

Sudden Cursed BerdKris Thought

*Kris goes inside a chicken restaurant where Berdly works*

Berdly, in a bored tone: “Alright, what’ll it be Kris? The breast, thighs, or wings?”

Kris: *thinks about burying their head in Berdly’s floofy chest*
*thinks about Berdly wrapping his thighs around Kris*
*thinks about thinks about soft wing hugs from the birb*

Kris: “I want the whole thing.”

Berdly: “Damn dude, the family meal? Are you sure?”

Berdly: Valentine’s Day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart-shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos—

Kris: I wrote you a poem.

Berdly, already crying: You did?

Susie: So are you two, like, dating now?

Kris & Berdly:Yes.


Berdly: Well, I happen to find Kris very appealing.

Susie: Yeah, yeah, I get that. I’m just trying to understand what’s wrong with Kris.
