#important stuff




if you ever get a rash in the shape of the target logo, especially up to a month after going hiking, camping, a stroll in a park or forest, or being near plants with any skin exposed, you need immediate medical care. a bullseye rash is a sign you have been bitten by a tick that causes a progressive autoimmune disease called lyme. not all people who get bit develop rashes. rashes can take weeks to develop after being bitten.

the longer you wait for treatment, the more likely you are to have permanent damage, need a pacemaker, or die. if you find a tick attached to you, carefully remove it, place it in a plastic bag, and seek medical attention. early treatment is essential.

going off of the number of ticks i’ve pulled off of stray animals lately, this spring and summer are going to be Extremely Bad. 

  • Keep your pets up to date on tick prevention meds
  • Check your pets carefully after they come indoors.  Ticks tend to prefer the areas behind the ears, under the neck, around the nose, genitals, and anus. 
  • Wear long pants with the cuffs tucked into your socks.  Basically, try to reduce the amount of skin that’s exposed while you’re walking in long grass.  
  • Use bug repellent with DEET
  • Check your body carefully when you get inside.  Ticks are especially fond of areas where your skin is very thin, but will bite whatever they can reach.  Pay particular attention to your legs, under your arms, back of your neck, scalp, and genital area.
  • When removing a tick, DO NOT SQUEEZE IT.  This can cause the tick to just… spurt everything it’s consumed right back into you, which is Very Bad.  You can use tweezers, if you’re careful, but I prefer using a specific tool for it.  The tick twister works wonderfully and is very cheap.  It comes in a two pack, with two separate sizes for different ticks.  It’s very important that you remove the head of the tick.
  • Lyme disease isn’t the only tick borne disease.  Hereis a list from the CDC, along with areas of concern.
  • Once a tick is removed, the site will probably be pretty itchy.  Try not to scratch it.  You can use cortisone cream to reduce itching.
  • For Lyme disease in particular, a tick has to be attached to you for at least 36 hours.  Other diseases can be transmitted more quickly.  
  • Once you’ve removed the tick, take a clear photograph of it.  You can dispose of the tick in alcohol to drown it or place it in a plastic baggie.  It’s important to keep either the tick or the picture in case you develop symptoms. 



“… “I’m taking action because I feel desperate,” said U.S. climate scientist Peter Kalmus, who along with several others locked himself to the front door of a JPMorgan Chase building in Los Angeles. A recent report found that the financial giant is the biggest private funder of oil and gas initiatives in the world.

“It’s the 11th hour in terms of Earth breakdown, and I feel terrified for my kids, and terrified for humanity,” Kalmus continued. “World leaders are still expanding the fossil fuel industry as fast as they can, but this is insane. The science clearly indicates that everything we hold dear is at risk, including even civilization itself and the wonderful, beautiful, cosmically precious life on this planet. I actually don’t get how any scientist who understands this could possibly stay on the sidelines at this point.” …”

Every single denialist depends on the idea that big brother government and climate scientists are on the same side so how do they even begin to fit this into their delusion?










MiL is trading $500 worth of quarters that she has for $20 worth of quarters and long story short I’m going to murder some goldbug youtubers.

For the record if you are a prepper and you want to maintain liquidity in the apocalypse I recommend stocking up on tiny bottles of alcohol, not pre-1964 pocket change.

Did she at least get a certificate with them that certifies that in case of the apocalypse all roving bands of raiders will honor her theoretically gold backed currency? Please tell me it was embossed to show how official it is.

You know what’s so weird about this? We are almost uniquely suited to barter in the kind of apocalypse she’s worried about because not only do we have literally tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition at the house, we have the ability to manufacturehundreds of thousands of rounds.

That’s what Large Bastard does. His job is making and testing bullets.

And you know what’s fucking infuriating about her as a prepper? She’s been focused on getting a collection of precious metals at the same time that she had her landscaping guy rip out eight mature fruit trees. She didn’t even let me know; I could have taken them to my dad’s house and replanted them (they were mature but relatively small and we’ve got a truck) but she literally had the landscaper guy feed them through a wood chipper instead of letting anyone take them.

She was talking about stocking up on fertilizer the other day and I was like “look, if you’re really worried about not being able to buy fertilizer in a few years we should start a compost pile now,and maybe get some chickens, and that way when you’re trying to grow stuff on your own you won’t be as reliant on the availability of fertilizer.” And her response was that compost is unsanitary and she wouldn’t trust any food that used compost to grow. (Talk about being out of touch with how your food is made). Plus it might make the yard look messy!

