#sad qoutes


i never knew what it felt like when someone got over their pride and reached out to show me that they wanted me back. i was always the one person to think of great gestures and long letters to fight for someone. i can only ever imagine what it feels like to have someone fight for me.

what if im not good as i think. what if my rotten soul made me unworthy of love and happiness?

you met me with a heart that was cold due to the painful lies i was told. you warmed me up and made it melt. but you took a step too far and set me on fire. now it will never glow again, you fucking liar

it took me long to finally understand that you didn’t just not know how much i was hurting, you simply didn’t care

and if i wrote you a book full of love letters, would you read it?

imagine what it takes that i go from loving someone so deeply to never wanting to talk to that person again

“Who hurt you?”

My own expectations

Sometimes I feel numb, I got so used to hiding all my feelings, that they are no longer there

“smile, bc it confuses people. smile, bc it’s easier than explaining what is killing you inside.”

- joker

a broken heart is the worst, it’s like having broken ribs, nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe..
