#i miss you


Hey guys, sorry for not posting anything in a long time.. My mother recently passed away, she was sick for awhile now. Things have been tough on me and my family, especially my dad. I haven’t been feeling really creative lately. It just seems like a part of me has died. I hope to resume creating content soon. With the new gameplay pack coming soon, I’ll be sure to have something for you all. Please keep my mom in your prayers, it would mean a lot to me and my family. Thank you.

- Skky

you were at Laguardia airport Friday morning…

I wish I found that out from you and not from Instagram. 

your roommate commented something like,

“Merry Christmas, I love you, and I’ll miss you”

and you didn’t reply.

I’m always curious

who you’re talking to

instead of me

but it seems 

that you don’t give yourself

to anyone…

Happy Birthday Dean Winchester.

Another year has passed with no new episodes. No new sneak peaks of that charming smile or the sexy pout.

Yet Dean is as much of a part of my life as he was when the show was still airing. I still think about him, and Supernatural daily.

I smile as I remember all of his goofy moments. All the adorable faces that made my heart melt. To the times that he made me cry. (And it’s hard to make me cry.)

This birthday is bittersweet. No more waiting for another episode to fall all over in love with you. Now I go back and watch my favorites, to see how amazing of a man you are.

So Dean, drink a beer and eat some pie, and know you are loved by so many.

Eliseo & Soledad


my new job is so much work and I’d give anything to talk to you for 5 mins.

i miss youi miss you

I see your profile pop up as “active”,

And I almost message you.

It takes everything in me

Not to check in,

Not to ask you how you’re doing..

Not to tell you how sorry I am.

I’m sorry I took us both through

Such an emotional turmoil,

And I’m sorry I hurt you

Just as badly-

If not more-

Than I hurt myself.

I’m sorry I still think of you,

Even though you’re not mine

To think about anymore.

I’m sorry I still crave our connection,

Our laughs,

Our all-night conversations.

I’m sorry-

I just miss you,

And it’s all my fault.


im evolving to the person u wanted me to be

i never knew what it felt like when someone got over their pride and reached out to show me that they wanted me back. i was always the one person to think of great gestures and long letters to fight for someone. i can only ever imagine what it feels like to have someone fight for me.
