crewwt: Even a well lit place can hide salvation.crewwt: Even a well lit place can hide salvation.


Even a well lit place can hide salvation.

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voldemxrt: how can u not love this beautiful smiley sunshine child?voldemxrt: how can u not love this beautiful smiley sunshine child?voldemxrt: how can u not love this beautiful smiley sunshine child?voldemxrt: how can u not love this beautiful smiley sunshine child?


how can u not love this beautiful smiley sunshine child?

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narcissabllack:You’re an interesting man, Mr. Scamander.narcissabllack:You’re an interesting man, Mr. Scamander.


You’re an interesting man, Mr. Scamander.

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ginnxweasley:harry potter meme: [2 of 10] anything ~ sassy!harry“Well, I’m terrified now,” said ginnxweasley:harry potter meme: [2 of 10] anything ~ sassy!harry“Well, I’m terrified now,” said ginnxweasley:harry potter meme: [2 of 10] anything ~ sassy!harry“Well, I’m terrified now,” said ginnxweasley:harry potter meme: [2 of 10] anything ~ sassy!harry“Well, I’m terrified now,” said ginnxweasley:harry potter meme: [2 of 10] anything ~ sassy!harry“Well, I’m terrified now,” said ginnxweasley:harry potter meme: [2 of 10] anything ~ sassy!harry“Well, I’m terrified now,” said ginnxweasley:harry potter meme: [2 of 10] anything ~ sassy!harry“Well, I’m terrified now,” said ginnxweasley:harry potter meme: [2 of 10] anything ~ sassy!harry“Well, I’m terrified now,” said


harry potter meme:[2 of 10] anything ~ sassy!harry

“Well, I’m terrified now,” said Harry sarcastically. “I s'pose Lord Voldemort’s just a warm-up act compared to you three.” […]

“You think you’re such a big man, Potter,” said Malfoy, advancing now, Crabbe and Goyle flanking him. “You wait. I’ll have you. You can’t land my father in prison.”

“I thought I just had,” said Harry.

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