




i need feminism because when jesus does a magic trick it’s a goddamn miracle but when a woman does a magic trick she gets burned at the stake


i mean they did also kill jesus. that was a pretty significant thing that happened. like i understand where you’re coming from here but they very much did kill jesus.

God, pointing and laughing at his creations:

The idea that “idle hands are the devils tools” is so wild to me, because like it implies that if medieval people had even a second to think they would immediately abandon god and turn to sin, and everyone knew this, and it was so common they had a saying about it. Still used and relevant today


I haven’t seen god

since I was 7, kneeling palms-together before the shrine, repeating words in a language I spoke but didn’t know

under my mother’s watchful gaze I pressed first sindoor then haldi then a single grain of uncooked rice to a golden forehead hardly bigger than my fingertip, and when my mother closed her eyes I

kept mine open and searched minuscule bronze pupils for some hint of otherworldly presence, transcendent benediction

asked: are you there; are you watching; can you tell me if I’m good enough; can you tell me how to atone;

and god said: why should I distill my essence into 100 grams of silver rather than the gradual carving of aquifers into bedrock or the ebullience of frolicking through air currents with the eagles; why should I have eyes only when you provide them; why should your sins weigh heavier upon me than those of the raging ocean or the mountains that will not bow their heads

and god said: you will not find me by making me in your image

and god promised: seek the slivers of me dispersed among the infinite entities under my care and lay them one atop the other and in the amalgam you will discover the shape of me

two decades later my search has barely started and I will still be looking when I’m on my deathbed and if I am granted another life to continue paying penance my search will go with me

some days I think that must be the point

hypnictwitch: appropriately-inappropriate: dasha-loses-it:76genders:dasha-loses-it:canola-juic







Had never really thought about this

Muslim feminists are a hoot.

I love how you assume the woman tweeting is a ~crazy feminist~ and not just a woman that doesn’t want men in the locker room with her for obvious reasons

The utter irony of a radfem supporting Muslims because they happen to hate the same people.

Radical feminism supports women — be they Muslim, Orthodox, Pentecostal or Atheist — because ultimately, we have more in common than we do different.

I may not agree with Islam’s perspective on the role of women (and feel the same about all religions where “woman” is considered lesser-than), but I absolutely support her right to feel safe in a space she’s entitled to.

You probably shouldn’t brag about how your ideology has no room for nuance; polarized thinking with no room for discussion is, at best, orthodoxy and at worst, a cult.

“Happen to hate the same people” What, misogynists? I can hate patriarchal religions forcing ideas of ‘modesty’ down girls’ throats and patriarchal societies forcing them to accept males in female spaces when they are clearly uncomfortable with it. Can men just leave us the fuck alone for five seconds? 


These are my exactly my views when it comes to Islam, and women, all women.

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christian forgiveness is used to control and shame victims into renouncing all claim to justice and restitution. it is a facade of equanimity that people are forced into so that everyone else can pretend nothing happened, that nothing must be changed, that there is nothing wrong, that there are no faults or threats except that of the victim against the aggressor, and that threat is truly the only and greatest concern. this is how they justify never taking action to prevent known threats or right any wrongs. only the victim is the real threat.

it is for enforcing the status quo. to deny that anything wrong took place, or that anything else needs to happen before everything is corrected and made right and thus forgettable.

straight to hell. one of my older drawings.

straight to hell. one of my older drawings.

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Holi festival It is a religious spring festival celebrated by Hindus, as a festival of colors.

Holi festival

It is a religious spring festival celebrated by Hindus, as a festival of colors.

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Wait it’s so cute that Ramadan, Passover and Easter are all happening this weekend…….yesss party rock is in the religious House tonight ❤️

Beware of false prophets

Beware of false prophets

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You can worship a deity without being devoted to that deity. You can make offerings without making oaths. It is okay. Please do not stress yourselves out because you want to make a thank-you offering but don’t want to make a lifelong commitment. Why would you need to swear oaths to say thank you? It is totally okay to just make conversation without involving vows and stuff.

chameleon-mike: azaizall-witch-of-shadows: wiccateachings: The Celtic Animal Zodiac. The Celts honor




The Celtic Animal Zodiac. 

The Celts honored the rhythms of Nature, and observed different flavors of their environment according to the season. Like our Native American kin, the full moon in each month held a special personality. They had a tree zodiac a Moon Zodiac and an Animal Zodiac. The Animal Zodiac is based on the animal that is most prominent within the season and the month of the persons birth. Below is a brief description of personality traits from the signs. 

December 24 - January 20
The stag Celtic animal sign has high ideals and aspirations. If you want to start a new project, get a Stag sign to help you. They will not be deterred from their vision. They are thorough, patient and their persistence insures their triumphs. When others have long given up, Stags buck their way past boundaries. They are proud, and rightfully so - they hold themselves in a regal way. They are naturally noble, like they came from royalty. This is not to say Stags feel entitled. Far from it. They believe in righteous hard work, and their integrity is their trademark. You might also want to read my page on stag meanings for tattoo ideas here.

