

Search “Gun Belly Ring” on the Miiriya app (an app that lets you shop different black owned businesses on one app)

Search “Sixkship” on the Miiriya app (an app that lets you shop different Black owned businesses all on one app)



Check your chart for an abundance of :


It’s likely easy to balance:The Solar Plexus Chakra ,The Crown Chakra - natural confidence and a sense of unity with the self and your purpose could be easier to reach.

You could have trouble with:The Heart Chakra, The Root Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra- when you let impulsive traits and aggression take over your life.

Neutral on:The Sacral Chakra, The Throat Chakra- if you have a desire to connect to others and speak the truth there should be no issues.If you become disinterested in emotional connections and overly blunt there could be imbalances.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Heart Chakra,The Root Chakra - ease in connecting to one’s values and being loving, ease in understanding how to ground oneself.

You could have trouble with: The Solar Plexus, The Sacral Chakra- self assertion and confidence is build slower here, there could be trouble in accepting changes with serenity.

Neutral on:The Third Eye Chakra,The Throat Chakra,The Crown Chakra- as you are very grounded it could be hard to tap into your intuition unless you work on it. Self expression needs to be developed. Could be hard to see one’s connection to the rest of the world in a spiritual sense.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Throat Chakra, The Heart Chakra- naturally communicative and expressive and able to understand different sides,likely there’s little trouble in balancing those areas.

You could have trouble with: The Root Chakra, The Third Eye,The Solar Plexus-your versatile energy can have trouble grounding and your need for connections could make you imaginative but the vision is not unified. There could be a need to work on self-assertion and direction as well.

Neutral on:The Sacral Chakra, The Crown Chakra- If you are willing to connect with the world on a grand scale and develop a way to understand your emotions,this can improve.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Third Eye Chakra, The Sacral Chakra- highly intuitive and emotionally connective,it’s likely those areas will be easy to balance.

You could have trouble with: The Heart Chakra,The Root Chakra,The Solar Plexus- there could be a lack of ease in self-assertion, grounding and understanding your own power,including issues with developing a freedom in one’s relationships.

Neutral on: The Throat Chakra,The Crown Chakra- self-expression and connectivity is not enhanced but due to your inner richness and spiritual side you could balance these if you work on them.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Crown Chakra,The Solar Plexus,The Sacral Chakra-very expressive and self-confident energy, likely to be giving and creative, in tune with your purpose and importance.

You could have trouble with: The Third Eye Chakra, The Root Chakra- there’s less emphasis on intuition and boundaries and more emphasis on confidence and fun with your energy,so these could be areas to work on to make your talents easier to manifest.

Neutral on: The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra- once you become aware of how your expression plays into your relationships with others and if you plus on making connections,these areas could improve.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Root Chakra, The Throat Chakra- naturally intelligent and practical, mind over matter-like, you’re likely to have an easier time balancing those areas.

You could have trouble with: The Heart Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra,The Crown Chakra- more acceptance needs to be developed, in your relationships and towards the world, emphasizing the way your expression fits in the grand scheme of things can help with these areas.

Neutral on: The Sacral Chakra,The Solar Plexus Chakra-While you are fairly active in nature there could be a need to develop more confidence and a more profound understanding of internal emotional changes.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra- Naturally understanding and able to express as well as understand connectivity,it’s likely those areas won’t pose much of an issue.

You could have trouble with: The Root Chakra, The Solar Plexus- trusting in one’s own power and defining boundaries is necessary in order to balance things.

Neutral on: The Sacral Chakra, The Third Eye, The Crown Chakra- you have a healthy intuition but it’s up to a willingness to accept more profound and transformative connections in balancing these areas.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Sacral Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra-passionate and driven as well as intuitive, your natural energy is attuned to understanding emotional transformations and in tune with those areas.

You could have trouble with: The Throat Chakra, The Heart Chakra- Likely to be secretive and inwardly drawn, it may take some work to connect mentally to others and accept differences in values.

Neutral on: The Crown Chakra, The Root Chakra- If you choose to aim your energy towards understanding your place in the Universe and develop a sense of purpose and work on manifestation,these areas could serve as a vehicle to your development.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Throat Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Crown Chakra- visionary and interested in expressing and learning universal truths, it’s likely there’s less issues in balancing those areas.

