scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.

scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.
scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.
scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.
scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.
scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.
scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.
scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.
scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.
scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.
scavengedluxury: Berlin After the Wall 1992–1994, photos by Colin McPherson.