

Tagged by @negrowhat​ to post my lockscreen, homescreen, last played song, and last pic on my camera roll.

I’ll tag @piningbisexuals​,@holduwheremyheartis​,@funyasm​,@starminesister​, and @talaysbaby

 @ardynoctweek​ Day 6: FREE  / MapleStory AUThe colors came out way different when I transferred the

@ardynoctweekDay 6: FREE  / MapleStory AU

The colors came out way different when I transferred them to my desktop…but oh well. x-x;;; Ardyn as the Black Mage (w/ his own version of the outfit!) and Noctis as Luminous. TvT;

Post link

If I ever found myself in a Star Trek production and Jonathan Frakes, Himself, directed me to yeet myself in one direction or another because the ship was taking enemy fire, I would simply cry tears of transcendent joy.
