“I added eight inches to my biceps. Chest and gut have grown too. Still, all-natural though shirt is getting a little tight.”

#muscle morph    #maxmorphs    

He lost a bet against his gym buddy, and now he had to train in the same outfit forever … or at least until his mountainous muscles blew out of it.

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I cannot wait for _maxsmall next off-season #morph #offseason #bestseason

325 pounds of pure perfection.

Find me on OF

#muscle morph    #maxmorphs    

As you can see, he hates shirts with sleeves.

#muscle morph    #maxmorphs    

This is me getting ready to start an OF
It’s still for free this month, so give me a follow and enjoy the free content!


The shirt doesn’t fit him in his pumped state anymore.

#max morphs    

“Hey guys, sorry for disappearing for almost a month! As you can see, a lot has changed!
You know how much I enjoy the offseason. The swelling, the gut, the bigger pecs! Not to mention the lots and lots of food!
So a month ago, when the time came to cut, I couldn’t do it. Instead of counting calories and creating new content for OF and you guys, I continued stuffing myself mindlessly. Over just 30 days, I was able to gain 55lbs of pure mass!
I feel incredible! Nothing fits me anymore, but I finally feel at home in my body! The problem is that the hunger in my belly has grown accordingly. You guys have to see the amount of food I shovel into my face every day now!
Long story short: I extended the offseason by six more weeks. Let’s see how much weight I can put on till then. And maybe I can start cutting down then …

“Get in. We’re going to the gym.”

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