#love is pain


Dear Universe,

I never want to go through this again. Please, no more lessons. I’ve had enough. Don’t you think I’ve learned enough?

-painful lessons

You went from being my favorite person to a complete stranger in an instant.

-and it’s fucking with my head

The version of you in my memory no longer exists.

-i miss that person

I would do anything to go back in time and hold onto the moments when we were happy.

-happiness has a time limit for me and my time has run out

I’ve been trying to keep myself busy to forget about you and it’s been working…for the most part. But sometimes, whether it’s late at night or when I’m studying alone in the library, you manage to slip through the cracks for a moment.

—then i shut you out again

Going on 3 months since I’ve seen my love. 900 goddamn miles. The world is pain. And love is pain. But we’re dependent on both. Just hoping, wishing, praying…Beggingfor better days. To see him again. Dear God, these are the things that bring us to our knees weeping soft tears of agony with pain in our hearts. ♡ ✞

