

Survival Guide: Why not Me?

Image result for why not meWhy not Me? Is a common question.

Many people ask themselves this whenever something positive happens with others around them.

It’s considered as an indication of self-doubt and maybe a little bit of jealousy. And those two are the worst emotions. Especially combined together.

So why do we react like this?

Surely we know that it’s not the nicest response. We would want our friends or colleagues…

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Tips To Be Consistent

  1. If it goes wrong, don’t give up, start again tomorrow
  2. Check-in frequently with how you’re feeling
  3. Find the best time of day
  4. Regularly assess your priorities
  5. Learn from when things go wrong
  6. Make it part of your regular routine
  7. Do a little bit each day, even if it’s tiny
  8. Stay flexible to change
  9. Tackle your task when you’re in the right mindset
  10. Do be hard on yourself
 Eduarda Bretas - Emily Abay photography

Eduarda Bretas - Emily Abay photography

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Turning Your Bedroom Into a Sanctuary

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, a quiet retreat for you to escape and feel safe at all times. It should be a place where you unwind after a busy day at the office; a room to be alone and focus on your thoughts.

Your bedroom should aim to be a comfortable, calming place you look forward to resting after a long day. If you want to upgrade the energy in your sleep area, check out these tips on how to turn your bedroom into a sanctuary that you’ll never want to leave.

Indulge Your Senses

Turn your bedroom into a sanctuary is by creating a sensory experience.The easiest way to do this is through your sense of smell. Grab your most delicious candle or diffuse your favourite essential oils to help set the right tone.

Fill up the room with soft, plushy materials, including rugs, pillows, and throw blankets, for some extra warmth and coziness.

Consider including a small area rug around your bed. This way, your toes have something soft and cozy to land on in the morning, just as soon as you wake up. Your feet will thank you!

Nature elements have a calming, meditative feel. perfect for your bedroom sanctuary.

Nature elements have a calming, meditative feel. perfect for your bedroom sanctuary.

And there are many creative ways these elements can be incorporated into your room to create a perfect bedroom sanctuary.

You can add potted plants or vases of fresh flowers, hang imagery of nature on the walls, or incorporate textured elements through bedding, rugs, or throw blankets.

Let the Light In!

Harsh lights can instantly kill the mood you’re trying to set. So avoid using fluorescent bulbs that wash out any semblance of serenity. Instead, opt for soft or natural light to brighten up your bedroom.

Even small actions like opening a window (even for a little bit in winter times) can dramatically change the mood in your room to something calmer and more inviting.

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I really don’t understand why some age regressors get upset if a Baby Adult interacts with their accounts (especially on tumblr) although it is true that some people have unpleasant content (usually those who are usually Diaper Lovers) and I understand that, I also do not like to see images of dirty diapers, that is why I think it is there when it is most good to unite, personally I confirm that I am also an old regressor, I enjoy a lot letting myself be carried away by the sensations, the aromas, everything that surrounds my world when I feel one year old.

Of course for me this means no sexual act while I am in this mental state, I can only say: reblog if being an adult is also a meaning of peace for you.

By: Jessica Willis

I share my story as a way of healing, a way of letting it out and being true to who I am. I do not believe there is any harm in speaking about the pieces of ourselves that we’re proud of or the pieces of ourselves that we’ve struggled with. I wholeheartedly believe that it’s important we share our experience with other people, it not only helps our personal growth but it connects us to others. Our story has the power to heal us as well as heal somebody else because when we share ours; we free ourselves and give other people permission to acknowledge their own story.

Honestly, I find there is a certain catharsis in doing so, a sense of a burden being lifted and it’s freeing. Sharing pieces of me, of who I am, forms some connection with whoever may be reading this at this very moment, and maybe I am helping someone else see how we are all fighting our own battles and maybe my vulnerability can give someone else the strength to get through a difficult situation. By opening myself up and sharing parts that maybe others would hide, I believe it all helps us feel a little less alone in the world.

It has taken me time to get to this point, to get to where I’m realizing that everything that has happened in the past two-ish years has actually happened for my greater good. The postpartum depression, the betrayal and the downfall of my marriage, the secrets, the lies, the denial, the “crazy making,” and the absolute nonsense that I have had to deal with even in the past few months, has all happened for a reason and it has happened because there is something better for me. I have been and I still am being pulled, I am being stretched and I am being expanded beyond belief but it’s all helping me to be more awake, stronger, and more aligned with my soul’s purpose than ever before.

I have always kept going, I have kept moving forward even on my darkest days, even when all I wanted to do was hide in my bed and cry my eyes out. Did I still have those moments, why yes, yes I did and do I still sometimes have those moments, absolutely. Guess what though, that is totally okay. It’s called being human and nobody should ever make you feel shame or guilt for expressing the way you feel or how you choose to heal. When I have those moments of wanting to cry or wanting to scream, I get through it and move on.

The past year and half has been a roller coaster of emotions. It has had its ups and downs, many downs, and because of that, I have grown. I am so much more than what I was before, I am learning who I am and I am so much more accepting of who I am and proud of what I have become. What I am trying to say here is, you can own your story or your story can own you. Nobody can re-write the past but you can influence the next chapter and continue to become the best version of yourself.

Check out Jessica’s Instagram for more beautiful words like these: @hellojessicalauren 
