


Jude: Have you had dinner?

Cardan: Of course!

Cardan: I had a salad

Cardan: A fruit salad, actually

Cardan: With a lot of grapes

Cardan:….just grapes

Cardan: Fermented grapes



Caradn: Wine. I had wine for dinner


Jude: would you stop being so proud?

Cardan: I’m proud?! You didn’t even take my last name when we got married!

Jude: I use it for official things.

Cardan: letting me call you Mrs.Greenbriar in the bedroom isn’t official.

Jude: it’s officially hot


The Music of Monsters

Batten Down the Hatches

Read it on AO3!

Part I | Part II

Word Count: 4,159

Content Warning: description of non-consensual kiss, descriptions of blood and bodies

Listen while you read!

Jude rolled the limp siren’s body off of her own, his weight hitting the rough deck with a single, solid thump. She swiped a hand across her mouth.

Giving it a sharp twist, she yanked the dirk free from between the siren’s ribs. Then, for good measure, she kicked him in the side once, twice. He laid limp on the deck, unmoving, blue blood pooling into a sickly puddle beneath him.

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The Music of Monsters

Give No Quarter

Read it on AO3!

Part I | Part II

Word Count: 2,715

Content Warning: description of non-consensual kiss

Jude Duarte sat in the plush velvet armchair, twirling a knife into the delicately carved wood arm. She shifted her grip loosely, carving a small J into the arm stump. The scrolls of the chair were elaborately carved, likely by hand, and looked imported. The plush velvet lining the bottom was clean, and the chair behind the desk did nothing to vanish any curiosity about the wealth they must have. A man walked in a moment later, tossing his blonde hair out of his eyes and perching on the arm of the chair behind the desk between them. Maps littered its surface, the swirling oak gall ink depicting great sea serpents twisting off the page.

He cleared his throat, glancing at the knife she had resumed twirling into the armrest. “So. settled, then?” She could smell the coffee on his breath from where he sat, the deep purple pigment under his eyes not so easily hidden.

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gabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edigabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edigabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edigabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edigabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edigabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edigabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edigabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edigabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edigabrielleragusi: Jude and Cardan, again.These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edi


Jude and Cardan, again.

These are all the endpapers I did for the German special edition of The Folk of the Air by Holly Black published by Chest of Fandoms. Unfortunately it’s sold out. I like collecting all the books I’ve worked on, so I was very sad when even I couldn’t get the trilogy because there were no more copies left.

Instagram -ArtStation-Website-Art Prints

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“If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse” - Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Jude and Cardan “sharing” royal duties

I had fun coloring the outfits and referencing Art Nouveau designs for Jude’s dress. Unfortunately I didn’t find anything suffice for Cardan so I turned to iridescent fabrics instead

My IG here

Cardan: *panicking* Jude! You’re bleeding!

Jude: *completely calm* Don’t worry, it’s not my blood.

The entire Jurdan ship is just what if “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss/mansplain, man whore, manipulate” was the basic concept for a relationship dynamic and y'know what I can’t even be mad about it

a year after previous jurdan fanart (see it there!) i did another one 3:) and it took me forever for sure much longer than it should have

my art tag|instagram|commissions