I’m doing a bunch of container gardening right now because she wants to grow food but she doesn’t want to do anything that might damage her lawn. The back yard doesn’t get full day sun, the front yard does. She doesn’t want to grow anything in containers in the front yard because she thinks that people would come steal the food or sabotage it (she ignores the fact that there are two neighbors with foodlawns in the neighborhood whose yards are perfectly fine and left alone).

She keeps dreaming of an apocalypse, and if it comes she’s going to starve on silver because of her abject refusal to believe or participate in community.

She kept the lemon tree, but the dwarf orange, pomegranate, apricot, peach, pear, and plum trees all went as well as an apple tree. Every single one of them had produced fruit.

I’ve proposed using the area that used to have fruit trees as a decent location for a compost pile because the shade means that it won’t dry out as fast as it otherwise would in southern california, and I’ve proposed that she consider putting hydroelectric cells there if she wants something that will actually help her to be a survivalist here, but both of those ideas have been dismissed because she wants the back yard to be “nice for when people come over.”

We, uh, stopped having people over because it seemed unkind to expose people we like to my mother in law. She doesn’t have people over because the only people she knows are the people from church and her sisters, and she hates all of them.

God, I forgot that she also got rid of the grill because she thought it was too dangerous to store propane.

She has also stockpiled a bunch of cans but instead of cycling through them (which is a reasonable way to prepare for an emergency; have a couple weeks worth of spare cans if you can and replace everything you eat as you eat it, eat the oldest stuff first) she goes through her locked and inaccessible storage pantry every six months to throw things away. Sometimes she’ll be like “why didn’t we use these????” and she’s holding up cans that I *would* have used except they were locked in a closet in her bedroom and I didn’t know we had them. And sometimes we haven’t used them because nobody in the house wants to sit down and heat up a nice can of whole beets, what are you doing why did you have six of those and if nobody eats them why did you replace them? “Well in an emergency” “well in an emergency we should have food we WANT to eat, we’re not going to want canned whole beets just because there was an earthquake, what the fuck”

Look. Look. I have spent a lot of time around preppers and survivalists and militia type folks. It’s not a *great* place to spend a bunch of time but sometimes you just roll with the punches. And having spent a shitload of time with preppers and survivalists and militia types, and having gone on a bunch of camping trips with them and foraging trips and fishing trips and forest cleanup trips with them, I feel pretty comfortable saying that my mother in law is somehow the person i know who is MOST obsessed with prepping and also the LEAST good at it.

She comes off as the kind of person who stockpiles those cans but forgets to have a can opener post-apocalypse.

So along with soaking my cast iron pots and pans, she insists on also soaking her can opener every time she uses it because otherwise “it might contaminate everything” so about every six months her can opener gets too rusty to function, so you’re right on the money there.

This thread is a beautiful illustration of why I’ve distanced myself from the prepping community. So many of them were like your mother in law. And what they said they were doing (preparing for disaster) was not what they were actually doing (either self-sabotage or, if I’m generous, maladaptive coping strategies for anxiety).

This is absolutely a maladaptive coping strategy for anxiety on her part but I want to comment on it because I want to explain why this is the thing that she goes with instead of putting in a whole lot of self-work.

I’ve brought it up before, but my MiL is a negative person not in the sense of “she’s just got bad vibes” but in the sense that totally absolutely toxic untreated depression can make you negative. She believes she is helpless. She believes there is nothing she can do to better her situation so she won’t even try.

Like, okay, if you follow me you know I’m a college student, but you may not know that I’m a 35-year-old returning college student who is starting an entirely fresh bachelor’s of science after getting a degree in English Lit eleven years ago. I’d been bouncing around the idea of going back to school for nutrition and there’s a lot more remote learning now because of the pandemic so I’m actually able to get the classes I need, so I started back as a freshman last fall.

I was talking to my MiL about this the other day (she knows that I’m in school) and she was asking me when I’d be done. And I said “uhh, well, if I keep up with the course schedule now I should be able to transfer into a 4-year in Winter of 2023 or Spring 2024 and then it’ll be two years until I’m applying for a master’s program, which will probably be one or two years, depending on how internships work out, so, like, four or five years, if I keep taking a bunch of classes?” and she was *horrified.*

“Oh, that’s so long, oh, you’re never going to be done, oh, why did you even start? You’re going to be in school when you’re forty!”

