


some photos of chandler, the lastest whitetail deer ive found as roadkill. hes got a peculiar white stripe on each of his hooves ive never seen before. his winter coat is also so soft and gorgeous. ill do my best to honor every part of him i can. ☘

A 60 second video of our children over the years. We have always given them space to do a dangerous things carefully. Voice over by Jordan Peterson.

My wife was the Hunter on this one and I played chef.

We cooked the venison backstrap from my wife’s seven point buck. I wet marinated the venison with red onion, avocado honey and green chili. I seared the venison in a hot cast-iron skillet inside our grill. Just a few minutes on all four sides, rotating the meat at intervals with tongs. Sliced it thin at 45° angle. Plated it with couscous and fresh greens.

Today, my wife and I have been married for 11 years. 11 years ago she said yes and every year, like a chapter in a novel, has folded me deeper in love with her. Today, she harvested this deer for our family. I thank the universe that she is my wife and mother of our children. She sent me these photos, an anniversary surprise, while I was working in Los Angeles., I am 3000 miles away. If I was home, this is something I would be doing for the family. But as I am here, working on projects to provide for our family, she picks up my rifle and walks into the dark forest before the sun came up this morning. #excelsior

Our son (9 yrs) harvested this squirrel on the last day of the hunting season. He skinned it, gutted and prepared the meat all by himself. He started the fire, made the spit, and set up his camp. He is mastering his environment. ( let’s see how long this stays up before the young, keyboard gangster living with their parents, flags this as adult content. 4th time posting this. Tumblr, this is not in violation of your community guidelines)

Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the Now a hunter. 2.11.2018Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the

Now a hunter.

Our eight-year-old son has become a hunter today. He moved through all the steps, from field to table, by himself. He prepared a delicious meal of his own conception and fed us.

We believe that there is an environmental respect when children have this type of connection with their food and environment at a young age. It seemed to work for our grandparents generation.

I hope this latest blog post finds you guys doing well.



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These children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, alThese children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, alThese children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, alThese children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, alThese children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, alThese children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, alThese children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, alThese children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, alThese children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, alThese children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, al

These children are off to a good start. They should be able to move deer from the field to table, all on their own, in a few more years.

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We sped up a little video of how we bone out a venison hindquarter.

#deermeat    #hunting    #venison    #butcher    


After the —- the ghost is gone — dragged into Hell or something — they don’t say a word to each other. Sam takes his cue from Jessica and stays sitting with her in the car. She hasn’t gotten out. Not even after Sam crashed it through a house, which is… She never expected anything like that out of him. Sam, who’s all about the rules and doing things right — running from police, faking an emergency call to help his brother break out, credit card scams and impersonating people and smashing cars right through haunted houses.

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So far I’ve just been doing ficlets for samjessweek, but today’s theme is “hunting,” and I’ve got some meta I’d like to throw out there as well, specifically on the topic of why it is perfectly possible for Sam and Jess to have a healthy relationship without her knowing about hunting.

Basically, and I don’t know how popular it is just that it’s out there, there’s this notion that Sam/Jess was inherently unhealthy because he didn’t tell her about hunting.


Things Sam could have told Jess that would convey important truths about his life without ever getting into the “oh btw monsters are totally real” part of it:

  • his mom died in a fire when he was a baby
  • they moved around constantly for his dad’s job
  • they didn’t have a lot of money
  • he never felt like he fit in and fought with his dad a lot about the way they lived
  • he was really close to his brother because he wasn’t really able to make friends with the way they lived


Sam didn’t even have to go into that much detail if he didn’t want to. Once they got to know each other enough that it would be natural to maybe share about their childhoods, a perfectly valid (and likely, in my opinion) thing for Sam to say would be “Yeah, I really don’t want to talk about it, and I’m not sure I ever will. I get it if that’s not OK with you and you need to bail, but that’s just kinda how it is.”

And I think Jess would have accepted that because she was into Sam and respected him and saw what a good person he was so as far as she was concerned his past was his business, and then been delighted whenever Sam did share any tidbits with her, which I like to think he’d started to do by the pilot. She knew he had a brother named Dean, and I like to think he told her about soccer, and being a mathlete, and being in Our Town and doing tech for Oklahoma! and whatever other scraps of normality he was able to find at various points in his life.

