#tw kys mention



Guys, please, for yours and others safety, go block @/youra-c-u-t-iepie-y-o-u-r-s-e-lf , they’re extremely ableist and have been following random neurodivergent people just to harass them and to tell them to “ký$”. Please stay safe, and if they message you, delete the message andBLOCK THEM.

Tagging (sorry, this is really important)

@natsueyama@thetearoom@galaxyemp1r3@welcome-to-gaytown and anyone else who can boost this.


Just a daily reminder, if you’re a TERF/SWERF and you somehow get past me checking my followers, I hope you fucking die, I don’t like you, and I don’t want you here, i found at least five of you measly little shits and I will continue to block you, so, go die