And. Yeah. Probably. But if I didn’t start now I’d be in school when I’m 50 or, crucially, *I never would have done it in the first place.*

My Mother In Law is queen of “that sounds hard, so you shouldn’t even try.”

And she does that in EVERY area of her life. Last year, when Large Bastard was in the hospital and she was miserable and depressed I recommended that she start doing little colored pencil sketches a couple times a week. I got out my colored pencils and a sketchbook and I handed them to her. She did art in college, she liked drawing, but she turned that down flat. “Oh, I wouldn’t be any good and then I’d just see someone who was good and I’d know I was wasting my time.”

At the beginning of the pandemic she was watching these steel drum videos and she thought they were soothing and peaceful and was so impressed by the talent of the players and I was like, “that’s a hand drum, you’ve got plenty of space and time, why don’t you get one and try it?” and she ordered a drum, tapped it twice, didn’t like the sound, and sent it back.

And there are a thousand things like this. She has a BA in Psychology but never wanted to work in that field because she didn’t think she was smart enough for it. She’s had a piano in her house for thirty years but doesn’t play because she’s not good enough to sound nice when she practices.

And, here’s the thing: she’s miserable. She’s a profoundly unhappy person. She doesn’t have any friends and has alienated her surviving family, the only reason Large Bastard and I live with her is because of an absolute clusterfuck of a medical/insurance situation. She hates her life. She feels terrible about where she is and how she does things.

And I know that if she were to go see a therapist and spend a lot of time and effort on it, she could begin to correct some of the things that made her into this miserable, hateful person.

But that’s too hard. She wouldn’t be good at it. *She doesn’t think she deserves it.* So what’s the point of starting when she’s too old to be someone different anyway?

And this is where I turn this conversation to conservatism as a concept and how it creates people like this, who are miserable and frightened and ineffectual and building fortresses where they will someday die alone.

In order to give enough of a shit about yourself to work on getting better, you have to believe that people are fundamentally capable of change. You have to believe in redemption. You have to believe that people make choices for rational reasons and can choose to make different choices and change the way they interact with the world. You have to believe that your material existence on this planet is important in a lasting way.

A *lot* of American conservatives are like this because they *don’t* believe these things.

They believe that people ARE, they don’t believe that people BECOME.

You ARE good or you ARE evil, you don’t BECOME good.

You ARE a talented musician or you are not, you don’t BECOME a skilled musician.

You ARE saved by the grace of god or you are not, you don’t BECOME a person worthy of salvation (unless you’re catholic and then who knows; my MiL is theoretically catholic except she isn’t, she married into a catholic family from an evangelical family and never really got the concept of *works*)

And this isn’t true of every christian or every evangelical, but I will argue that it’s a little bit true of every conservative because conservatism is fundamentally about preserving things as they are and preventing change at any cost.

And then these people start to worry about themselves. The ARE good people, the ARE saved or they ARE born again or they ARE faithful or they ARE Trump fans. They ARE the things that they think they should be, but their lives suck. They’re scared, they’re frightened, they don’t understand their kids and they think joe biden is going to take 40% of their retirement savings, but they’re already doing the things they’re supposed to be doing and things are still getting worse. And they know their political philosophy can’t be incorrect, because it got them here, after all, and they know their church can’t be incorrect, because their church is what means they’re saved, so they are GOOD PEOPLE and therefore there is no NEED to work on themselves because working on yourself, changing yourself, isn’t POSSIBLE. You can’t BECOME happier, happiness should be given to you because you ARE good, so you don’t make the effort to be happier, because if you really WERE good and DESERVED happiness, the universe would have made sure you were happy by now.

So you don’t look at your life and go “hey, this sucks, maybe I *should* sign up for that senior walking group,” you go “I’m too old to make friends and besides, people just move on and betray you, so I’m going to do what I can to make sure that *I* will survive whatever bullshit is coming next” and there’s always some bullshit coming.

But real survival skills include being nice to your neighbors and learning how to plant stuff and having an unsightly yard and having a network of people who like you enough that you can ask them for help.

And instead of that you’ve got canned beets and a nice lawn and you distrust everyone around you (because they aren’t good like you, or you can’t tell if they’re good like you, and if they were actually good like you you wouldn’t be alone, so they must be evil and plotting against you).