You could have trouble with: The Root Chakra, The Heart Chakra- there could be trouble understanding boundaries and differing perspectives unless there’s work done in those areas.

Neutral on: The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra- there’s some ease in self-expression and forging emotional connections,but there would be work needed to understand one’s emotional transformations here.


It’s likely easy to balance:The Root Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Crown Chakra- easily understanding one’s place in the word and the importance of building towards the future,there’s likely not to be much issue balancing these areas.

You could have trouble with: The Heart Chakra, The Sacral Chakra - there needs to be more ease in give and take through relating and work on obtaining an easier flow of emotions and thoughs between self and other in these areas.

Neutral on:  The Solar Plexus,The Throat Chakra- although there is drive to assert oneself there could be confidence issues and restrictions in self expression that can be improved upon.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Crown Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra- able to communicate and channel messages that can help bring about progress, these areas are likely naturally active and easier to balance.

You could have trouble with: The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus- There’s a need to understand how individuality and emotional transformations can affect oneself and the world,and work is needed in these areas.

Neutral on: The Third Eye Chakra, The Root Chakra- there is some understanding of systems together with an understanding of the future but intuition and the ability to ground one’s visions into reality can be developed further with some work.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Crown Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Sacral Chakra- accepting of change and vulnerability,while naturally imaginative -it could be easy to balance these areas. 

You could have trouble with: The Root Chakra, The Solar Plexus- it may be more difficult to develop healthy boundaries and assert or define the self in interactions with the world-so these areas need development.

Neutral on: The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra- while understanding, this energy is not naturally so expressive and is more focused on unity than understanding differences and separations,so these areas could bring a new dimension of understanding if worked on.

Aries:A philosophical dilemma you’ve been struggling with for a while will be resolved when you finally have the opportunity to kick Noam Chomsky in the face.

Taurus:Restore your confidence and sense of childlike wonder at the world by collecting the orbs.

Gemini:If your co-workers are a little more critical of you today, its because they’re jealous that bonzi buddy can send Emails.

Cancer:Now that things have calmed down a bit, feel free to spend a few days sobbing uncontrollably.

Leo:Folks will see you replace your legs with tank treads and say you cant afford pants.

Virgo:As inviting as it may look, that invitation to the abandoned fireworks factory is yet another trick to steal your gameboy advance.

Libra:You will be receiving more coupons from the winged people who live on the moon. Do not respond to their letters, its a scam.

Scorpio:Try not to get discouraged today! The land is blanketed in cursed fog that erodes memories and there is only so much you can allow yourself to worry about.

Ophiuchus:Careful! Doubting your inherent worth as a living human being will trigger PVP mode.

Sagittarius:The hot single dads in your area are an invasive species which must be culled. Do your part Sagittarius, its open season.

Capricorn:When I asked for todays horoscope the stars gave me the strategy guide for Crash Team Racing.

Aquarius:The security cameras at work show a completely different building in a completely different time. Do not explore the topic further.

Pisces:Take a chance and express yourself, you might find that you can speak Sumerian! You also might find yourself unable to stop speaking sumerian! Take a chance!

#taurus    #taurusseason    
♉ TaurusTaurus begins on the 19th of April, and ends on the 20th of May. This sign belongs to the ce


Taurus begins on the 19th of April, and ends on the 20th of May. This sign belongs to the cerebellum and neck, which controls the lymphatic system of the body; that is, the waters or fluids of life.

