
Three columns standing near the remains of the Theatre of Marcellus. This once lively theatre, commi

Three columns standing near the remains of the Theatre of Marcellus. This once lively theatre, commissioned by no other than Julius Caesar himself, eventually fell into disrepair, until finally turned into apartments.
#orphanednation #italy #tuscany #italian #ig_italia #nature #bbctravel #cctv #passionpassport #photojournalism
#rome #worldcaptures #instatravel #lonelyplanet #yourshotphotographer #travelblogger #ig_italy #backpacking #lifewelltravelled #instapassport #traveltheworld #natgeo #travelpics #wanderlust #roma #travelphotography #backpacker #旅行 (at Rome, Italy)

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While traveling through Italy with my family I made sure to get a picture of one of the numerous sun

While traveling through Italy with my family I made sure to get a picture of one of the numerous sunflower fields in the Tuscan countryside.
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#traveldiary #worldcaptures #instatravel #lonelyplanet #yourshotphotographer #travelblogger #ig_italy #backpacking #lifewelltravelled #instapassport #traveltheworld #natgeo #travelpics #wanderlust #inspirationcultmag #travelphotography #backpacker #旅行 (at Tuscany)

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Pronoun- a word that takes the place of, or fulfills the function of a noun in certain specific circumstances. 

The types of pronouns in Italian are: personal, relative, interrogative, possessive, demonstrative, and indefinite.

Personal Pronouns 

Their function is to refer to somebody or something known to both listener and speaker, either because they are actually present or because they have already been mentioned in the conversation or in the text. The pronouns have the same gender and number as the noun to which they refer.

(I) STRESSED Personal Pronouns

Stressed personal pronouns are used to identify clearly the person to whom we refer, usually to distinguish them from somebody else. They almost always refer to people, rather than to things or animals. 

1. Subject Pronouns

  • io - I
  • tu - you
  • lui / lei - he / she
  • Lei - you (formal)
  • noi - we
  • voi - you
  • loro - they
  • Loro - you (pl., formal)

Othermuch less usedsubject pronouns (limited to formal written and spoken language) are:

  • egli, esso - he
  • ella, essa - she
  • essi- they (m)
  • esse- they (f)

!!!In Italian, use of subject pronouns with verbs is not essential, since the endings of Italian verbs always show who the subject is. The use of pronouns is limited to situations where special emphasis on the subject is needed.

2. Object Pronouns

Object pronouns are used to refer to the person or thing that is the target of an action, and stressedobject pronouns place particular emphasis on it.

  • me- me
  • te- you
  • lui / lei - him / her
  • Lei- you (formal)
  • noi- us
  • voi- you (pl.)
  • loro- them
  • Loro - you (formal, pl.)

These pronouns can be used as the direct object of a verb:

- Vorrei vedere teal post mio!

or, preceded by a preposition, as theindirect object or other complement of a verb

- Dai amequei soldi! 

!!! When a preposition is present, only stressed pronouns can be used. 

3. Reflexive Pronouns (stressed)

Reflexive pronouns refer to the object or other complement of a verb, when it is the same person as the subject

  • me (stesso/a) - myself
  • te (stesso/a) - yourself 
  • sé (stesso/a) - him/herself
  • noi (stessi/e) - ourselves
  • voi (stessi/e) - yourselves
  • sé (stessi/e) - themselves 

The use of stessoto increase the emphasis given to the pronoun, is optional.

EX:Ama il prossimo tuo come te stesso.

I’m not talking about books and grammar (there are already too many masterposts for that) but how to get into Italian culture with music, movies, recipes, news, social media pages and more. Enjoy!





Francesca Michielin
Tiziano Ferro
Lorenzo Fragola
Malika Ayane
Eros Ramazzotti
Vasco Rossi
Alessandra Amoroso
Cesare Cremonini
Adriano Celentano
Laura Pausini
Zero Assoluto
Giusy Ferreri
Baby K
playlist of italian classics

Movies(click on the title for a plot summary and trailer):

Classics and dramas:

La vita è bella
La grande bellezza
Nuovo cinema Paradiso
Il postino
La leggenda del pianista sull’oceano
Don Camillo movie series


Benvenuti al sud
Benvenuti al nord

La peggior settimana della mia vita
Il peggior Natale della mia vita

Chiedimi se sono felice
Tre uomini e una gamba
La leggenda di Al, John e Jack

Quo vado?
Cado dalle nubi

Benvenuto presidente
Bianco, rosso e Verdone
Il 7 e l’8
Stai lontana da me

TV series:

Don Matteo
Il commissario Montalbano
I Cesaroni
Un medico in famiglia
RIS - Delitti imperfetti
Squadra antimafia

Sit Coms
Love bugs
Camera Café
Casa Vianello


La Stampa
Il Corriere della Sera
La Repubblica
Il Messaggero
Il Sole 24 Ore
Il Post

Facebook pages:

Tua madre è leggenda
Il Milanese Imbruttito
Studente in crisi
Link divertenti
Mamme che scrivono messaggi su Whatsapp
Matteo Renzi che fa cose
Se i quadri potessero parlare
Il coinquilino di merda
Commenti memorabili

Twitter accounts:

Andrea Saccomani
Il Bomma
Ahbeh c’è Dario
Fata Zucchina


La Cucina Italiana
Giallo Zafferano
Benedetta Parodi
I menu di Benedetta (video playlist)


Maurizio Crozza
Enrico Brignano
Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo


RAI Cultura - Italiano: learn Italian online on this Italian TV channel website. Test your level, watch videos, play games and more!

