#jude x cardan



❝ , . ’ , .❞


Luego de muchos meses de insistencia y de ver este libro por todos lados, me animé a leerlo. Bueno, pasaron cosas…

Cuando Jude era una niña pequeña, un hombre había asesinado a sus padres de una forma demasiado cruel. Ese extraño que había generado tanta tragedia y caos en su hogar, no solo se encontraba allí para arrebatarle a las personas que más amaba, sino que su propósito principal era secuestrar a su hermana mayor. Y como daño colateral, a ella y a su gemela también.

Muchos habitantes de Elfhame odiaban a los humanos, en especial, el Príncipe Carda, el hijo menor del Rey. Él no solo decía que no soportaba la presencia de criaturas débiles como Jude y su hermana, sino que hacía todo lo que estuviera a su alcance para hacerles la vida imposible.  

Jude soñaba con tener un lugar en la Corte, porque eso la convertiría en alguien un poco más respetable en ese lugar, pero para poder lograrlo, ella debía enfrentarse a Cardan. Pero el precio era demasiado caro y se vio envuelta en una serie de engaños y mucha violencia.

ó: Hace un par de años leí un libro de la autora y la verdad que no me gustó para nada, pero no voy a dar detalles porque no veo que sea necesario. Así que no estaba muy segura de comenzar The Cruel Prince por miedo a que pasara lo mismo. Pero, me alegro de haberlo hecho porque me gustó bastante.

Sí, por momentos me costaba conectar con la historia porque no me atrae mucho todo lo que sea faerie, pero poco a poco me fue convenciendo. El worldbuilding me pareció muy interesante, y perfectamente podía imaginar el contraste de Elfhame y el mundo humano.

Los personajes me parecieron muy interesantes y bien desarrollados, pero me gustaría conocerlos un poco más en el próximo libro, en especial a Vivi, porque sentí que no tuvo mucho protagonismo siendo que gracias a ella estaba en ese lugar.

Se nota que la pluma de Black ha mejorado en estos años. Logró que al final terminara por engancharme con la trama y me dejó con ganas de saber qué va a pasar con Jude y con Cardan. Espero conseguir pronto el segundo libro.

¿Ustedes lo leyeron? ¿Qué les pareció?

morgana0anagrom:This is the Queen of Nothing dust jacket I painted for @wickedcreaturesbox hope yo


This is the Queen of Nothing dust jacket I painted for @wickedcreaturesbox hope you guys will like it xoxo characters are Jude and Cardan from The folk of the Air by Holly Black

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The Music of Monsters

Batten Down the Hatches

Read it on AO3!

Part I | Part II

Word Count: 4,159

Content Warning: description of non-consensual kiss, descriptions of blood and bodies

Listen while you read!

Jude rolled the limp siren’s body off of her own, his weight hitting the rough deck with a single, solid thump. She swiped a hand across her mouth.

Giving it a sharp twist, she yanked the dirk free from between the siren’s ribs. Then, for good measure, she kicked him in the side once, twice. He laid limp on the deck, unmoving, blue blood pooling into a sickly puddle beneath him.

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The Music of Monsters

Give No Quarter

Read it on AO3!

Part I | Part II

Word Count: 2,715

Content Warning: description of non-consensual kiss

Jude Duarte sat in the plush velvet armchair, twirling a knife into the delicately carved wood arm. She shifted her grip loosely, carving a small J into the arm stump. The scrolls of the chair were elaborately carved, likely by hand, and looked imported. The plush velvet lining the bottom was clean, and the chair behind the desk did nothing to vanish any curiosity about the wealth they must have. A man walked in a moment later, tossing his blonde hair out of his eyes and perching on the arm of the chair behind the desk between them. Maps littered its surface, the swirling oak gall ink depicting great sea serpents twisting off the page.

He cleared his throat, glancing at the knife she had resumed twirling into the armrest. “So. settled, then?” She could smell the coffee on his breath from where he sat, the deep purple pigment under his eyes not so easily hidden.

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Jude Duarte from The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, I almost gave up this fanart cause I didn’t like the colors but HEY never give up right? I ended up really liking the result, what do you think?

“Kiss me again,” he says, drunk and foolish. “Kiss me until I am sick of it.”

I hope you like this judecardan fanart ♡

Ig: barb.arts

finished my drawing of jude from cruel prince!

finished my drawing of jude from cruel prince!

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Cardan: *panicking* Jude! You’re bleeding!

Jude: *completely calm* Don’t worry, it’s not my blood.

The entire Jurdan ship is just what if “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss/mansplain, man whore, manipulate” was the basic concept for a relationship dynamic and y'know what I can’t even be mad about it

“By you, I am forever undone” this and “my sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned” that like Holly have you ever actually heard a 19 year old boy speak

a year after previous jurdan fanart (see it there!) i did another one 3:) and it took me forever for sure much longer than it should have

my art tag|instagram|commissions

My friend just said that kaz calling inej an investment has the same vibe as cardan yeeting jude into a river and I-

so i’ve seen this photoshoot of olivia rodrigo and she looks somehow identical to this fanart of jude duarte??? i think i love the idea of her as jude

fan art made by: @phantomrin!!

Jude: Handcuffs fucking hurt.

Vivi: Use silk rope next time.

Jude: I don’t think I can convince a police officer to use silk rope.

“If you’re the sickness, I suppose you can’t also be the cure.”

Shut up, Cardan.

Go to sleep, Cardan.

Fuck, he’s adorable though.

Friend: “The book you recommended was just about two people who hated each other at first slowly fall in love!”


The jude and cardan 3D models i did a while back, fully rigged and never to be touched again

“Rude boys get punished.”

(yes I did get the book today. Yes I did finish the book today. Yes I have finals)

Aslog kinkshaming Cardan is honestly the highlight of my day

Me, looking at canon art of Cardan choking the living daylights out of Locke:

I might be an idiot but…. Couldn’t Cardan just say he didn’t kill Val Moren’s boyfriend? He can’t lie so it’d be pretty easy to clear up that misunderstanding, right?

Finally done with my chibis of Cardan and Jude! I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I put so mu

Finally done with my chibis of Cardan and Jude! I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I put so much effort into their clothes and hair. I know this isn’t the hairstyle she wore with this dress, but it was so iconic for her I just had to draw it.

You can buy prints and stickers of this at my RedBubble!

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“I’m gonna make bisexuals go thirsty on both Cardan and Jude for 3 books and a novella” Holly Black, probably, while writting The folk of the air.

Here are the bonus pages from Waterstones’ edition of “How the king of Elfhame learned to hate stories”.

I repay in kind the people who once shared Cardan’s letters with us. Enjoy!
