#kitchen witch


Kitchen Witch do you want any cookies?

By Madison Safer Illustration I believe bit please correct me if I’m wrong!



Adobo Seasoning Mix: Adobo is a traditional Mexican spice mix containing paprika, black pepper, onion pepper, oregano, cumin, hot chilies, and garlic powder. Magical uses include protection, banishing, or hex breaking. Combine half a jar of adobo seasoning mix with two cups of corn flour. Sprinkle around the outside of your home to get rid of negative energies.

Apple Pie Spice: A combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and cardamom, apple pie spice is the perfect mix for spicing things up with your partner! Dress a red candle in grape-seed or olive oil- avoiding the wick- and roll it in apple pie spice. Burn while spending time with your lover. Or sprinkle this mix over a self-lighting charcoal instead.

Cajun Seasoning Mix: Generally a blend of paprika, salt, black and white peppers, garlic, onion powder, thyme, and cayenne, Cajun seasoning is perfect for strong protection. Use this mix to form circles when doing important works. Sprinkle just a pinch in the hoes of someone who needs a little watching over.

Chili Powder: Made with salt, hot chilies, onion, oregano, and garlic, chili powder is great for keeping away illness. Leave out tiny bowls of chili powder- out of reach of pets and children- during cold and flu season to help ward off illness.

Chinese Five-Spice Powder: Chinese Five-Spice Powder is an amazing blend of star anise, fennel seed, cinnamon, hot peppers, cloves, ginger, and licorice root. This mix lends itself to several kinds of herbal magic, including love spells, spells for igniting passion, and even spells for retaining information.

Cinnamon Sugar: With sugar sweetening a person or situation and cinnamon speeding up a spell, the two work great together when you need to get someone on your side quickly. Serve cinnamon toast to someone who could use some convincing. Sprinkling a little of the mix where you know a person will walk might influence them to look more kindly on your situation.

Curry Powder: Curry powder recipes can vary greatly brand to brand, so it’s helpful that the mix already has some traditional uses! Turn to curry powder for protection, memory retention, and fertility spells.

Montreal Steak Seasoning: A combination of paprika, black and red peppers, garlic, salt, onion, dill, and coriander, this spice mix contains many of the individual ingredients you’d need to protect yourself or your home from ghosts or other negative energies. Create four small cloth pouches, fill them with this blend, and hang one in each of the farthest corners of your home.

Pickling Spice: Pickling spice can contain a wide variety of herbs and spices, but most are a mix of mustard seed, coriander, black pepper, dill, fennel seed, celery seed, and bay leaf. This combination can be used for many different intents, such as protection from ghosts or luck, lust, and wish magic.

Pumpkin Pie Spice: Pumpkin pie spice is one of my all-time favorite blends. I usually carry a small container of this mixture of cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmeg, and allspice in my on-the-go kit to add to almost any spell to “speed it up.” It’s also a great blend for business ventures, money draw, and simple healing spells.

Source: Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery- Kris Bradley

This book is in my library and I absolutely adore it. :)


So you have seen our lovely bath magic spells but you cannot take a bath. Maybe you don’t have a bath in your current residence, maybe you are physically unable to use bathtubs, maybe you’re just super stretched for time but want to get in some extra magical umph. Recreational Witchcraft is here for you. 

Shower disks are traditionally used in the aromatherapy world to relieve congestion and other flu-symptoms while showering via the use of essential oils, but we will be bumping up their magical potential.

Basic recipe:

  • 1 cup baking soda 
  • 1 tablespoon corn starch
  • 1/3 cup of water
  • Muffin tins and muffin liners

Combine baking soda and corn starch (making sure there are no clumps), then slowly add in the water. Fill lined muffin tins about third of the way, then leave out for 24 hours to dry completely. Carefully take them out of the liners, add your essential oils, and place your disk somewhere in your shower that will allow them to dissolve slowly while you do your business. Bam. You’re done. 

Now onto the magic. All dry ingredients (herbs, spices, etc) should be added in with the baking soda and corn starch before the water is added. All essential oils should be added right before they’re used (so when they’re completely dry).