Now, people like to argue that Sam was putting Jess in danger by not telling her about monsters. But here’s the thing: at that point in his life, Sam didn’t know that. He didn’t know that demons were watching him and had a plan for him. His knowledge of the hunting world, of monsters, was that they popped up randomly, and hunters dealt with them. He didn’t know that he had to worry about being followed and watched and manipulated by the supernatural. Sam can’t be expected to protect Jess from a danger he didn’t know existed.

tl;dr: Sam and Jess were adorable and precious and super in love and had a happy healthy relationship and the fact that it ended with her dead will always always hurt me so thank goodness for fanfiction.


Today’ssamjessweek theme is “hunting,” so here’s another ficlet I’ve had lying around for a long time. It’s a scene from an AU where Jess lives and helps the boys hunt, but then things calm down/she talks sense into them, and she and Sam go back to school, but then Azazel takes Sam, but because of Jess they’re able to get him out of Cold Oak alive. This takes place in the aftermath of that.

    They all three checked into a motel room together, exhausted and spent. They hadn’t discussed it, agreed on it, but it was what they all needed.

    Sam and Jess shared a pillow in the middle of their bed, warm breath on each others’ faces, legs tangled, arms tight around each other.

    Dean sprawled across his bed on his stomach. He’d stolen Sam and Jess’ unused extra pillow and made himself a little nest of sorts.

    None of them slept. They were too busy listening to the reassuring sound of the others’ breathing, breathing regularly but not regularly or deeply enough for sleep, too afraid that if they went to sleep the sound would be gone when they woke up.

    Dean listened to the breathing from the other bed. His punk-ass little brother who he’d failed to protect from the horror of the past two days, who had barely come out alive, who was quiet in that way that meant he was keeping things to himself, and they probably weren’t good. His brother who, after everything, refused to kill a person when there was any way to avoid it.

    And Jessica, who somehow became his sister long before Sam put that ring on her finger, who was infuriatingly, refreshingly lacking in the myopic perspective that came from a lifetime of hunting, who had never looked as scared in the face of a monster as she had when he picked her up after her frantic phone call telling him that Sam was gone and there was sulphur on the windowsill. Jessica who chose her battles but then fought them fierce and bloody.

    Sam listened to his brother breathe in the other bed, his brother who had come for him, who had found a way, who did what Sam couldn’t let himself do. He tried to find that unreasonable wave of safe that had swept over him when he heard Dean call his name, desperate and scared, in the street of the ghost town. The part of him that would always be the little brother toddling after his all-knowing and all-powerful big brother believed that as long as Dean was there, he could never really be hurt. Even though he knew it wasn’t true, he clung to that sensation.

    He listened to Jess breathe, felt it waft over his face. He’d been so scared he’d never see her again, so scared of what it would do to her if he didn’t make it out alive. But she’d come for him, fierce and strong and full of love and righteous wrath. Yellow-eyes and Jake had both underestimated her, assumed that because she was beautiful and soft and feminine and only hunted when necessary that she was easily swept aside. But Sam knew. He knew the strength and fierceness of her empathy and compassion. He knew the way stress focused her often-scattered thoughts into an incisive razor’s edge. He knew the physical force of her body, honed with years of dance and yoga and cross country and martial arts and ultimate frisbee. He didn’t see how the forces of hell could do worse than taking away the chance to spend his life with her, learning the parts of her that were still mysteries, that had yet to come into being, and letting her learn him, too. He tried to pull her closer into his chest, but she was already as close as she could be.

    Jess listened to them breathe, these brothers who took up so much of her world these days. Dean, obnoxious and ridiculous and over-protective and hilarious and caring in all the ways fiction had taught her a big brother should be. Dean, whose shell was finally softening, who was finally starting to accept that he could have normal, too, when it all came crashing down again. Dean, who she knew would do anything, probably more than he should, to keep Sam safe.

    And Sam, next to her. She almost lost him today, and just the thought makes it harder to breathe for an instant, and she tries to burrow closer into his chest, but she’s already as close as she can get. Sam, tall and athletic and downright dangerous when he needs to be. Sam, sweet and caring and funny. Sam, intelligent and nerdy and focused. Sometimes too focused, sometimes he gets tunnel vision. Sometimes he gets angry, and she doesn’t know which is scarier, the hot blazing wrath or the stranglehold of control he uses to choke it back, leaving it to fester somewhere deep inside if he doesn’t attend to it in a constructive way. Her Sam, who wants to save the world but can barely believe he is worth saving. She wants to tell him every day, wants to repeat it until he believes it: he is worth it, worth even days like today.

    They are exhausted, but they do not sleep. They lie there in the dark, and they breathe, and they listen.