It fucking *sucks* to live in that mindset, so this is where I stop ranting and I give advice:


There’s not an end-date, set-point on you as a person. It’s never too late to change what your life is like, it’s never too late to go back to school, it’s never too late to start doing anatomy studies in a spiral bound notebook with a free pen from the bank, it’s never too late to take a cooking class, it’s never too late to make new friends.

You are busy becoming you until the day you die.

If you’re miserable and your life sucks, buddy, I feel you, look at what I’m living with. But there are things that you can do for yourself to make your life suck less, even if that is something as simple as finding a new album you like or taking up whistling as a hobby.

It is VERY, VERY easy to feel trapped and stuck and helpless but I want you to know that that kind of miserable ‘what’s the point’ attitude is going to be the thing that makes it worse. The point is that you deserve better! The point is that it might be a bright spot in your day! The point is that you might make a friend! The point is that you are an intelligent being that needs some enrichment in your life and canned beets aren’t gonna do it!

So *do* the things you want to do. Learn how to play an instrument even if you’re still gonna suck at it in five years. Start classes even if you’re still going to be in school when you’re fifty.

BECOME the person you want to be instead of being resigned to keeping things as they ARE if you’re miserable.

Anyway I love you all, if you’re feeling hopeless and sad I strongly recommend picking up the cheapest tools possible and drawing *literally anything at all,* or trying to sing just the chorus of a song you like, or looking up any how-to video instead of just waiting for your mood to improve.



So yet again, someone decided a fun thing to do on Twitter would be to invite people to give their “cancelable” opinions about fanfic and how so many things are terrible or overrated or not well-written or whatever (not gonna lie, a loooot of the criticisms have real big not-like-other-girls energy). 

An author saw it, leading to them removing all of their fics from AO3.

The pushback to this author being upset has been along the lines of, don’t put your work out on the internet if you don’t want feedback.

I’ve been trying to understand why that response just falls flat for me, and here’s what I’m thinking. That feels very much like a capitalist consumer viewpoint. “Fic is a thing I consume and as a consumer, my opinion is IMPORTANT because you are marketing a PRODUCT to me. This is a transaction.”

And I realized, that’s not how I experience fic or fandom. For me, fic isn’t a thing that I buy and consume, it’s a gift given to me. 

This is the example I keep thinking of. When I got married, we were given a wedding gift by one of my IL’s friends, a hand-painted bone china pitcher (think Spode or Wedgewood). Beautiful. Classic. Elegant. Like, entirely not us at all. You know what we did? We wrote a heartfelt thank you letter, expressing our appreciation of the gift, the thoughtfulness, etc. What we didn’t do, have never done, is tell them that it didn’t work for us. Because that’s just rude.

Engaging with fic, for me anyway, comes from this emotional space in my heart. So the connection between writer and reader for me, is much more a relationship, even if the relationship is simply that we’re both engaging in a fandom around something we love. It’s not a transaction. 

Of course not all fic is for me; I doubt there’s any fic that every single person without exception has adored! And obviously I know my fics aren’t for everyone either! And that’s okay! Fic is such a gorgeous, lush, rich and realized landscape where so many different things flourish together, and I think that’s really beautiful. There’s something for everyone and there’s room for everyone at the table.

So absolutely, you can put your critical and negative opinions of the gifts others have given you out into public spaces, knowing that the people who have given you those gifts occupy those spaces with you. No one can stop you! 

Personally, I’d much rather focus on the joy that fic has given me, and the gratitude I feel for people’s willingness to share their gifts with me and the world.

rideth-mochi: rideth-mochi: ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧ Can’t believe a shitty screen shot of my Twitter hit 2.5k lol A




Can’t believe a shitty screen shot of my Twitter hit 2.5k lol

Also streaming in a few mins!

Post link




Aries:Nat Peterson


Taurus: Harold Bill Reginald


Gemini: Fred


Cancer: Sandals


Leo: Tom


Virgo: Nancy Suzy Fish


Libra: Sadie Rechid


Scorpio: Shubie


Saggitarius: Scooter


Capricorn: Dave


Aquarius: Old Man Jenkins


Pisces: Abigail Marge



the only zodiac post i care about


honestly im sooo tired of people treating wanting attention like its bad or cringy. bro ur a fuckin human we are social animals what did u expect??? people like attention people benefit from attention wanting attention is NORMAL wanting attention is not bad. It Is Okay To Want Attention <3


this is a really good point, actually


Distinguishing scams from non-scams

Support those who need help that are legitimate usersandhave posts that are truthful who have means of communications enabledandcan be sent messages if your still cautious.