Cleansing and Purifying:

  • essential oil of rosemary
  • essential oil of lemongrass
  • dried peppermint leaves
  • dried lemon rinds
  • dried rosemary


  • essential oil of lavender
  • essential oil of eucalyptus
  • dried basil leaves
  • dried lavender flowers
  • pinch of ground cloves


  • essential oil of sweet orange
  • essential oil of rose
  • essential oil of jasmine
  • crushed red rose petals
  • pinch of (body safe) glitter

Attracting Love:

  • vanilla extract
  • essential oil of jasmine
  • essential oil of ylang ylang
  • apple seeds
  • 1 lavender flower
  • pinch of cinnamon

Attracting Money:

  • essential oil of patchouli
  • essential oil of juniper berry
  • dried mint leaves
  • dried thyme
  • pinch of allspice





1. Getting a text message that reads something like, “You better watch your back! Your life is about to change dude!” after we draw the Death card from our tarot decks.
2. Getting a text message saying, “WHO IS SHE/HE/THEM?!” after we draw The Lovers card from our tarot decks.
3. “You need to cleanse your house. The energy is awful.”
4. “Did you know you have a dragon living in your closet hoarding your clothes?”
5. After getting a gift, we say something like “it’s charmed to help protect you. Don’t worry. I got your back.”
6. “Oh. Drink this herbal tea! It’ll do wonders on your energy AND body!”
7. “Hold this crystal. Good. Don’t let go of it. Why? Because I said so.”

8. “Here, wear this! It’ll help keep your energy balanced.”

9. “Did you say stomach ache?! Peppermint tea! Now! Don’t look at me like that!”

10. “Did you get a promotion?!” after pulling the Ace of Coins from tarot deck.

11. “Don’t do the thing. Stop playing stupid. You know what thing. Don’t do it.”

12. “You got a faery on your shoulder.”

13. “My friend is going to stay the night so he can ward your house. Don’t argue. You need to keep yourself safe. He said you don’t need to feed him or anything like that.”

14. “Smoke cleansing. Do it for the Love of God.” while shoving sandalwood incense cones at you.

15. Hands you a house plant. “It’ll help with the energy in whatever room you put it in. Might I suggest the living room?”

16. “I’ve talked to the ghosts you have in your house and…”

17. “There’s a goetic demon for that”

18. “I don’t have a cat… at least a living one…”


20. Draws sigils in birthday cards, Christmas cards, any card


In Lisa Chamberlain’s book called ‘Wicca: Kitchen Witchery’ I found some good informations for kitchen witchery and I would like to share it with you so it may will be useful for someone!



  • General Magical Uses: fosters loving vibrations, protection, wards off negativities in a home

Bay Leaf

  • General Magical Uses: protection, purification, healing, strenght, good fortune, money, success


  • General Magical Uses: love, luvck, prosperity, success, raises spiritual vibration


  • General Magical Uses: divination, interacction with spirit world, wishes


  • General Magical Uses: money, prosperity, good luck, protection


  • General Magical Uses: peace, deepening love relationships, releasing old relationships


  • General Magical Uses: protection, money, luck, lust, strenght, vitality


  • General Magical Uses: love and lust spells, promotes healthy rest


  • General Magical Uses: longevity, wishom, protection, dispels negative energy

⭐Star Anise⭐

  • General Magical Uses: luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magical power


  • General Magical Uses: attracts lovalty, affection, psychic abilities



  • Magical Attributes: passion, courage, strangth, intense emotions
  • Used in Magic for: love, physical energy, health, willpower
  • Example Foods: apple, tomatoe, pepper, cherry, strawberry


  • Magical Attributes: energy, attraction, vitality, stimulation
  • Used in Magic for: adaptability to sudden changes, encouragement, power
  • Example Foods: squash, pumpkin, cantaloupe, carrot


  • Magical Attributes:  intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge
  • Used in Magic for: communication, confidence, divination, study
  • Example Foods: lemon, corn, golden beet, banana


  • Magical Attributes: abundance, growth, wealth, renewal, balance
  • Used in Magic for: prosperity, employment, fertility, health, good luck
  • Example Foods: avocado, pepper, kale, lettuce, chard, zucchini, broccoli


  • Magical Attributes: peace, truth, wisdom, protection, patience
  • Used in Magic for: healing, psychic ability, harmony in the home, understanding
  • Example Foods: blueberry, blue corn, purple potatoes (turns blue when cooked)