Forsamjessweek. Today’s theme: Hunting

Jess noticed the scars Sam had. On his arms and legs and torso. But she never asked about them, and Sam never asked about hers.

Jess knew Sam would pick a table near a corner, so he could see everyone and every exit. That’s okay, though.  Jess would have picked the same spot if he hadn’t.

Sam never talked about his childhood, but Jess never talked about hers, either.

When Sam left with the shaky excuse that his father got lost and drunk, Jess knew it was a lie. But she let him leave and tried to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

For two days, Jess worried about Sam and what could be out there with him. After all, you can take the girl out of hunting, but you can’t take the hunting out of the girl.

She had just laid out a plate of cookies for Sam, and then the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.  When Brady showed up at the door, Jess knew something was wrong. She muttered, “Christo,” under her breath and she saw Brady’s eyes turn black. That’s when she ran. Jess was locking the bedroom door and smoothing out her rug before her mind registered what she was doing. There was a false bottom in her nightstand, and there she found her journal with an exorcism in it. 

She was ready when the demon slammed open the door. The salt wouldn’t hold forever, after all. It smirked, walked forward, and said, “What are you gonna do, Jessica? Read me a bed time story?”

“No,” Jess was smirking too. “I think I’ll send you back to Hell instead.”

Brady’s face – the demon wearing Brady’s face - morphed into surprise, and possibly fear, before it changed to anger.

“I’d like to see you try.” That’s the only warning Jess got before the demon was running straight for her. She barely suppressed the urge to flee when Brady hit an invisible barrier and fell backwards from the impact.

Eyes blazing with fury, the demon ran forward again, and again, fell onto its back. 

“Devils’ trap.” Jess said with more than a little vehemence. “You made a mistake possessing my friend.”

The demon looked down at the rug with disgust. 

Jess began the exorcism, “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus,” The demon started twitching and its breathing (she couldn’t tell if it was the demon or Brady) became labored.

“Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio

infernalis adversarii, omnis legio-“



Standing in the doorway was Sam, eyes full of surprise and fear.

While Sam and Jess stared at each other, Brady muttered under his breath.

“Per in meus confinementset.

Incendia qua flamma mos catch.

Burn insquequo illic est nusquam left ut burn.

Burn insquequo cinis cineris smolder humi.”

The smell of smoke alerted both Sam and Jess to the rug, which was burning. The fire quickly caught on the wooden floors and the rug was halfway burnt when the demon smirked and disappeared.

“Run!” Jess screamed over the increasing flames.

Jess grabbed a cover from her and Sam’s bed, wrapped it around herself, and ran through the flames. On the other side, Sam was trying to dampen the fire with their emergency fire extinguisher. 

“C’mon!” Jess screamed as she grabbed his hand and dropped the burning blanket. They both ran out of the apartment in time to see the flames reach the ceiling. Firefighters were already arriving and two were trying to push a man in a leather jacket back from the scene.

Paramedics started walking towards them when they noticed Sam and Jess covered in smoke and ashes, but Sam was already running towards the man in the jacket and dragging Jess with him. “Dean!” he shouted over the commotion.

“Sammy!” came the reply. Before Jess could say anything, they were both hugging fiercely, though the short guy – Sam’s brother, Jess remembered absently - looked kind of embarrassed when they let go.

Just then, it hit Jess. Her apartment and all her belongings – sadly including her hunting journal – were gone.

“Shit.” She whispered under her breath as she started to get dizzy. Must be the comedown from the adrenaline, she vaguely realized. Slowly, she sat down on the curb.

“Hey Jess? Are you okay?”  She heard someone – Sam - say above her.

“Fine. I’m fine.” She responded.  She could see Sam sit next to her out of the corner of her eye.

“Hey,” he said gently. “We’ll figure this out.”

“Yeah, I know. God, I have to call my parents and get new clothes. And I think we need to have a talk.”

Sam let out a surprised laugh. “Yeah. I guess we do.”

They were at a motel, one with a small kitchenette, two bedrooms, and actual channels on the TV. Jess already called her parents, who were frantic but unfortunately stuck in a snowstorm after hunting a spirit in a lighthouse. Jess knew she had enough money for new clothes and other belongings but there was definitely not enough for a new apartment or even a car. Dean, picking up on the obvious tension between Jess and Sam, left under the pretense of getting food.

“So…” she said.

“So…” Sam said back.

“Uhm…”So much for a conversation, Jess thought.

