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day 338 : MY IS BURSTING OUT OF MY CHEST . this was a really. big. thing. . only a true friend would

this was a really. big. thing.
only a true friend would trust a paraplegic with their pristine subaru. @addymariewillis you the real mvp (and also my forever photographer/videographer)
planned to just do some trials in a parking lot. ended driving around campus and back home. felt so natural and so damn good. not bad for not having touched a pedal in 11 months.
little things : i can drive with my arm out the window. i can drink my drink while driving. i can turn a steering wheel without using a knob. my hands are bored. this feeling is unbelievable.
(at Clemson, South Carolina)

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It’s Women’s History Month. Today Maxine Waters is reclaiming her time.Born August 15, 1

It’s Women’s History Month. Today Maxine Waters is reclaiming her time.

Born August 15, 1938 in St. Louis Missouri, she was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives for California’s 29th district in 1990. She soon defined herself as a firebrand when she interrupted a Republican speech in retaliation for what she considered overly harsh questioning of Hilary Clinton’s Chief of Staff. During a House Financial Committee meeting she repeatedly used the phrase, “reclaiming my time” when United States Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin attempted to waste time by not addressing her questions properly. Despite controversy and amid allegations of corruption she has been an outspoken critic of Donald Trump, George H. W. Bush and even Barack Obama. Her intolerance for bullshit is perhaps her greatest gift, she is Maxine Waters.

Dropbox link to this month’s and all previous NSP’s here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aaranf3oh9534sy/Nevertheless_all.pdf?dl=0

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This is a supplement to THE MARVEL SYMPHONIC UNIVERSE. It’s the second of two new videos today. Watch the other video first.

This video was made by
Brian Satterwhite: https://twitter.com/bmsatter
Taylor Ramos: https://twitter.com/glassesattached
Tony Zhou: https://twitter.com/tonyszhou

ALSO for our lovely server admin @pianist-todoroki a fanart from their stunning fanfic Golden Days!!

ALSO for our lovely server admin @pianist-todoroki a fanart from their stunning fanfic Golden Days!!

Pls go read it its adorable and GoOd and also like named after a fall out boy song?? Wild


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If you train hard winning is easy✨

#repost from @kunaljethanandani || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #adaptivesports #wheelchairsports #cricket #practicemakesperfect #persistance #focus #adaptivecricket #wheelchaircricket #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairguy #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Adventure awaits✨ • • Scroll ⇦ • “Exploring the amazing Italian culture ” - @laprii • •

Adventure awaits✨

• Scroll ⇦

“Exploring the amazing Italian culture ” - @laprii

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Show em the ropes!✨

“A determinação de sempre, pq desistir é pros fracos, nos somos fortes!!!” - @jailtonhito

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The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are✨


▪️Каждый из нас наделён ценными ресурсами, чтобы быть счастливым. Каждый из нас имеет огромный потенциал для успеха!

▪️Ждать, что счастье вот вот наступит, что цель будет достигнута, но при этом сомневаться в себе, в своих силах - это путь в никуда. Очень важно жить в гармонии с собой, и понимать, что не всё приходит сразу: чтобы что - то получить, нужно научиться отдавать!

▪️Я не хочу мусолить тему о себе в данном видео, но расскажу вкратце: я получила жесткое испытание от жизни, которое заставило моё сознание перевернуться на 360• У меня были все стадии эмоционального потрясения после дтп: отрицание, гнев, торг, депрессия, а затем принятие.

▪️Здесь перед мной встал выбор: жить в вечной меланхолии, потерянности, закрыться в коконе, обижаться на всех вокруг или сделать ВСЁ, чтобы вытащить себя из состояния плачущей амёбы. Я выбрала второй вариант, не сразу, но осознание последствий моего уныния пришло со временем. Теперь я знаю, что могу и чего хочу в этой жизни!

▪️В сложных и стрессовых ситуациях, когда сил вроде бы уже нет, очень важно видеть разницу между тем, что произошло, и тем, что происходит внутри нас! Непринятие себя самого - это бОльшая степень непринятия всего вокруг.

▪️Мы не идеальны, мир не идеален, но каждый из нас способен сделать нечто большее, лучшее, стать эффективнее, вдохновлять, в первую очередь самого себя своими поступками и воодушевлять своё окружение!