  • Magical Attributes:  spirituality, wisdom, devotion, peace, idealism
  • Used in Magic for: divination, enhancing nurturing qualities, balancing sensitivity
  • Example Foods: eggplant, purple carrot, purple cabbage, plum


  • Magical Attributes: peace, innocence, illumination, purity
  • Used in Magic for: cleansing, clarity, establishing order, spiritual growth and understanding
  • Example Foods: onion, mushroom, rice, youghurt, all milks


  • Magical Attributes: dignity, force, stability, protection
  • Used in Magic for: banishing and releasing negative energies, transformation, enlightenment
  • Example Foods: black beans blackberry, chia seeds, rice


  • Magical Attributes: endurance, peace, innocence, illumination, purity
  • Used in Magic for: balance, concentration, material gain, home, companion animals
  • Example Foods: lentil, rice, wheat, grains, dark chocolate


  • Magical Attributes: affection, friendship, companionship, spiritual healing
  • Used in Magic for: romance, spiritual awakening, partnerships, children’s magic
  • Example Foods: beet, rhubarb, ginger (when picked), raspberry


  • Magical Goals: Abundance, health, security, kinship 


  • Magical Goals:  Luck, money, divination, decision-making 


  • Magical Goals: Spirituality, peace, relationships 


  • Magical Goals:  Moon magic, joy, health, completion of goals


  • Magical Goals:  Fertility, mysticism, Goddess magic 


  • Magical Goals: Health, happiness, love, lust, sex, purification, wisdom, stability 


  • Magical Goals:  Love, spirituality, sustenance, motherhood 


  • Magical Goals:  Money, fertility, protection, good luck 


  • Magical Goals:  Protection, grounding, purification 


  • Magical Goals:  Love, affection, banishing gossip 


  • Magical Goals:  Purification, protection, cleansing (white vinegar)


  • Magical Energies:  Stability, discipline, prosperity, abundance
  • Tools:  Plates, spoons, baking pans, cutting board
  • Example Food: grains, flour, root, vegetables, cheeses, maple syrup, peanuts


  • Magical Energies:  Intellect, communication, imagination, harmony
  • Tools: Forks, knives, blender, oven fan
  • Example Food: honey, bamboo, shoots, rice, bananas, dandelions, corn


  • Magical Energies:  Passion, illumination, transformation, enthusiasm
  • Tools: Skillet, oven, oven burners, grill, toaster
  • Example Food: hot peppers, salsa, basil, radishes, sunflower seeds


  • Magical Energies:  Emotion, sensitivity, intuition, empathy
  • Tools: Cups, bowls, pots, sink, dishwater
  • Example Food: all beverages, lemons, lettuce, cucumbers, plums


  • Magical Energies:All
  • Tools:All
  • Example Food:All


Easy Witch Tips: Moon Water Edition

Are you in the broom closet?

Are you tired as fuck?

Are you lazy and don’t wanna do the things?

Me too. Which one? Take some educated guesses (All three. I’m all three. Don’t judge me-)

What to do with Moon Water when You Simply Can’t:

  • Brew coffee/tea
  • Make ice cubes out of it
  • Wash your hands/hair/face
  • Water your plants
  • Keep a pitcher of it and drink a cup every morning
  • Make moon water from sparkling water and infuse it with fruits that help you focus/love yourself/energize you/etc
  • Use it to paint
  • Rinse your makeup brushes with it after washing them
  • Put it in your pet’s water dishes
  • Make a cleansing room spray

Literally just do stuff. Replace normal water with moon water. Splash it on your face, throw some into your washer, or your bath. Just d o s t u f f. Witchcraft doesn’t have to be just Spell Jar, Tarot, Full Spell Casting. Nothing is stopping you from just dousing yourself in moon water to help you get reset.

Happy splashing and blessed be <3

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi


Reading Candles for Yes/No Answers

High, steady flame:Yes

Low, steady flame: No

Short, weak flame:No

Dancing flame: Needs more focus. Reground and try again.

Violent flickering flame: Strong no. Take this as a warning if you are certain this isn’t caused by an outside force or natural defect in a candle.

Sputtering/Cracking flame: There is more to your answer than a simple yes or no,

Dual-flame:Thinking, waiting for an answer.