Such persons generate life forces very rapidly, and are very determined in whatever they undertake; they are characterized by the common phraseology of “stiff-necked”; they are very unyielding, and are natural conquerors. As a rule, they will have their own way and accomplish their own desires at all hazards. They are great lovers of literary pursuits, and inclined to be studious, but imitators rather than originators of thought. They adapt themselves readily to the customs of society, and are apt to become leaders through their adaptation to the demands of the people, and their great ability to commit to memory from books and authorities, and their powers of mental and physical endurance. They are governed by their sensations, and are influenced in their decisions by their feelings, appetites, and passions. They have fine intuitions in all that pertains to business. They are very sensitive to psychic influences, which makes them apparently more stubborn than they otherwise would be, because they realize intuitively that they are very easily led through their sympathies. Young people born in this sign are apt to be misled by their associates. They are very zealous and sanguine in every cause they espouse, and therefore are liable to extremes. Frequently they are very zealous church members and preachers; they are zealous friends or enemies, but easily turned aside or mollified in this respect. They have a very strong brain, and are apt to be hard students and make superior educational attainments. They feel the minds of others, and it is very difficult for them to distinguish the difference between their own mind and the mind of those associated with them. Because of this, persons born in the sign of Taurus should make all their decisions when entirely alone, and never decide any important business matter while in the midst of business excitement; for if they do, they are more apt to make the decisions from the influence of those around them than from their own mind. The early morning, when they first awake, is the best time for such persons to make their decisions and lay their plans for the day. Children of this date of birth are largely dependent on their education for their future position in life. They have strong appetites, and are apt to be inclined to epicurean habits. Their passions and sex nature are strong, and they are in danger of excesses in that direction. Women born in this sign are in great danger of being misled by their feelings and passions. When a person has gained their sympathies, they have gained control over them to a very great extent. Both sexes have a great deal of jealousy in their nature: they are somewhat in danger of great extremes. Yet, when they are well instructed in the right way, they are very tenacious to carry it out, and cannot be controlled against their will.

These persons are liable to dropsy, from two causes. First, from getting an over-amount of vitality through eating too much, and having what they eat too rich, and getting too fat; second, through strong appetites and over-indulgence of the sex passion. Remove the cause, and the cure is accomplished. They are, as a rule, best adapted to city life.

This nature comes from the parents being very potent in the sex life, and quite satisfied with each other and their surroundings; but this frequently is wholly on the part of the father.

[Source: Solar Biology, by Hiram E. Butler, (1887)]

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Cherubim ‘The cherubim are winged creatures, but the form of them does not resemble that of anCherubim ‘The cherubim are winged creatures, but the form of them does not resemble that of anCherubim ‘The cherubim are winged creatures, but the form of them does not resemble that of an


‘The cherubim are winged creatures, but the form of them does not resemble that of any living creature seen by man’ (Josephus).

They signify presence of divinity and are guardians of the sacred and of the threshold.

As tetramorphs cherubim are the quaternary of elemental powers guarding the centre of Paradise which is inaccessible to the unregenerate man.

They combine the bull (Taurus), lion (Leo), eagle (Scorpio), and man (Aquarius), symbolizing the four elements, the four corners of the earth and, in Christianity, the four Evangelists.

After the Seraphim they are the highest of the nine orders of angels.

In heraldry a cherub is depicted as a child’s head (purity and innocence) between a pair of wings (spiritual nature).

Yahweh is 'enthroned’ upon the cherbuim’ (I Sam. 4,4).

The throne of the Temple of Jerusalem in the Holy of Holies was flanked by two cherubim and the throne was formed by their wings.

[Source: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper]

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 Hey, hey, hey, Great NewsWe now have a Daily Horoscope!You can read the first for June 8, 2016 &hel

Hey, hey, hey, Great News

We now have a Daily Horoscope!
You can read the first for June 8, 2016 … =]

The#Moonin#Leo will provide a #strong foundation for us to #feelour#feelingstoday.


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astrology and speaking notes

-while2nd house has to do with the tone and sound of the voice, 3rd house has to do with self-expression and speech. look to what lies in those houses and what planets are affecting those houses

-mercury in taurus people have a voice that others could just listen to for hours. they’re most likely talented in singing too

-those with libra mercury struggle to be heard and often have a gentle tone or a soft voice

-gemini ascendant/mercury/venus tend to mimic other people’s voices

-ifsaturn has a lot of influence in your chart you may be a little hoarse or have a serious tone

-people with mercury square pluto sometimes sound bitchy and standoffish

-those with sagittarius mars speak forcefully and roughly

-pluto in the 3rd may have a deep or distinctive voice

-aquarius placements often have neutral tones and may even sound monotone

-virgo mercury/acsendant may have a soft voice and speak very quickly

-people with mercury to jupiter aspects have loud and intense voices

☁️astrology observations☁️

-virgo moons can be loud and outgoing, but will always keep a part of themselves hidden

-somebody who has any scorpio/aries/taurus energy tends to be okay with making themselves uncomfortable

-people sometimes think too highly of or are intimidated by people with multiple capricorn placements

