#self esteem




one of the most amazing things that has been said to me in therapy is that self esteem doesn’t exist.

and that floored people and the psych went onto say that what she meant was that self esteem is a concept that actually includes a vast array of things and labelling them all as one thing is really limiting and prevents actual improvement

you could have real strong pride in the things you create and hate your body

you could hate your creations but also want to share them with people

you could not hate yourself at all but not take care of yourself, engage in reckless self endangerment

thats all bundled under ‘self esteem’ but saying ‘i need better self esteem’ doesn’t mean anything

whereas if you say ‘i need to work on ways to keeping myself safe, refusing to act on destructive urges’ or ‘i want to be in a place where i believe compliments trusted people give me’

thats concrete, thats a goal.

having it said in therapy helped a lot of people in my group stop saying ‘i have low self esteem’ and start specifying about the actual issue they have

you could have real strong

pride in the things you create

and hate your body

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

Have courage and always speak up for yourself…. ❤️


Drowning in my own tears

Mochi, your voice is absolutely stunning; please don’t think low of yourself <3 <3

lets say you have a friend. 

you also have a coffee maker.

your friend comes over a lot, but they keep talking about your coffee maker. every time, they tell you about how awesome your coffee maker is. they think its a compliment. they hint about how they want  you to make coffee for them. sometimes they even come into your house to make themselves coffee. though they assure you it’s you they like, they never spend any time more than necessary getting to know you and spending time with you. it doesn’t take too long for you to realize that they don’t actually like you, they just like your coffee. 

don’t let it be harder to realize in relationships. girls, you have a body. you are not your body. you have boobs. you are not your boobs. you have a butt. you are not your butt. guys comment on you on your body, thinking it’s a compliment to you but it isn’t. it’s like telling you they like you because of your coffee maker or your car or your dining room table, or couch or any other thing that you own. 

Notes to self

My unambiguous features are beautiful despite media telling me differently. ♥

The block button is a tool to preserve my peace. ♥

I love myself through different phases of life. ♥

I’m not missing out on opportunities, they’re missing out on me. ♥

Loving yourself is a journey not a destination.

Loving yourself is a journey not a destination.

In short, loving yourself isn’t linear. There are ups and downs as you grow. Keep a list of things you love about yourself for those times.

A glass frame of mine.
A glass frame of mind.

Staring in at a stranger
Stranger staring back
My mind as good as shattered
Beauty scarred with cracks

A reflective type of window.
A respective type of window.

Distorted truth
Claimed it’s credibility like a crook
Hidden behind a lie
Can’t get back the toll it took


Si me vieras cuando vuelo alto,

Tan alto como si siempre hubiera podido,

Jamás sospecharías que me cortaron las alas

Y que estas que llevo son de cartón.

Hay un cuervo negro parado en mi ventana.

Todas las mañanas grita, no tengo idea de a quién llama.

Dicen que son de mal augurio….

Pero me parece que este trae buenas noticias.

Yo me enamoro de vibras,

de sonrisas, de miradas.

Porque si de físicos atractivos hablamos,

tengo bastante de donde elegir.

Pero, ¿Una alma atractiva?

No se encuentra a diario.