Asks to reblog pinned posts are usually scams. Generally they’ll have their ask boxes disabled and messages turned off meaning you can’t contact them. They’ll commonly tell you their cat/dog needs help but the pictures being used are reused/stolen from others. Other times the pinned post is about anything else but is still a scam. These scammers will spam ask boxes of any user they may find in a certain tag and then may start tagging popular tumblr blogs to spread the scam. They’ll make a guilt trippy story and send asks to users who are not financially stable enough to support anyone. Or are too young to be able to. The scammers blog is set to be hidden. You won’t be able to access the blogs archive to see all posts. However! On mobile there’s timestamps so you can see if a blog is days/hours old when they started up sending asks. You can see if the blog is new or was an old one that suddenly started posting months later. Search the e-mail listed. If it’s already got a warning posted about it, it’s a scam.

You can find people who legitimately need help. They’ll have all methods of contact enabled and will answer any questions you have. They (hopefully) didn’t spam ask boxes for you to find them. Often they’ll be mutual followers or friends of those sharing their posts. They won’t have a strangely worded donation post and likely is using a well known donation service to collect funds. They also hopefully didn’t use SO MANY tags on their donation post because they want it to be easier to find. Their blogs are (usually) accessed from wherever, though some may have it set to hidden for personal reasons regardless.

As an aside, it’s Pride Month. Some scammers will use this as well to scam users unfortunately.

(If you liked this post enough, perhaps donate to myko-fi? But otherwise, I decided to hopefully cover everything here. Yet again once more wasting money to spread this final warning across tumblr.)


I’m gonna say it here too. Allow me to be crystal fucking clear.

  • It is not cowardly to stay in the closet. Full stop. You do not owe anyone any part of yourself you aren’t ready to share
  • If you unable to come out because you fear for your safety or well-being or because you know it will cause you substantial discomfort, that is not a defect in you. It’s a failure of the society in which you live and the community surrounding you.
  • If you just don’t want to share that part of yourself, that is valid and I support you



Ummm byee

So I kind of hate that Putin is trying to restrict the flow of information into Russia so that he can control the narrative, so for my Russian friends, here is my guide on

How to get around internet censorship and maintain internet privacy

This will be an extremely long post


  • Download the Tor Browser
  • This will hopefully help you access the internet regardless of Russian government bans. It’s a little slow, but better than nothing. It hides your IP address from the internet, so it’s kind of like using a VPN. A very basic summary of how Tor works: your internet traffic is routed through several “nodes”. The Entry Node, can see your IP address but has no idea what data you’re sending, and this goes through several middle nodes, until it reaches the Exit Node. The Exit Node can see what data you’re sending, but it can’t see your IP address so it doesn’t know WHO sent it. That’s why it’s a good idea to do nothing identifying when using the Tor Browser, like writing personal information. Here’s a blog post with more detailed information about the Tor Browser.
  • Get a VPN
    • VPNs are often used to get around government internet restrictions. Russia will probably not be able to do much about it. However, not all VPNs are created equal. Nearly all of the free VPNs are a scam that turn around and sell your data, so free VPNs are not secure. The only exception to this is ProtonVPN which has a free tier, but it’s very slow. Basically the only good VPN is one you pay for. When choosing a VPN, be aware of where the company is based, because if a VPN company is based in the USA, it will have to comply USA privacy laws. So choose a VPN based in a country that has good privacy laws. A great one is Mullvad VPN, which is based in Sweden. But for the purposes of Russia, just making sure your VPN is not Russian or in a country sympathetic to Russia is probably good enough.

Alternative Front-Ends
A frontend is the the part of a website which the user interacts with directly. To browse the contents of websites, you usually have to visit them. However, many people have made alternative privacy-respecting frontends to popular websites that allow you to see the site’s content without actually visiting the website. This helps avoid tracking, data-collection, and even countries’ attempts to ban websites. Twitter is banned in Russia right now, but using all an alternative frontend to Twitter works (according to my Russian friend).