-capricorn 4th house can signify a loss of childhood or lots of responsibility

-taurus moons really enjoy spending their money

-people with positive moon or venus aspects have the biggest heart and so much capacity to care about others

-aquarius placements can be the biggest hypocrites

-those with earth energy can be quick to cut people off if they threaten their sense of security

-yourmercury and/or jupiter aspects reveal your sense of humor

-people who have more jupiter energy are lucky or usually rely too much on luck

-libra/virgo moons seem to stress over the silliest things, but they really just want everything to be the best it can be

-people with 12 house stelliums can have a ‘dead inside’ kind of vibe

astrology notes/observations

-those with leo placements are often “theater kids” or otherwise creative people

-taurus risings tend to blend into the background because of their reserved, observant nature

-those with moon to jupiter aspects can find that their emotions are consuming. every feeling is to the extreme

-people with pisces moons can be seen to stir up problems out of nowhere

-aries placements are more reserved than they are made out to be

-harsh saturn aspects give you a feeling of restriction in that part of your life

-aquarius placements can be very judgmental in effort to make themselves seem cooler

-gemini moons make the funniest people

-harsh mars to neptune aspects can lead somebody to be quite tired in life and can become incredibly unmotivated

-you can almost sense that somebody has 8th house placements. it’s not always easy to pin-point, but something about them is slightly sinister

-pisces suns can be way louder and extroverted than they’re made out to be

-virgo risings make amazing leaders. they may come off as nit-picky, but they really just want everybody to the best that they can

-mars to uranus aspects can cause you to hide all the little things that upset you, until you explode

-capricorn placements can be the biggest know-it-alls

-having a lot of sagittarius energy can make you perceived as standoffish

We are all aware of Lilith, and how she can help us get more insight into our secret desires, our sexuality and things which might have been/are considered as taboo, but actually are not bad. I would describe Lilith as empowerment and an understanding of aspects of ourselves that were/are/could be shamed but can be channeled into something empowering and can be embraced.

We are going to be focusing on Black Moon Lilith.  Oh another thing, Lilith can help us also recognize where we were rejected and how we deal/dealt with it. Where we feel shame.

Lilith in Aries:

Someone with a Lilith in Aries does have deep desires to lead and assert themselves, but at the same time they also possess the fear to do. This fear can cause this individual to go both ways, either become forceful with their ‘leadership’ or just quit/run away from such positions and hand them over to others. Here, the individual might struggle with accessing the power that they obviously possess and also struggle with how they channel their individual power, how to exert themselves as leaders and how to lead. These individuals are also very restrained or without any restraint at all. Overcoming all of these fears and issues, and just becoming a dot in a balanced environment requires for the individual to learn that power comes from within, once they go inward and discover the power they hold, they will truly embrace it and just know what to do with it instinctively. Instead they might look for power around them and oftentimes become lost in the wrong corners. Change direction and go within.

Lilith in Taurus

There is always a talk about extremism when it comes to Lilith, but I feel like Lilith in Taurus can really go a long way with the dealings of Lilith. They have a deep desire for things, people, whatever strikes their fancy. No matter which route they take they can remain unsatisfied oftentimes and require more and more and more. Lilith in Taurus might also be very repressed when it comes to sex and sexuality, sexual desires, they are just contained and stray away and/or are not very expressive in that department. Taurus is a fixed sign, so being fixated on staying in one state which I described above can be very likely, which is why this placement is prone to extremism. It is hard for these individuals to come out of that box they’ve prepared for themselves which is quite cozy. This might sound very cliché, because Taurus is an earth sign, but re-connecting with nature and doing some soul-searching can actually be of help - in order to gain that balance and let their sensuality naturally flow. Learning how to manifest and attract things the proper way is going to help them elevate themselves and always be a step closer to what they want and need. The energetic flow and letting it flow naturally is very important for this placement, forcing it to flow is also a trait of Lilith in Taurus because of the inherent shame they feel if it doesn’t. Working through the shame is also a very important thing which can elevate them and liberate them.