“Okay, I’ll just cut to the chase.” She took a deep breath. “We’re both hunters. We both know what’s out there. We both saw that a demon possessed Brady and… he tried to kill me. Now he’s gone because I didn’t finish exorcising him and he did some kind of weird fire spell to escape. And if he – it - could do a spell inside a devils’ trap, then it was also really powerful. As far as I know, anyway.” Jess finished in one rush. 

“Yeah that’s pretty much- wait. What’s a devils’ trap?” Sam asked.

“Oh, it’s this thing that can trap demons indefinitely. It really comes in handy for exorcisms.”

“Oh, okay. So, uh, anyway, I think I know why the demon tried to kill you.”

“I’m listening.” Jess stated, somewhat worriedly.

“Well, see, when I was a baby, six months old to the day – yesterday actually - a demon came into my nursery, I don’t know why, and killed my mom on the ceiling. According to my dad, her, uh, her stomach was cut open and the place caught on fire. It could just be a coincidence, but with it being the same day my mom died andthe demon setting the place on fire, it makes sense. So, yeah. That’s how we started hunting.” He looked down then, as if Jess would yell at him. “Sorry I never told you.”

“Well I never told you so I’d say we’re even.” Sam looked up at that, a small, hesitant smile on his lips.

“So that hunting trip your father got lost on…” 

“It was a woman in white up in Jericho.”



“Did you find him?”

“No. I mean, I know he’s okay because he left Dean coordinates in his journal, but we never actually saw him. Oh, also, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but… Dean thinks it would be safer if we left Stanford and I agree. I’m gonna drop out, and I think you should, too.”

“That makes sense…” Jess swallowed. “We’ll go get it settled tomorrow.”

“Oh, okay. So that’s taken care of.”

“Okay, well I’m going to bed.” Jess got up and started walking to the closest bedroom. “Oh, and Sam?”

Jess waited until he looked up before she continued. “Your brother isn’t going to hit on me, is he?”

Sam laughed at that and answered as honestly as possible. “I don’t want to be him if he does, but it’s a possibility.”

 “I guess I better think of some new insults, then.” Jess said in a peppy voice before she closed the door.

She could hear Sam’s laughter through the wall. 

The next morning, Jess woke up next to Sam, who unfortunately still smelt like smoke. The clock on the night stand read 7:00 am.

“Hey. Sam. Wake up.”

“Huh?” he mumbled in a groggy voice.

“Hey, c’mon. You need another shower. You still smell like smoke.”

“Give me five more minutes,” he groaned into the pillow. “Or at least some coffee.”

Jess wasn’t taking no for an answer. “No, you’ll get up now, go take a shower, and have some coffee afteryou get out and no longer smell like you went swimming in a fire pit. Okay?”

“Fine,” Sam retorted like a sulking teenager. It made Jess laugh.

In the kitchen, Jess found Dean already making coffee.

He looked at the shirt she borrowed from Sam’s duffle bag, snorted, and went back to looking for mugs. 

“What?” Jess said, a frown flitting across her features.

“Nothing.” Dean responded.

“Uh-huh.” Jess grabbed the mug Dean was reaching for.

Before Dean could say something to go along with the (hilarious) look on his face, Sam walked into the room, hair still soaking wet.

“Hey,” he said by way of greeting.

“Hey,” Dean and Jess said at the same time. Jess hid a smile at the annoyed look on Dean’s face.

Dean waited until everybody had gotten coffee before he spoke again. “So, I know you guys have to quit Stanford and get new clothes and stuff, so I figured I would go see if there might be any clues at your apartment. Old apartment.” He hastened to add.

“Okay, that sounds cool.” Sam’s voice was oddly perky, but his face was unreadable.

Jess, on the other hand, didn’t make a sound, to busy mentally planning a wardrobe better suited for hunting.

They left a week later with no evidence that anything but a fire happened.

Jess never looked back.

@savingthesurvivors founder Dr. Johan and team in South Africa were called to help a desperate reserve owner who had lost 4 Rhinos in one night in a brutal poaching attack!

Many reserve owners in South Africa are feeling immense financial pressure after covid has seen their main income from tourism practically disappear over the past 2 years. By far the biggest expense for these custodians of our wildlife is the security and measures needed to keep the most endangered species safe.

This is where, with your support, our teams can provide life saving assistance. We are able to support these wildlife caretakers with our veterinary services for free, in this case, in collaboration with the @councilofcontributors and helicopter pilot Gerry McDonald, we were able to fly in, trim the horns, take DNA and blood samples and microchip all the Rhinos that remained on the reserve. Undoubtably making them less of a target for the poachers that were feared to still be in the area.