Flame leaning to left:Yes

Flame leaning to right:No

Candle will not light: Ask later

Candle will not go out: You are not done yet. There is more you need to hear.

The candle goes out during the session: Now is not the time to ask.


To Banish:
• Burning to ashes and sweeping away the ashes
• Cast out a window, down a cliffside, etc
• Bury it and spit on the spot

To Bind:
• Wrap in black thread
• Cover in wax or other material
• Seal in jar and hide in dark spot

To Hide:
• Wrap in ribbon
• Place in a (painted) black jar or other container
• Cover in cloth or other material and bury

To Encourage:
• Plant or bury near the front door/steps
• Plant or bury near a window
• Place near a window

To Communicate*:
• Anoint a candle
• Leave out an offering
• Meditate
• Open the front door and/or windows

To Glamour:
• Leave under the full moon
• Work with its reflection

To Cleanse:
• Bury in salt
• Burn herbs and pass through the smoke
• Let it bathe in the moonlight

To Protect:
• Leave sigils/wards on doors and windows
• Carry sigils/wards on every day items (keys, phone case, etc)
• Enchant jewelry with protection spells

*: Communication with deities, spirit guides, etc

My tiefling witch Thielva having a potion-making day~


Not rosemary, not clear quartz, nothing. This is such a harmful mindset and I’m going to explain why.

Why do we use ingredients at all?

A spell, at its most basic and general sense, is combining intent with mundane action in order to affect something bigger than the sum of its parts. On a sliding scale between mundane action, where everything is a really measurable cause and affect (like working for a paycheck) and a wish where no other action is taken, witchcraft and spellwork falls kind of in the middle. When we do a spell for money, we’re doing something with the intent to cause real change, but it’s not something we can directly observe working. Having the action here be very measured and deliberate is a big part of what distinguishes it from an elaborate wish, or just putting stuff in a jar because it’s pretty.

So we have our recipe! And in these recipes, every ingredient has a specific purpose and role to play. A spell is made by the precise aligning of our energy with the energy of what we’re doing.

So, do spell ingredients matter?

Yes.They didn’t just get their associations from nowhere, they’ve been supported by various cultures and traditions for generations, and I like to have faith that our Ancestors stuck with it because something about it worked. Our personal associations can also play an influential factor, but we could argue that’s because our personal energy from it is overpowering any conflicting energies/contributing more than the ingredient itself. It still plays an important role in the spell, but theway it might be working is notably different.

Magic is like cooking.

Every ingredient plays a specific role in forming the spell, just like every ingredient has a reason for being in a recipe. Just like in a kitchen, different ingredients can be used for different things, depending on what you’re making. I might use half a lemon to bring out the flavor of my sauce, squeeze a few teaspoons into my meringue cookie recipe to make it more acidic so that the texture is right, then use the rest to make lemonade. All of those have entirely different functions in the recipe, and would each require a different type of substitution. It’s the classic cartoon gag of getting your salt and your sugar mixed up because they’re both white powder or putting tomatoes in a fruit salad.

Can you swap out salt for any seasoning in the kitchen? Swap out strawberries for any fruit and pie crust for any dough? Of course you can’t, at least not for everything you’ll ever make. Because every ingredient has a specific function and if the ingredient you’re swapping can’t fill the hole you’re making, then it’s just putting tomatoes in a fruit salad. 

In the same vein, rosemary can’t fill the role of every herb in every spell, nor can clear quartz with any crystal, rose with any flower, etc. They may work for many things, but…

It’s a harmful mindset for magic. 

Whenever we say something is a universal substitute, it means we never have to think about the role any ingredient plays in anything ever again. Instead of our ingredients being “something to create healing energy” and “something to augment and focus that energy” we stagnate with “crystal” and “herb,” and the original intent of those ingredients was never “crystal + herb = results.” The materials were picked for a reason. There’s no reason to look into why or how things work, which means there’s no way for us to look critically at our spells for ways to improve. If the ingredients and the ways we use them don’t matter, then there’s no way for them to work against us, and any failure must be because we didn’t “believe” hard enough or “couldn’t raise enough energy.” That sounds like a great way to feel horrible about yourself for no reason. 

