#kinda personal


just letting Everyone know that I’m doing commissions for right now that they’ll probably be a couple days late than I originally said- I’m just having a bit of rough time and need a little bit of time off. I’m am hoping to have them all done by the middle-end of next week tho.
Sorry again



Honestly, after the shit Aang pulled at the ember island players, I 100%would’vesupported the episode ending with Aang walking in on Zuko and Katara making out.

Oh straight up, because that shit was nonconsensual and the fact that Aang threw another temper tantrum just pissed me off. I don’t care that he’s 12, the narrative needs to show him actually learning and taking accountability.

I hate the whole “he was 12. He was just a kid” excuse. So what? Katara was also a kid. Hell- I was a kid when I was assaulted. And my assault was way more than an unwanted kiss.

Just because someone is “a kid” doesn’t make their actions any less damaging to the victim. Why is it that when a male forces themselves on someone at a young age it’s “just a mistake?” But when it comes to the female victim it’s always “she should’ve known better?”

I was 13, and it’s almost been a decade since I was attacked, and I’m still trying to move on. I lost my childhood and experiences all girls should have growing up because of him and what he did to me at that same age.

Meanwhile, he’s off accomplishing his ten-year plan as if nothing happened. And that’s because it didn’t- not to him. To him, I’m just collateral damage. It’s not fair. It’s not fair that men like him get away with these things and society lets them because people are conditioned to defend them.

That’s where the excuses of “he was just a kid. You should’ve known better. What were you wearing? Don’t ruin his life, etc.” all come from. “Don’t ruin his life.” What about mine?

This whole scene triggers me because the way the show presents it was “a mistake” and quickly forgotten by the end of the series. I personally would’ve been fine if they kept that in if they showed some form of repercussion to signify that this type of behavior is not okay because this type of messaging is dangerous to children, especially to young girls.

But instead of using that scene- that is recognizable to almost every woman and afab person out there- as a learning opportunity on boundaries, it’s just used as a way to further the “will they won’t they” dynamic.

I can’t be the only one who discovered their hand fetish through tbhk’s art right??? They’re just so well drawn and emotionally involved I can’t help it…

If someone held my hand like this I’d cry from happiness (no, I’m not Kira Yoshikage).

i realized that i’ve been identifying as ace for over two years now…