Lilith in Gemini

There is probably a blockage in the communication with these folk. An obstacle, difficulty communicating or just being straight-up misunderstood (or maybe even an unclear or disrupted communication with Universe/spirit angels/spirit guides whatever you believe in). When it comes to sex, these individuals might be into dirty talking, word-play, self-expression but due to the shame and/or repression they really disconnect from their bodies and concentrate all of their energy in their heads and get stuck in their heads and thoughts which makes them an absent sexual partner. Drawn/draws in damaged people, people with issues, because they have a storage of unhealthy thoughts, repressed feelings/thoughts and what-not themselves. These individuals just really need to come in terms with their intellect, how their mind works, liberate themselves by grounding themselves and objectively looking at themselves in order to come closer to first, becoming aware, secondly addressing the issues. Liberating and elevating yourself is really important. I’d even recommend (for all Lilith placements) working on or at least taking a peek into your chakra energies, blockages and how to heal them and balance yourself.

Lilith in Cancer

There is this initial shame for having/expressing/feeling emotions, it is either self-inflicted or they were shamed since they were younger for it. That probably created a trauma effect and caused these individuals to repress their emotions so they may even avoid emotional situations or situations which cause intense feelings altogether. With Lilith in Cancer there is a possibility the individual has experiences some traumatic events in their childhood or within their family/loved ones circle. Obviously, repressing emotions in that way does not work for the long haul, so in some cases with Lilith in Cancer emotions can burst up unexpectedly or sideways. Because of this they might even be prone to be sad, depressed or simply develop escapist tendencies. In regard to all of these issues, these individuals are prone to become needy and/or clingy partners, friends, parents.  Sexually, it is also hard for them, because they yearn for that deep connection with their partner but most of the time they are unable to attain that connection due to their unresolved issues, so they become disconnected from sex. Acknowledging, letting go of this control, releasing all of this baggage and repression is so freeing and liberating and the way to go for these individuals, the healthy way of course which is most likely through a creative channel, or just a channel which produces productivity and fruitful results. They really just want to feel connected and present, feel everything without fear and shame. Dealing with the past and facing it, addressing it can also help these individuals, because they might also have a tendency to cling to it.

Lilith in Leo

For these individuals wanting to be wanted, adored can indicate feelings of shame for the very same thing. That shame causes repression and causes them to, sometimes, go to many lengths for approval and recognition. There are two cases that go both ways on the spectrum, either these individuals will be attracted to people of power/status or will try to gain power and status. Lilith in Leo should be careful and be very aware of the thin line between their ego and their drive, because they are also very determined and that can manifest in bad ways if ego is involved. They can either lack self-esteem or be total narcissists. Healing and focusing on doing their thing, attracting adoration and feeling worthy will come naturally, because the people will admire them, look up to them and love them, and that will all result from them just being themselves authentically and going after what they want after being liberated and letting the natural flow of energy get at it.

Lilith in Virgo

Issues with perfectionism are main issues. These individuals deeply feel that they are filled with flaws and only give light to those flaws which results in them feeling shameful and restrict themselves in some way. They will try to attain perfectionism or never try anything because of how ashamed they are of their flaws. Because of it they sometimes feel so anxious and quit projects/on people/tasks half-way, they feel unprepared, they feel very low, that voice is constantly repeating ‘you are not ready’, ‘you are not good enough’ etc. Sexually they will either be obsessed with being perfect at it, focus on pleasing their partner fully and exclude themselves, or they are very stoic, cold and repressed when it comes to sex. In order to heal they need to have a greater understanding of how the Universe works, some deep soul-searching, realizing that perfection is impossible and even if possible then what? If you are perfect then there will be no room for improvement, growth and etc. Perfection is only an ending of everything. But it is impossible. They should focus on working on themselves tremendously, working on bettering, growing and improving themselves. Acceptance.

Lilith in Libra

Blockages in relationships arise as well as many issues surrounding relationships. This placement is a harder one to heal. Learning how to stand on firm ground, cherish your independence even in a bond/partnership/union. It is important to break away from toxic people and toxic relationships, either heal those toxic relationships, repair them, understand where you are feeling guilty, why you are feeling that way, look within. Explore yourself, where does the shame lie, you want to please everyone else but yourself, sacrifice yourself by putting everything on the line. Constant guilt that you are not doing enough for others, that you should do more. No. Do that for yourself, instead. Put yourself first, go inward, listen to your own voice, if necessary isolate yourself for a bit. When you charge yourself then you will be able to help others, only those worth it.