There’s also probably something to say about how all of the “universal” ingredients are things that are already everywhere and easily accessible in the white upper middle class new age scene. Nobody ever talks about the magical potency of “ethnic” foods, even their staple ingredients. Certainly not in a way where they’re supposedly universal for everyone. 

What if I can’t find a substitute, then?

You probably can, it just might take more sweat than you intended. If you’re REALLY in a jam, restriction breeds creativity. Going back to the lemon example: if I don’t have lemons for my meringue cookies, I can also use cream of tartar. It’s a white powder that’s nothing like lemons and I neverwant to try cream-of-tartarnade, but it perfectlyfits the bill for what this recipe needs. I actually prefer it. Explore and get creative. As long as you’re focusing on the FUNCTION of the ingredient in the spell, it won’t lead you wrong. 

I appreciate that you mentioned that there ARE substitutes. Almost anything has something that can be used to substitute it. It’s just that there is no one thing that can be guaranteed to substitute anything and everything.

A little bit of research goes a long way, there are many resources where you can find the most common substitutes for whichever herb/rock/ingredient that you’re using.

This post took forever to put together. Here are some common foods and spices and their properties and associations. 



  • Alfalfa - Earth. Associated with grounding and stress relief.
  • Allspice - Associated with luck, prosperity and health. Fire.
  • Almond - Earth. Associated with healing, wisdom, protection and prosperity. Sacred to Thoth, Hermes and Mercury.
  • Apple - Sacred to the Goddess. If cut in half one would see a pentacle formed within by it’s seeds. Associated with love, healing, happiness and divination. It was said that sliced apples could help one foretell the future.
  • Apricot - Happiness, romance and peace. Feminine energy.
  • Artichoke - Associated with personal growth and safety.
  • Avocado - Associated with fertility, beauty, love and virility. 
  • Bagel - Ruled by Adonis. Put different toppings on for different effect. 
  • Banana - Ruled by Mars. Provides safety when travelling and luck. Used to increase male sex drive, prosperity and love. Associated with heroic energy.
  • Basil - Draws money and sexual energy. Associated with love, protection and prosperity. Calming and sanitizing properties.
  • Bay - Enhances psychic abilities. Used to connect to deity. Associated with protection, strength and purification. Sacred to Vishnu.
  • Beans - Grounding, prosperity and luck.
  • Beef - Associated with prosperity and grounding. Sacred to Hathor.
  • Beer - Associated with purification and immortality. Sacred to Shoney. Earth and water.
  • Beetroot. Associated with love, beauty and passion. Sacred to Aphrodite.
  • Blackberries - Associated with prosperity, agriculture and sex. 
  • Blueberries - Protection, peace and calm. Protection from psychic attack.
  • Bread - Associated with kinship and sustenance. Sacred to Isis
  • Broccoli - Associated with protection, strength, leadership and physical improvements. Sacred to Jupiter.
  • Cabbage - Associated with protection and the moon. 
  • Caraway - Protection from theft and negativity. Promotes trust.
  • Cardamom - Increases strength of partnerships. Burnt as an offering to the gods.
  • Carnation - Associated with pride and beauty.
  • Carrot - Ruled by Mars. Associated with fertility, male masculinity and sex, also vision and grounding.
  • Catnip - Associated with rest and joy. Used in cat magic. Sacred to Bast.
  • Cauliflower - Associated with moon and water related magic.
  • Caviar - Sex 
  • Celery - Associated with sex, grounding and peace.
  • Cheese - Associated with joy, manifestation, and health. Used to reinforce personal or spiritual groundwork. Sacred to Apollo.
  • Cherry - Associated with love and female sexuality.
  • Chicken - Associated with healing and well-being. Used in Sunrise magic.
  • Chili Powder - Used in Hoodoo and other forms of folk magic. Used to banish and for protection.
  • Chives - Associated with protection and breaking bad habits.
  • Chocolate - Increases power and virility as it was a sacred food to the Aztecs and Mayans. Also associated with happiness, romance, sex, friendship, grounding and nurturing. Used in both solid and liquid form.
  • Cider - Health and healing.
  • Cinnamon - Associated with abundance, fortune, protection, prosperity and love. Sacred to Dionysus.
  • Clams - Aphrodisiac. Used to reveal secrets.
  • Clove - Associated with fun love, protection, piercing illusions and prosperity.
  • Coconut - Associated with luck, diversity, flexibility, spirituality and purification. Sacred to Athena and Ganymede.
  • Coffee - Associated with magical abilities, energy, alertness and sex.
  • Coriander - Ruled by Mars. Associated with love, sex, well-being and intelligence..
  • Corn - Associated with protection, eternity, agriculture and cycles. Sacred to Quetzalcoatl.
  • Cowslip - Associated with grace. Used in Faerie magic
  • Cranberries - Associated with protection.
  • Cucumber - Health and healing.
  • Cumin - Ruled by Mars. Associated with love, lust and protection.
  • Crab - Sacred to Apollo. Helps ground spiritual energy.
  • Daisy - Associated with innocence, fidelity, dawn and new beginnings.
  • Dandelion - Sacred to Hecate. Associated with wishes, psychic abilities and opening doorways to the spirit realm.
  • Dill - Protection of children. Sacred to Horus. Associated with courage and sexual desires.
