#love yourself





This is so important. 

How she switched that dialect back and forth tho

I heard about 4 different people and loved every one of them

Shout out to nightcore, anime, vocaloid, the old creepypasta from like 2012, crappy no-grammar online roleplays, my emo phase, writing fanfiction, binging cheesy shojou romance manga, and every other thing that was considered awkward, cringy, or otherwise annoying by outsiders while I was growing up.

Because even though there’s even some stuff that I personally cringe at now, at some point it kept me alive when I was at my lowest. Even though they made me seem weird because most of it was more niche stuff, they made me smile (some still do) and that’s what matters.

My message for my fellow chaotics today: if you love something, then love it. If you like how a certain style of clothes look, wear them. If you make a mistake, learn from it and laugh about it later.

Life is WAY too short to waste regretting the more misfortunate events that have happened. And yes, everyone has events like that, memories that they want to forget and pain that hasn’t quite healed. So if you’ve ever loved something that makes you go red in embarrassment now, however many years later, own that shit. Because at one point it made you smile, and that’s good enough.

I miss this blog so much. It’s been so hard for me to post with everything going on and I’ve been struggling quite a lot but I really miss posting and interacting with you guys. How have you been? How is everyone doing? How have you guys been coping with everything?

Mental health is so important. Prioritize your personal wellness. Take time to nurture yourself. Don’t do things that you’re not happy with. Don’t rush your healing. Relax. Don’t judge where you’re at or where you think you should be. Just be kind and patient with yourself.

Ích kỷ cũng tốt, thẳng thắn cũng tốt, miễn sao đừng tổn thương chính bản thân là được.

{Nguyện ước trọn đời | Lục Xu}

in our journey…

…towards better mental health and in trying to prioritise ourselves, it’s very easy to lose touch with empathy.

kindness is essential. both towards yourself and others. put yourself first but make sure you’re not hurting your supporters in the process. you and your loved ones, both deserve love and care ✨

your feelings are hurt…

…and you’re thinking that it must be something about you or that it’s your fault.

but is it really? think about it and if it is then go ahead and apologize. but if it’s not - then don’t put the blame on yourself.

how someone reacts to a situation is not under your control. what you can control is your own reaction. let yourself feel ✨

this is simply to acknowledge…

…that you are progressing.

you are working hard - on yourself, your studies, your work, your habits, your life, and more.

it’s difficult and may have been inconsistent but keep going. take smaller steps if you must, but keep moving. you’re capable. you can do it