Lilith in Scorpio

Magnetizing, intense, smoldering, obviously it is a Scorpio placement. Lilith in Scorpio tend to be very self-destructive even if Lilith feels a bit comfortable here. It is very easily for these individuals to fall into rabbit holes, because they only want to go to the deepest of corners of whatever it is (whatever it their cup of tea), but sometimes going that deep can mean drowning, forgetting that you actually are a great swimmer and letting the waves of the depth drown you. Negative thoughts, fears are piling up and it is hard to exit that escapist route. As a fixed sign, this placement can hold a grudge and might be even a bit vengeful. But caring for themselves, breaking these patterns of repetition, breaking these patterns which cause them to escape which is unlike them will bring them steps closer to healing. They have the tendency to get over-attached among being self-destruct, which can destroy them if they do not work on releasing themselves from attachments.  Learning how to be okay with how life goes, with the journeys life has prepared for them, just to back off, get their claws off of everything and relax and sometimes even just observe. Trust the process. Trust the Universe.

Lilith in Sagittarius

These individuals are very restless and want to just break free from any chains they feel are upon them, they just want to burst out any barrier out of any bubble, and sometimes that can stir up problems in work/job/relationships/friendships etc. They just have this burning up need for independence and experiencing the world at its fullest and on their skin completely, without anyone preaching it to them. They are also very experimental, sexually as well. They will want to be with partners who are open to new things and are liberal. They are the ones who can do sex without a strong connection to the person, they know how to have fun. Lilith in Sagittarius need to learn that they can still be independent and nurture their independence while being committed to a relationship. They must not forget to take care of themselves individually, outside of a relationship. Because if they do not, the fear of being tied down, being denied freedom will always ring in the back of their mind. It’s kind of a false fear causing you to rebel or do reckless things that are not fruitful in the long run and might even make you cringe, you need to gain emotional stability without fearing it or being ashamed.

Lilith in Capricorn

These individuals have a fear of failure a constant self-put pressure or a pressure caused by societal norms, by looking at what others which are their age do and what they don’t do. They fear not catching up or not climbing any ladder at all. They can become slaves to their tasks/duties.  Even though they do not react well to failure they are very strong and can quickly get back on their feet again. Sexually they might be very dominant and want to be in control (mommy/daddy vibes lol) or will be very detached/cold. They might carry that feeling of duty, a responsibility to please their partner fully and create such a fulfilling and unforgettable sexual experience for their partner and it can become a constant burden. Healing can happen by these individuals actually taking responsibility toward themselves, taking care of themselves first and then paying attention to others.

Lilith in Aquarius

With Lilith in Aquarius it is totally visible that they stand out in some or another, they are unique and it might have been quite an alienating experience growing up or still. They feel ashamed for how different they are and how they cannot fit it or be accepted or be understood. It can be quite a lonely experience but also frustrating, and that is because these individuals want to be a part of a group, they want to belong, they want to be accepted, they want to be powerful with their gang and change the world. Growing up or just through life they might knock on the wrong doors couple of times. They can achieve healing when they start accepting themselves and their unique nature. Once they do that I really believe they will attract like-minded individuals who are also different and possibly are misfits of society. In that way they can be different together. All they need to do is accept their own differences without conforming. But I believe, because Lilith is about restrictions and repression, fear and shame, at one point in their life or another they might have tried to conform and make themselves like everyone else just to belong. But no, liberate yourselves by accepting yourselves, it is the most empowering you can do.

Lilith in Pisces

They are unsure, they doubt, they fear, they look at many alternatives finding the good things in every which makes it hard to be decisive, so they just turn it off and escape. They definitely have escapism tendencies. Sometimes in order to cope with trauma or uncomfortable experiences they just pretend those did not happen or do not exist by turning it off, but that is anything but good. Because that trauma keeps piling up without them addressing it or even being aware of it, which can cause the trauma to be let out in every field of their life. They must not allow it to come to that degree. Break the cycle, learn, grow, accept. I know it is easier said than done, especially with this placement which is prone to sadness/depression/anxiety. It is also important to learn moderation, therapy is also good if necessary. They also need to learn to love themselves and their life no matter how shitty it can get, heck it gets shitty for all of us. Gathering the courage and strength to face it head-on instead of retreating to a fantasy can be liberating and elevating for these individuals.

Alchemilla mollis, Dutch: vrouwenmantel.

Alchemilla mollis, Dutch: vrouwenmantel.

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