  • Eggs - Fertility, protection, sex and grounding. Ancient questions and mysticism.
  • Elder flower - Protects from the Fae. Associated with blessings and wishes.
  • Fennel - Love and protection. Sacred to Dionysus.
  • Figs - Fertility, prosperity, sex and magical abilities.
  • Fish - Happiness, love, sex and peace.
  • Flour - Used to reveal hidden matters.
  • Garlic - Associated with health, protection, banishing, breaking hexes and healing. Sacred to Hecate.
  • Ginger - Associated with health, cleansing, vibrant energy and prosperity.
  • Grape - Fertility, dreams, vision and prosperity.
  • Grapefruit - Associated with purification and health.
  • Green peppers - Associated with growth and prosperity.
  • Guava - Associated with love, fantasy and relieving sorrow.
  • Ham - Associated with dramatic energy and theatrical flair.
  • Hazel - Associated with luck and wishes.
  • Honey - Happiness, love, sex, health, healing, magical ability, purification and peace. Sacred to Ra and Demeter.
  • Jelly - Associated with joy, pleasantness and energy.
  • Lamb - Associated with kindness, sensitivity and warmth.
  • Lavender - Associated with comfort, sleep and spiritual vision.
  • Lemon - Associated with health, love, purification, marriage and faithfulness. Sacred to Min.
  • Lettuce - Ruled by the element Water and the Moon. Associated with financial wealth, prosperity, happiness and divination.
  • Lilac - Associated with love, youth and joy.
  • Lime - Associated with love and purification.
  • Lobster - Associated with reincarnation, rebirth and growth. Sacred to Ares.
  • Mango - Associated with sex, love and protection. Sacred to Buddha.
  • Milk - Associated with fertility, prosperity, nurturing, peace, love and purity. Goddess Energy.
  • Mustard - Associated with fair and mental alertness. Sacred to Aesclepius.
  • Nuts - Fertility, sex, health, prosperity and healing.
  • Nutmeg - Associated with fidelity and luck. Sacred to Hermes.
  • Oats - Associated with agriculture, prosperity and sustenance.
  • Olives - Happiness, healing, spiritual pursuits and peace. Sacred to Aten.
  • Onion - Masculine. Associated with protection, purification, money and lust.
  • Oranges - Associated with magical ability, love, joy, inspiration and the sun. Also used in magic associated with love, protection, purification and abundance.
  • Oregano - Ruled by Venus. Associated with love, happiness, luck, protection and enhancing psychic ability.
  • Parsley - Associated with prosperity, sex and protection from accidents.
  • Pancakes - Luck.
  • Papaya - Love.
  • Passion Fruit - Associated with happiness, love and peace. Used to promote kinship
  • Pasta - Ruled by Mercury. Used to enhance creativity, protect and improve communications. Can also be used in romantic love.
  • Peaches - Happiness, love, healing and peace.
  • Pepper - Associated with protection, cleansing, banishment and purification.
  • Peppermint - Associated with wealth, sex, purification, health and luck.
  • Peanuts - Associated with grounding and male energy. Used in Earth magic.
  • Pears - Associated with prosperity, longevity and luck. Sacred to Venus.
  • Peas - Associated with love and prosperity. Used in Goddess magic.
  • Pineapple - Health, love, magical ability, prosperity, protection and healing.
  • Pizza - Ruled by the Sun. Associated with happiness, luck and perseverance.
  • Pomegranate - Associated with fertility, hospitality, prosperity and wishes. Sacred to Persephone and Ceres.
  • Poppy Seeds - Fertility and love.
  • Pork - Associated with fertility.
  • Potato - Ruled by the Moon. Associated with folk healing, protection and grounding. Used in Earth magic.
  • Pumpkin - Associated with health, prosperity and healing.
  • Radish - Protection.
  • Raspberries - Associated with happiness, love, protection and peace.
  • Red peppers - Associated with energy, vitality and strength.
  • Rice - Associated with fertility, sex, protection and abundant blessings.
  • Rose - Happiness, love and peace.
  • Rosemary - Used to enhance psychic ability. Associated with love, protection and purification.
  • Rum - Ruled by Ellegua and Chango. Channels the spirits of the Gods and when offered, attracts their favour. Associated with magical abilities, sex and protection.
  • Sage - Health and healing. Sacred to Zeus and Jupiter.
  • Salt - Strong purification spice. Absorbs negative energy and provides protection from evil. Helps with grounding. Sacred to Osiris and Set.
  • Sesame Seed - Fertility and protection. Sacred to Ganesha.
  • Soup - Purification.
  • Strawberry - Associated with Aphrodite and Freya. Aphrodisiac. Associated with love, healing, fertility and luck.
  • Sugar. - Ruled by Venus, the Goddess of love. Used to draw attention and sweeten spells or potions. Associated with love. Sacred to Kane.
  • Sunflower seeds - Protection. Helios, Demeter, and Apollo
  • Tea - Magical abilities and prosperity. Divination and meditation.
  • Thyme - Ruled by Venus. Associated with Faeries, purification, pleasant dreams, good health, fortune, love, courage and enhancing psychic ability.
  • Tomato - Ruled by Venus. Aphrodisiac. Associated with prosperity,  health, attracting love, protection and healing.
  • Tulip - Associated with devoted love.
  • Vanilla - Associated with love and sex.
  • Vinegar - Associated with protection and purification.
  • Violet - Associated with grace, modesty and expression.
  • Water - Purification.
  • Wine - Happiness, love and peace. Sacred to Dionysus, Bacchus, Osiris, Horus, and Isis.
  • Yellow peppers - Associated with creativity.
  • Zucchini - Ruled by Jupiter. Associated with sexual desire, protection and prosperity.