January 21 - February 17
Quick minded, and even quicker wit, the cat of the Celtic year packs a pounce in the realm of intellect. This Celtic animal sign has impeccable reasoning abilities, but moreover they have a knack for seeing the underside of things, a “sixth mental sense” if you will. They have unorthodox vision, and should be called upon when fresh new perspectives are needed in a project. They also have a kind, humanitarian quality that makes them lovable. Although sometimes they can appear aloof because they like to be on the fringe, always observing. Nevertheless, they have the best intentions at heart. Cats are also very creative, and need an artistic outlet to express themselves.

February 18 - March 17
The Celtic animal sign of the snake has a cool exterior but are infinitely lively. They are curious and are always full of questions about how the world works, and how the people around them work (even if they aren’t openly asking, you can bet they’re figuring out the answers in their own mind). Snakes are natural communicators, and they can be hugely persuasive. If they are passionate about a cause they can round up the whole neighborhood with their zeal and enthusiasm for their purpose. Snakes can be spontaneous and unpredictable too. And although they’re pretty flexible, they like things to go their way (who doesn’t?), and will prove to be uncooperative if pushed in a corner.

March 18 - April 14
The fox sign is amazingly cunning and knows how to work a room with sly, sexy humor. Full of guile, vigor and bright intelligence the fox is an untamable force. This Celtic animal sign is the one to take with you on exotic vacations, they will wind your ways into amazing adventures. They have a knack for story telling, and every experience is fodder for their tales. They are tender-hearted, although they don’t show that soft side too often because they’re too busy playing and cracking jokes. However, they aren’t shy about showing their loyalty; if you are the friend of the fox, you have a friend for life. Highly energetic and courageous, the fox has an indomitable spirit.

April 15 - May 12
Strong, loving, stable and sure are the watchwords for the bulls of the Celtic lunar year. Cows/bulls are the ones you turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on, honest opinions and solid advice (particularly in relationships). These Celtic animal signs have bullseye intuition and can spot a liar from a mile away. Because they’re highly intuitive, they can be misunderstood as moody or over emotional. They also come by stubborness honestly. They have excellent taste, and have a flair for classy elegance in fashion and home décor. These signs are as trustworthy as the day is long, and know how to keep a secret.

May 13 - June 9
The Celtic animal sign of seahorse is vastly flexible and resourceful. The seahorse is the person you want managing your finances or handling your legal matters because these people are infinitely clever (if there’s a loophole, they’ve either found it or invented it). They also have amazing memory retention. They are sometimes hard to follow because they’re minds are so sharp. They can also be changeable, but they always come back around to a level of high charisma. These people are astoundingly versatile and adapt remarkably well in any environment. Seahorses are so loveable too. Even better, they love being adored, and easily reciprocate affection.

June 10 - July 7
The wren Celtic animal sign is associated with freshness, and opening to new insights, and sunnier dispositions. They are natural care givers and will sign sweet melodies to cheer their friends and family. They remain calm in the midst of stormy weather. You want to have these people with you if you find yourself in a crisis; they are resourceful and stay cool under pressure. Wrens are self-motivated (they know how to get what they want) and work best in solo situations. They are also have a high sense of responsibility and moral integrity. They seek balance in their lives by being leaders at work on in the community, but secretly they would rather be traveling abroad living a life of a gypsy (this however, is often against their better judgment).

July 8 - August 4
Exuberant, expansive and powerful, the Celtic animal sign of the horse will give you a run for your money. Naturally competitive, and rightfully so. The horse has loads of talent, and enough confidence to go ‘round, particularly in business matters. They have a sixth sense when it comes to strategy and navigation (these signs have an uncanny internal compass). They are gregarious, and openly charming (even flirty). They make grand appearances, and know how to carry themselves with style and authority. They do well in leadership positions, but they are just as happy to be the helpers of the clan (as long as they are given adequate recognition for their talents and contributions). Potentially headstrong, they are also valiant in times of adversity.

August 5 - September 1
Salmon signs dive deep in their inner waters for inspiration, bright visions and dreamy perspective. They are naturally intuitive but they don’t make a big deal out of it. These people have a unique view of the world which makes them some of the community’s best artists, poets and visionaries. Some times they dive way too deep for the rest of us, and some just can’t follow where they swim. But that’s okay, the fish sign needs that kind of depth, isolation and introspection because when they come back up for air, the world is awed by their brilliance and insight. They are very bright and intelligent and know how to get what they want no matter how hard they must work for it.

September 2 - September 29
Spiritually evolved, and eloquent in expressing themselves, the swan swims in a class of their own. They have high standards, infinitely discriminating tastes and they have a keen eye for beauty (even when others cannot see it). Very refined and noble, sometimes the swan is mistaken as detached. This however, is not the case. The swan is a lover, and can prove to be quite passionate in relationships. That “coolness” comes from the swan’s understanding of composure. They’re natural aristocrats. They can be exacting in details, and have specific ideas about how things should be done. If you want someone who is perceptive, organized and extremely tasteful, get a swan’s perspective.