Консультация со мной поможет Вам определить ваши сильные стороны, которые способны исправить слабые, ваше предназначение, миссию в жизни (см. актуальное «услуги», переходите по ссылке в шапке профиля, читайте информацию♥️).” - @numerolog_khegay

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Keep on shining✨

“Let’s wash the car All the video on YouTube https://youtu.be/ouTFjNWVELo” - @amrcz

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Experience only makes it look easy✨

“Transferring is one of the first things I learned in rehab. I used to rely on a sliding board, a solid board placed between two surface that allows a person to slide across and transfer. Now, I have the strength to make the transfer from a lower elevation to my chair and vice versa. "The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come.” P.S. I will be posting more about this INSANE handcycle in a later post so be on the lookout for that!" - @annasarol

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The habit of persistence is the habit of victory✨

“Volere è potere ” - @toto_abba

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Skill comes from consistent and deliberate practice✨

“BOM DIAAA!!! ☀️ Pós 1 hora e meia treinando circuito, a endorfina lá em cima, aí bateu a saudade e não teve jeito!! ” - @gabrielaoliveiraoficial

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Be like the bouncy ball. Don’t give up on yourself, no matter how much you’ve been hit by a hard state. As the time passes, you’ll surely bounce higher than ever✨

Sent by @t_wes44 || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #scirecovery #bounceback #soccertherapy #goals #staystrong #adaptiveworkout #balance #pt #physicaltherapy #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairguy #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Keep pushing and remember why you started!✨

Sent by @mouzonetraining || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #wheelchairsports #adaptivefitness #personaltrainer #wheelchairfitness #staystrong #adaptiveworkout #wheelchairworkout #rollmodel #wheelchairability #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairgirl #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills✨

“Aunque la temporada está prácticamente perdida…hay que entretenerse un poquito y mantener el toque lo que se pueda!!” - @varovarez

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Never stop believing in yourself✨

#repost from @valensalloum || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #wheelchairstrong #wheelchairworkout #wheelchairfitness #workoutmotivation #staystrong #rollmodel #adaptivefitness #wheelchairability #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairgirl #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Look back at where you came from and let yourself feel proud about your progress✨

“A step that I had walked over thousands of times before without even noticing it was there, all of a sudden became a huge obstacle and challenge when I first came home, here’s how I manage it now! ‍” - @craigdennis

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Ski you later!✨

“Looking forward to the next opportunity to ski!!! ” - @lorrainetruong

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It doesn’t get easier… You get stronger✨

#repost from @zahi9d || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #wheelchairworkout #wheelchairstrong #wheelchairability #wheelchairworkout #strengthening #wheelchairstyle #workoutmotivation #howweroll #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairguy #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Shine like the whole universe is yours✨

“Я навсегда запомню этот монолог

«Твоя инвалидность в том, что ты забыла, как бывает по-другому. И не хочешь вспоминать.

Хорошо, если встретится человек, которому ты просто нужна. Ну вот просто- нужна. Сама нужна. Именно ты. А не кто-то, кого ты наивно заменяешь по причине недосягаемости»” - @tvl.di

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Hard work makes things look easy✨

“I try to stay as fit as I can during the quarantine. Safety is important, but luckily with precautions you can still do a lot. I had a great time playing hockey outside at an empty parking lot. Everybody take care and let’s try to make the best of it.” - @the_handicapable

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Never miss a chance to learn something new✨

“Always testing my limits and using my chair as an extension of myself! #AdaptAndAchieve” - @adam__lucio

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Collect beautiful moments✨ • • Scroll ⇦ • “Dla takich chwil warto! Warto wstawać z łóżka, wych

Collect beautiful moments✨

• Scroll ⇦

“Dla takich chwil warto! Warto wstawać z łóżka, wychodzić z domu, ćwiczyć, uśmiechać się, stawiać czoła światu, właśnie dla takich chwil! Olaf bał się wózka, nawet nie mogłam do niego podjechać, a teraz? No wzruszyłam się!
Przesuń w bok to zobaczysz filmik ❤” - @santi_horse_life

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