Google Translate









YouTube Music

If anyone knows of one of these for Tumblr please let me know. I found this site called Tumgir but it looks sketchy and unlike the rest of the ones I listed, it’s not open-source. So visit with caution, but I’m mentioning it because it might be better than nothing.

There are also these browser extensions that automatically redirect site links to the available alternatives:

Mozilla Firefox

  • LibRedirect - Redirects YouTube, YT Music, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Imgur, Reddit, Wikipedia, Medium, etc.

Google Chrome

  • Privacy Redirect - Redirects Google Maps, Google Search, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Youtube.

iPhone (iOS 15+) Safari

  • Privacy Redirect - Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram, Google Translate, Google maps, Google Search, Medium


  • UntrackMe - Google Maps, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube

Messaging / Communication

Matrix is a federated and decentralized End-to-End Encrypted (E2EE) messaging with many platforms, the most popular of which is Element. It’s like Discord, but worse. It’s getting better over time though! You can even use a a throwaway email to sign-up.

If you’re Russian you likely already know about Telegram, but MAKE SURE you’re aware that only Secret Chats are End-to-End Encrypted. So don’t say anything that would get you in trouble outside of a Secret Chat.

End Notes

China is way better at internet censorship. They’ve had years to build the infrastructure to control the flow of information online. And yet, the Chinese people still manage to “climb the wall” and find ways around this. Russia is new to this game and doesn’t have the resources China does. So I really doubt it’ll be that hard to get around their attempts to block websites. Have faith! And feel free to DM me for more info cause this post just scratches the surface for things you can do tbh.







Man I wish universal basic income was a thing so people could just leave jobs they’re unhappy at and wouldn’t have to worry about not affording their basic needs while they look for something new or so that people could actually explore their passion projects like only the rich and powerful can just take time off to write or work on art or go back to school and even if you’re having mental health problems you can’t just take an extended vacation a lot of places still don’t consider mental health as actual illness anyway fuck capitalism am i right brother?

The best part of UBI is that you don’t need to see a cent of that money to enjoy the benefits it would provide. Just the shear ability to be able say “I don’t have to work here if I don’t want to” would give ALL workers the bargaining power to demand more from their employers, higher pay, more benefits. It would be amazing!

good news if you’re a European citizen: there’s a European Citizens’ Initiative currently collecting signatures to establish unconditional basic income in the EU!

i quote,

Our aim is to establish the introduction of unconditional basic incomes throughout the EU which ensure every person’s material existence and opportunity to participate in society as part of its economic policy. This aim shall be reached while remaining within the competences conferred to the EU by the Treaties.


We request the EU Commission to make a proposal for unconditional basic incomes throughout the EU, which reduce regional disparities in order to strengthen the economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU. [x]

for it to pass, it needs at least 1 million signatures total + minimal participation threshold in at least 7 countries. as of today (September 9th 2021) it’s at a little bit above 146k signatures total and 6 more countries need to reach the participation threshold

if you’re a EU citizen please consider signing here (it’s a quick process! you enter your nationality then follow the instructions, took me 5 minutes yesterday)

if you’re not or can’t sign please consider passing on the info to EU citizens you know!! if we manage to get this implemented, it could really improve quality of life for everyone living in the EU

Even though i dont live in europe i hope they make this happen

reminder that this is CURRENTLY ONGOING

End of the collection period: 25/06/2022

Please share, even if you’re not from Europe!




Hello everybody with summer fast approaching here is your regular reminder that:

  • Everyone needs to wear sunscreen
  • SPF 50 is pretty much the best protection you can get, an SPF higher than that will have the same effect
  • Melanin does not protect you from skin cancer
  • Tanning is caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation
  • Spending the majority of your life receiving regular large doses of UV radiation without any skin protection is a good way to get skin cancer
  • Don’t use tanning beds, and don’t go sun tanning
  • Wear your fucking sunscreen

If you’re swimming in the ocean, also consider looking for coral-reef-safe sunscreen! Some sunscreens are toxic to coral and in popular swimming destinations it adds up



This is a full work stoppage until demands are met. Follow the link to donate to the ABK Worker’s Alliance Strike Fund.

As always, don’t cross the picket line and note this is not a short walk-out, but a full strike that could likely last weeks to months. If you were going to buy ABK games or products during this time, donate to the strike fund instead. This is our way to help take a stand and show those at ABK, and all video game companies, that this kind of behavior will no longer be tolerated by consumers.