September 30 - October 27
This Celtic animal sign lives up to the adage “social butterfly.” Flitting from friend to friend in parties, and always in contact with loved ones (they’re the ones always on the phone, or texting). They can’t help it. Butterflies are gentle souls who can’t be tied down for very long. They love to dream, express new ideas and talk about their plans with all their friends. These are the people who brighten up any dark day with their cheer and magnetically bright personalities. They are naturally empathetic, and would never intentionally harm anyone. Rather, they make easy friends, and like to see others uplifted. Butterflies bring a sense of wonder and youth to our world. Keep these people around you to remind you of how truly good life can be.

October 28 - November 24
Wolves have a strong sense of purpose, and will go to great lengths to see their point is made, and fully understood. This Celtic animal sign is fearless, brave and they rarely compromise. These are the hero’s you want by your side in the heat of battle. They will not back down, and they will take no quarter. Others marvel at their inner fortitude. Where do they find the energy and wherewithal to keep going? They thrive on challenge, that’s what gives them their stamina. They have impeccable character, and “honor” is their middle name. They are strong willed, and sometimes live up to the “lone wolf” label. Nevertheless, you always know where you stand with them, and they will unite with you as long as you share their cause.

November 25 - December 23
Seldom do we see more focus in the Celtic animal signs than that of the hawk. When these signs see something they want, they go after it with a force that is remarkable. If, however, they aren’t interested in a project, they will fly off to other more interesting prospects. They care deeply for wisdom, and often focus on sharing that knowledge with others. They can be very philanthropic and generous. Hawks have a keen sense of balance, and they navigate through life with an internal “true north” that creates an uncanny integrity within them. They are open minded and philosophical. Although they entertain all manner of hypotheses, they are strongly opinionated (that inner “true north” thing). That is not to say they cannot be persuaded.

Yay Seahorse!!!! So me

Butterfly here ^_^

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Aninteractive world map has now been created where all hellenic polytheists can add their location, and find others of the same religion.

You don’t have to create an account to add your location.
Select “Additions” in the top left corner of the page, and click the first option: “Add Marker - Simple”. A pop-up window will now appear and ask you for your information. Fill in your name, location, and under “directions” you can fill in any contact information you wish to leave. I have chosen to write my email address and this blog’s URL in case anyone wants to get in touch. Your entry is saved by clicking “submit”.

I hope all my Hellenic polytheist followers will consider adding your location to this map, and please help spread the word to any people you might know of this religion! :)


So you wanna be a Christian witch part XXXI…

Have you ever had someone come up to you and thank you? I mean, really thanked you. They look you in the eye and acknowledge the impact you have had on their life. Sometimes you don’t mean to have such an impact, but you do.

And when they thank you, it’s not just for doing anything. It is for exercising your gift. It is because you not only revealed the best parts of yourself, but you also gave of it freely. To us this often means nothing. But to someone else, it can mean the world.

As each one has received some spiritual gift, he should use it to serve others, like good managers of God’s many-sided grace — if someone speaks, let him speak God’s words; if someone serves, let him do so out of strength that God supplies; so that in everything God may be glorified through Yeshua the Messiah — to him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

-1 Peter 4:10-11

Often, when we receive such praise it is because we have used a spiritual gifting to aid someone. God desires for us to use our gifting to glorify Him. He wants us to use our gifts to help the needy and heal the sick. He wants us to use them to shine a light into the world.

If you believe that witchcraft is your gifting, you must use it to glorify God. You must use it to serve others. Craft is not fun and games. It’s a blessing.

When was the last time you used your magick for someone else’s benefit? Take some time today and brainstorm some ideas for spells that benefit those in need.

livingbiohazard: Finally made the decision to veil. I feel so much better, too. :D I love wearing my


Finally made the decision to veil. I feel so much better, too. :D I love wearing my al-Amira~

Reblog from personal. I felt like my God was calling me to start veiling, so I took a leap of faith and bowed to His request. :) Thanks to all of my pagan friends who veil who led me to get curious in the first place~ You guys rock~

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“I believe in God sometimes, but I believe in God the most when I imagine a God who has my mother’s laugh. I believe in a God who doesn’t want to get out of bed some mornings. A God who holds the old leather jackets of her dead friends and sits in a pile of old records on the floor of whatever heaven looks like. I believe in a God who comes home after a long night of being less than holy and sprawls out in a bed wearing the same clothes he went out in, and I believe in a God who is jarred awake by the floor rumbling with the weight of people praising his name. A wall of many hands clapping because of what his presence moved them to do.”

— Hanif Abdurraqib, ‘Claws in Your Back’ - Julien Baker / The Deep Consolation of a Song About What It Would Feel Like to Die

My gods are not perfect. They don’t need to be. My gods are not mortals, they are not humans, and therefore it is IMPOSSIBLE to compare them to humans, or to put them to human standards. My gods are not perfect, they have made mistakes in their lives, they’ve made mistakes in my life, too. But they are gods. They were there for me when I needed them. They supported me when I couldn’t support myself. My gods loved me, even when no one else did.

Don’t you dare ever misrepresent, disrespect, or demean them in any way. Just because you might not see them my way, does not mean that I don’t love them with all my capability, that they are not my protectors and guides, that they are not my family, or my loved one.

These are my gods, this is my religion. Do not mute me.



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