Cap the lid tightly. At this point you can seal the bottle with candle wax if you choose. Add symbols of protection, your family seal, or anything you feel compelled to draw on the lid or the jar itself. When you’re finished, take another few minutes to sit quietly and add your intentions to the jar, then bury it as close as you can to your front door.

What you need : 

  • A jar 
  • 1/3 cup of salt
  • 3 sewing needles (or other related pins)
  • 3 iron nails (as big as will fit in the jar)
  • 9 tines from your broom
  • 3 tablespoons of protective herbs
  • A teaspoon of dirt from your yard
  • Red wine (or even your own urine)

Pour the salt into the jar and say: Salt for purification. 

Add the sewing needles, saying: As I myself sew the threads of my family life, may these needles sew safety around me and mine. 

Place the nails into the jar and say, As the nails in our home pierce the wood to hold our home strong, may these nails pierce all negativity and hold it safely away from us. 

Place the broom straw into the jar and repeat: As the broom in my home sweeps away dirt, so may these straws sweep negativity away from this home and its inhabitants. 

Add the herb and say: (Name of herb/herbs) strengthens this protection charm. 

With the addition of the dirt from your yard say: This soil binds this jar to my home and property. 

Pour in the liquid until the jar is almost completely filled, and it’s covered all of your ingredients. Hold the jar, concentrating on your feelings of protection toward your family, pets, and property, and say: Let this wine (urine) drown all evil that would seek to touch me and mine.

Cap the lid tightly. At this point you can seal the bottle with candle wax if you choose. Add symbols of protection, your family seal, or anything you feel compelled to draw on the lid or the jar itself. When you’re finished, take another few minutes to sit quietly and add your intentions to the jar, then bury it as close as you can to your front door.

*Credit to original author as I found this on pinterest. 

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