
And for our final day of Voltron shipping week, one of Ns favorites – #Hance ! Thanks so much

And for our final day of Voltron shipping week, one of Ns favorites – #Hance ! Thanks so much for playing along this week, yall. We love and value all ships! So long as you’re having fun and no one is being hurt, go for it.

We’re going on a big trip to Osaka, Kyoto, Seoul and Shanghai! So we’ll be a little quiet until then, but no worries – we already have another art week in the works for when we come back! #voltronlegendarydefender #VoltronLance #VoltronHunk #Hunk #Lance

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Day three of shipping week! We did say we liked crack ships, right? Plus Hunk can make any ship sail

Day three of shipping week! We did say we liked crack ships, right? Plus Hunk can make any ship sail #VoltronHunk #Lotor #DoesThisShipEvenHaveAName

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Whumptober 2021



disaster zone | trauma | prisoner



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


Olkarion sent out a distress signal a few hours ago, the paladins have been there trying to defeat the galra fleets surrounding the towns. After a long hard battle the paladins where able to defeat all the galra fleets and start moving the rubble. Or so they thought..!

Keith and hunk took one part of the town while the other paladins split up to the other towns on Olkarion. Keith spotted the remaining two galra ships first and warned hunk of their presence. Both Keith and hunk headed back towards their lions but they where under heavy fire. They took shelter in a near by building which turned out to be a bad idea.

The two galra ships shot at the building causing it to collapse on top of them trapping them underneath all the rubble. Luckily hunk was wearing his helmet, Keith on the other hand had lost his in the previous battle.

There was a small gap in the rubble just big enough that hunk could see Keith on the other side of it. Keith’s head was pouring with blood and tears where falling from his eyes. Hunk had never seen Keith scared before but he didn’t need to not to be able to tell he was terrified right now.

Hunk-Keith can you hear me ?

Keith- Y… yeah

Hunk- Are you ok , how badly are you hurt ?

Keith- Would now be a good time to mention I hate small spaces ? And I think I cracked my head open …

Hunk-Seriously dude , small spaces are you kidding !?

Hunk did his best to reassure Keith that everything was ok but honestly it wasn’t … his helmet was busted and he couldn’t get through to the paladins. Keith was loosing blood fast and loosing consciousness even faster. Finally after a few more unsuccessful attempts hunk managed to get through to the paladins and let them know what happened. Hunk had only taken his eyes of Keith for no more that a minute but his eyes where closed now.

Hunk-Keith buddy you still with me ?

Keith-Y.. y … yeah

Hunk- Ok hang in there buddy the others are on their way. Keep talking to me ok?

Keith was reluctant he was exhausted and his head was pounding. He would be lying though if he said hunks voice wasn’t calming his nerves and soothing that banging in his head. Keith would never admit it but he was terrified… but something about knowing hunk was right there with him, that he wasn’t alone was oddly comforting….

[ Word count - 423]
