you

will, internally: this is a trap this is a trap this is a trap this is a trap

Part 1 of my Valentine’s post✨

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Valentine’s Day is just a capitalist scam that monetizes people’s need to show love BUT HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THEM<3

Will: Did you dream about me?

Jem: I actually did.

Will: What did I do?

Jem: *thinking about Will being a stripper"

Jem(blushing): Nothing unusual.

Will: Who wants to accompany me to Jem today?

*Everyone runs away*

Will: Oh c'mon guys!


The Herondale Family of London

“‘Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm,’ [Will] whispered. ‘For love is strong as death; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it.’”

- from Fairytale of London by Cassandra Clare (2021)


James “no homo” Carstairs: god I fucking L O V E Will Herondale

oh fuck

oh shit I’m so sorry guys

I’m dropping my love for will

all over the place

fuck I’m so sorry

oh god

oh no

Will *enters room late and disheveled*: sorry I’m late I was doing stuff

Gabriel *enters room, also disheveled*: HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS

Jem: what’re you looking at?

Will, taking a buzzfeed quiz to see what type of breadstick he is: porn

Literally everyone: Tessa you can’t be with both of them

Tessa, about to absolutely blow their minds: oh, haven’t you heard?

*wills phone ringing*

Tessa: wow you still call your father daddy? What are you, three?

Will, making direct eye contact with Tessa: Hey Jem

Tessa: Will, what is that?

Will: it’s my to do list

Tessa: that’s just Jem and I’s names on a piece of paper

Will: and?
