

A problem I have when reading romance novels is I cannot empathize with disliking someone but finding them attractive regardless. If I dislike someone I’m like “You are like a wadded up ball of sweaty socks and I want you to burn in a pyre, undying and screaming for days”

“He infuriated her, though she was willing to admit he was a handsome man” I couldn’t begin to tell you what the people I dislike look like because I see red instantly. If you were like “Is he the blond one” I’d be like “idk he’s the one who most looks like he should die”


Shoutout at the knockoff movies that I grew up with. Like. In my teenage years I couldn’t figure out WHY everyone would be like “AnAsTaSiA iS bEtTeR tHaN aNy DiSneY pRinCeSs.” And I was like ? that movie was SO bad. The animation is nowhere near as good as Disney, not even close. The story was STUPID and the characters were unlikable. People would FIGHT ME on this and tell me what a good movie Anastasia was and I would be like “I watched it a bunch of times as a kid because I had the VHS, I never liked it.” 

Then one day I was arguing with a friend about it and he was like “I just don’t get how you don’t like it! The story’s so good, and you love princess movies.” 

And I was like “For the last time the story is NOT good. That train scene was the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” 

And he was like “train scene? When they’re fleeing the capital?” 

So I’m like “I don’t remember why they’re on a train but I remember she ate too much or something and the guy she was with made fun of her for it.” 

NATURALLY this raised some questions, such as, “what on earth are you talking about NostalgicFun” and “she didn’t eat on the train what’s wrong with you” 

So I double down like “NO she definitely ate on the train. I think the instruments made some kind of remark about it too and I always felt bad for her because she was hungry.” 

“……………..The instruments,,,,?” 

“Yeah? Her parents were turned into instruments, duh.” 

And that’s how I discovered I grew up watching some bizarre knockoff Anastasia movie where her family was turned into instruments 

also apparently this company did a whole line of Disney/Fox/Dreamworks copycat movies such as “The Secret of Mulan” and “The Secret of Hunchback.” And while they’re admittedly…charming? I’m not sure I’d use the word “good.” 

tinybunnyprince:reusable juice boxes x 


reusable juice boxes x 

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it’s legitimately fucked how people view labor in the modern age. i’m Happy stocking shelves, why does that mean i shouldn’t make enough money to live? don’t you think we should be cultivating a workforce that’s happy to do the things they want? do you want a doctor who’s only working for his paycheck & not out of an actual urge to help others? do you want the garbagemen who keep your city clean to live impoverished because they’re not bootstrapping hard enough? every single american institution is working backwards to solve problems that could easily be solved with compassion and empathy

The way how I’ve been pushed into fields that I don’t want to do and away from fields that I want to do is disgusting and I absolutely hate it. You want me to do law? You’re going to get one more lawyer who’s just there for the money. You want me to do medicine? You’re going to get one more doctor who treats patients like items on a list. And what can I do? The alternative is not being able to live comfortably because I chose to do something I like doing. I hate this so much that I cannot express it fully in any given form.


I got deleted add me if you’d like

amatesura: Fanny and Alexander (1982) | dir. Ingmar Bergmanamatesura: Fanny and Alexander (1982) | dir. Ingmar Bergman


FannyandAlexander(1982) | dir. Ingmar Bergman

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girlie you can’t give up you don’t have the mansion with a secret library yet