Cultura Italia: Explore every aspect of Italian culture (architecture, music, popular traditions, literature, art, cinema etc.)! Also available in English.

On this website you can read Grimms’ fairy tales in 18 different languages! (English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Dutch, Danish, Romanian, Finnish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish and Hungarian)


easily confused words in Italian:

la vita (pl. le vite):life

la vite (pl. le viti): 1. vine2.screw

L’amore guarda non con gli occhi ma con l’anima.

-W. Shakespeare

«Due amanti silenziosi somigliano a due arpe con lo stesso diapason

e pronte a confondere le voci in una divina armonia.»

-A. Karr

Alla fine il bello dell’amore è proprio il fatto di potersi innamorare di chiunque. È solo un amico ma poi ti innamori. È antipatica ma poi ti innamori. Siamo così diversi, ma poi ti innamori. Abitiamo lontanissimi, e ti innamori. L’amore non si sceglie, l’amore ti sfonda la porta di casa e ti trascina da chi gli pare.

-Francesco Roversi♡

L'amore ha nel cuore la bellezza del tuo sorriso.


Solo un cuore che si incastra con il tuo può riuscire a sentire le parole dette nel silenzio.


30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda

Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!


I searched on Google “How to set goals for yourself”, and these are the 7 steps that popped up in the suggestions’ box:

  1. Think about the results you want to see. (Pensa ai risultati che vuoi vedere)
  2. Create SMART goals. (Crea degli obiettivi INTELLIGENTI)
  3. Write your goals down. (Scrivi i tuoi obiettivi)
  4. Create an action plan. (Realizza un piano d'azione)
  5. Create a timeline. (Crea una sequenza temporale)
  6. Take action. (Agisci)
  7. Re-evaluate and assess your progress. (Rivaluta e stima i tuoi progressi)

I feel that goals are pretty personal though. I mean, each one of us should think about their life and envision what they want to make out of it. After envisioning, come the choices: what do I have to do in order to reach that goal? Almost for sure, I’ll have to learn something: be it about myself, how to plan or really buildt a knowledge by studying (language, IT, …anything). What can I renounce to do and what I cannot? I think it’s also related to regrets, at a certain levels.
I am re-evaluating the timeline part: I have never been a fan of having a fixed timeline on the long run: I have always liked to leave my future a bit more adaptable to changes, but I found out I tend to get lost on daily basis (learning new things, chaning my mind, improvising) and that makes me lose sight of the future. So, also after talking with Panda, who’s way better than me at this, I decided to change a bit.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
Just remember to never give up if it seems that goals are never coming true. You never know when the right time is coming.


goals = gli obiettivi
timeline = la cronologia degli eventi, la sequenza temporale, la timeline
action = azione
progress = il progresso
to learn = imparare
to envision = visualizzare
choices = le scelte
to renounce = rinunciare
to get lost = perdersi
never give up = non arrenderti/si mai

DOMENICA IN started with ukraine esc’s winning song and they’re still talking about the eurovision now, you can watch the show later tonight or tomorrow as well on raiplay

Tonight (10:10 PM GMT+2) on RAIUNO there will be a Special 75 minutes docushow about Sanremo 72, how it was created and all the songs from behind the scene

But wait…


5000 post, con un post sull'Eurovision
sayitaliano’s trash european side wins

Concurrences exercise (2)

Short exercise about adjective-noun-article-verb concurrence (this is not a gender-free exercise cause Italian grammar is still very related to genders and there are occasions in which is hard to find a gender-free way of writing). Make your choice and check it under the keep reading link.

A. Io e mio fratello sono molto felici.
B. Io e mio fratello siamo molto felice.
C. Io e mio fratello siamo molti felice.
D. Io e mio fratello siamo molto felici.

A. Luigi e sua sorella va al mare.
B. Luigi e sua sorella vanno al mare.
C. Luigi e suo sorella vanno al mare.
D. Luigi e suoi sorella vanni al mare.

A. La tua casa e molto grande.
B. La tua casa è molto grande.
C. La tue casa è molta grande.
D. La tua casa è molta granda.

A. Lo mio gatto beve il latte.
B. Il mio gatto beva il latte.
C. Il mio gatto beve il latte.
D. Il mio gatto beve lo latte.

A. Io rispondono al telefono.
B. Io rispondo allo telefono.
C. Io rispondo a il telefono.
D. Io rispondo al telefono.

A. Oggi abbiamo scritto sul quaderno.
B. Oggi abbiamo scritto sul cuaderno.
C. Oggi abbiamo scritti sul quaderno.
D. Oggi abbiamo scritto sullo quaderno.

A. I cani abbaia al ladro.
B. I cani abbaiano al ladro.
C. I cani abbaiano a lo ladro.
D. Gli cani abbaiano al ladro.

1D - 2B - 3B - 4C - 5D - 6A - 7B

Ciao! Got another question for you:

Who wants to try to tell me about your fav movie? In Italian ofc. Or your fav food, actor(actress), musician, subject, language, book… anything that makes you comfortable.

Remember that writing is harder in Italian, so don’t worry too much about the mistakes you may make… just give it a try. We Italian make mistakes as well. It may be of help!

(Go anon if you rather!)