Can’t find the godamn ask to tell the blogger to kindly take your art down?


Email [email protected] with links to your originals and the repost, and they’ll take it down.


Japanese translation ・日本語訳





貴方の元々の投稿のURLと転載されたURLをメールに入れて[email protected]に送れば、Tumblrのスタッフが削除してくれます。(※訳注:できれば英語を使った方は多分対応が早くなる)


Korean translation 

계속되는 Tumblr 그림불펌에 지치신 존잘님들!

내려달라고 하고 싶지만 불펌한 당사자에게 직접적인 연락이되지않아서 골치아프신가요?

»> [email protected] «<  이쪽으로 원본 소스 링크와 허락없이 올려진 링크를 이멜로 보내시면 Tumblr가 알아서 내려줍니다. 

그리고 영어가 불편하신분들을 위해서 간단하게 작성을 했습니다:
“My art was uploaded without permission on Tumblr, and I would like the post removed.  
This is the original link to my art (소스링크) .
This is the post I would like deleted (불펌링크) .” 





(all mentioned in the AnimeNEXT panels feat.
Takahiro Ogawa, Junpei Tatenaka, Noriko Ito, and
Izumi Hirose)

- Viktor and Yurio both have the iPhone 6plus and Yūri has the 6s
- Pichit is into Harajuku fashion.
- Takahiro Ogawa’s (animation producer) favorite character is Georgi.
- The difference in clothing color is frequently modified to fit the color scheme of the scene, also so it looks like the characters are not wearing the same clothing.
- The bottom left corner of the X on the shirt Yurio wore in his exhibition skate is slightly longer than all the other corners.
- The bolts on the bottom of each characters skates are customized to each individual character, showing their different skating styles.
- Each of the main characters have specialized eyes, Yurio has a green to blue gradient with blue shadow, Yūri has Brown with gray undertones, and Viktor has different tones of blue “like the sky”.
- The original sketches for Yūri’s Katsudon were rejected manytimes, the reason stated was because it needed more “Eros”
- Backgrounds for the different skating rinks are computer generated and the characters are drawn into the rink.


Just a matter of time before you see your spark again. You never lost it, you were getting ready for a bigger comeback.

ouidius:– R. Todd, 1925


– R. Todd, 1925

Post link




I’m saying this as a gay and trans person:

Gay and trans people will literally go “Even if these identities were a choice, it’s still wrong to oppress us!” and then turn to fat people who are facing immense oppression and say “You’re making the choice to be fat, so…kind of your fault :/”

Also keep in mind that, just like queerness, fatness is not something the average fat person “chooses.” Genetics, socioeconomic status, disabilities, and so much more determine fatness.

This. I mean, I’m fat, and people in school used to call me a cow or wouldn’t hang out with anyone who looked fat to them. Like, I can’t help being heavy anymore than I can help being trans and gay, or being short. I exercise when I can, I try not to overeat, and I take it one day at a time, but I don’t lose weight, because it’s just something in my genetics.

And people fail to remember that words hurt, bad, and their words that they use to hurt fat people like me, those words never leave my mind. When I look in the mirror, I hate what I see… when I look at other people, I think, “I wish I was strong like they are, holding their head up high and not showing the pain of the words fat-phobic people use,” or, “they look fucking amazing, and I wish I looked like them,”… do people not realize that the harmful words people use do affect people, that once they say something harmful, they can’t ever unsay it? Because if they did realize it, and chose better words. The world would be a better, beautiful place.

Not only do fat people face oppression through bullying, we also face wage gaps, workplace harassment, job discrimination, are not protected by anti-discrimination laws, our abuse is televised for entertainment (shows like Biggest Loser), we’re encouraged to mutilate our organs in order to conform to society’s beauty standards (weight loss surgeries), fat children are taken into the foster care system purely for being fat, medical discrimination (fat people are not given the same quality healthcare as thin people), and so much more. Don’t forget that when I say oppressed, I mean that we are oppressed in literally every way.


I would strongly recommend blocking this user… The reason is self explanatory (this was a comment on a child’s HB recording )

(Please consider reblogging - people need to realise this sort of content isn’t welcome here).


tbh being able to freely admit when you’re wrong without getting defensive or angry is a skill we should all be working on more as a species

tbh telling someone they’re wrong without getting offensive or angry is a skill we should all be working on more as a species