The Reserve owner said - “I stand here with tears in my eyes because of your generosity – we didn’t see how we were going to get this done.” “It’s very lonely being a private rhino owner. Until now, we didn’t have any support, we didn’t know anyone we could call who cares the way we do.”

It is your donations that make this possible, your support has directly protected these Rhinos. Thank you to all that have donated, please continue to show your support by donating via the button or link in our Bio.

#seha #savetherhino #savingthesurvivors #animallivesmatter #antipoaching #NotOnOurWatch #wildography #rhino #veterinarian #wildlife #wildlifevet #rhinoconservation #southafrica  #poaching #rhinohorn #hunting #huntingconservation #rhinovet #rhinosofinstagram  #wildlifephotography #wildlifetourism #safari #vets #veterinarymedicine #vetstudent #veterinarian #animalrescue @craghoppers @craghoppers_south_africa @rebelrhinos @endangeredmints @respectedrhinosclub

Westley Richards .318 Takedown

Westley Richards .318 Takedown

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Three Dorobo Hunters from Kenya Take Meat from 15 Hungry Lions.  Tumblr, meet the three bravest men Three Dorobo Hunters from Kenya Take Meat from 15 Hungry Lions.  Tumblr, meet the three bravest men Three Dorobo Hunters from Kenya Take Meat from 15 Hungry Lions.  Tumblr, meet the three bravest men Three Dorobo Hunters from Kenya Take Meat from 15 Hungry Lions.  Tumblr, meet the three bravest men Three Dorobo Hunters from Kenya Take Meat from 15 Hungry Lions.  Tumblr, meet the three bravest men Three Dorobo Hunters from Kenya Take Meat from 15 Hungry Lions.  Tumblr, meet the three bravest men Three Dorobo Hunters from Kenya Take Meat from 15 Hungry Lions.  Tumblr, meet the three bravest men Three Dorobo Hunters from Kenya Take Meat from 15 Hungry Lions.  Tumblr, meet the three bravest men

Three Dorobo Hunters from Kenya Take Meat from 15 Hungry Lions. 

Tumblr, meet the three bravest men in the world.

P.S. The leader is 65 years old. His name is Rakita (though I can’t find the names of the other two hunters with him.) Here is a short post about this hunt, and the struggles of the Dorobo people to maintain their traditional way of life. The saddest line:

“And so in our lifetime, we will see an end to this ancient lifestyle of hunting, gathering and scavenging. An accumulative knowledge that has been passed down over 1000s of years." 

(gif source video…but for the love of god, don’t read the comments)

(ooh,better video. ignore the other one)

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Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.- Arthur Schopenh

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.

- Arthur Schopenhauer

**Photo: Sophia Loren by Franco Fedelli

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Belgian Adventurers - Gustave Courbet, Grotto of Sarrazine near Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne, c. 1875.- HaiBelgian Adventurers - Gustave Courbet, Grotto of Sarrazine near Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne, c. 1875.- HaiBelgian Adventurers - Gustave Courbet, Grotto of Sarrazine near Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne, c. 1875.- HaiBelgian Adventurers - Gustave Courbet, Grotto of Sarrazine near Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne, c. 1875.- Hai

Belgian Adventurers

- Gustave Courbet, Grotto of Sarrazine near Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne, c. 1875.
- Haider Ackermann, Winter 2015, Menswear
- Dries Van Noten, Winter 2015, Menswear
- Gustave Courbet, The Greyhounds of the Comte de Choiseul, 1866.

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Berburu apa dan dimana? Ikuti serunya libur akhir pekan @dbieoctora hanya di @weekendyuk minggu puku

Berburu apa dan dimana? Ikuti serunya libur akhir pekan @dbieoctora hanya di @weekendyuk minggu pukul 10.30 hanya di @kompastv

#hunting #weekend #desapelangi

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#kingfish what an incredible catch Reposted from @pennythackwray Pegged a couple good kingys this mo

#kingfish what an incredible catch
Reposted from @pennythackwray Pegged a couple good kingys this morning in blue water was not easy lifting these at all arms will definitely be saw tomorrow

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HOLY MOLY , what a huge catch Tag a friend to see this Reposted from @freedivingdan Live life every

HOLY MOLY , what a huge catch
Tag a friend to see this
Reposted from @freedivingdan Live life every day! Never let yourself give in. Work hard, play hard. As my friend Dylan says “ live wild and free” amazing day on the water with @edmund_jin_hhl and @mona__elissa @omeramerica @shark_shield @lightandmotiondive @oceanguardian_official #halibut

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