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andremenage:Eu ia adorar rsrs…..


Eu ia adorar rsrs…..

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portocorn: paraisodoscornos: maridomanso:Por várias vezes tentamos descobrir quantos mas não conse




Por várias vezes tentamos descobrir quantos mas não conseguimos chegar perto.
Principalmente depois de casada pois sem dúvida nenhuma foi centenas de vezes mais do que quando era solteira.
Realmente um pouco difícil de saber com quantos.
Mas temos alguns números lembrado até por ela mesmo como:

* em um único dia ela já deu a buceta para três homens diferentes
* em uma única semana ela já deu a buceta para cinco homens diferentes
* em um mês que lembramos ela chegou a sair com 9 homens diferente um de cada vez.

Baseado nesses números chegamos a conclusão de não sabermos quantos já comeram de uma certa frustrante por não ter números reais de outra forma feliz por já ter perdido a contas de Quantos homens já comeram a minha esposa.

Ainda sei…

Que depoimento mais lindo! Que sorte deste marido.

Ainda sabemos. Mantemos os registros desde o primeiro chifre!

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maridomanso: Por várias vezes tentamos descobrir quantos mas não conseguimos chegar perto. Principal


Por várias vezes tentamos descobrir quantos mas não conseguimos chegar perto.
Principalmente depois de casada pois sem dúvida nenhuma foi centenas de vezes mais do que quando era solteira.
Realmente um pouco difícil de saber com quantos.
Mas temos alguns números lembrado até por ela mesmo como:

* em um único dia ela já deu a buceta para três homens diferentes
* em uma única semana ela já deu a buceta para cinco homens diferentes
* em um mês que lembramos ela chegou a sair com 9 homens diferente um de cada vez.

Baseado nesses números chegamos a conclusão de não sabermos quantos já comeram de uma certa frustrante por não ter números reais de outra forma feliz por já ter perdido a contas de Quantos homens já comeram a minha esposa.

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noseoutros: #CasadaSafada #NosEOutrosSempre


#CasadaSafada #NosEOutrosSempre

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noseoutros: #CasadaSafada #NosEOutrosSempre


#CasadaSafada #NosEOutrosSempre

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noseoutros: #CasadaSafada #NosEOutrosSempre


#CasadaSafada #NosEOutrosSempre

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noseoutros: #CasadaSafada #NosEOutrosSempre


#CasadaSafada #NosEOutrosSempre

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Love Avatar the Last Airbender? Join The Gaang: An ATLA Discord Server!

Here are some features!

  • Channels for ATLA and LOK discussion including specific channels just for shipping! (We have channels for Zutara, Kataang, Zukaang, Zukka, Sukka, etc.)
  • SFW and NSFW options available so all ages are welcome! An inviting and inclusive space for all, and the ability to select your pronouns upon entry!
  • Places to share your ATLA art and writing with others. Including channels to stream your drawings plus specific roles for writers and artists.
  • Places to vent about real issues, and voice chat options available. Meet lots of friends!
  • A few discussion channels for other fandoms plus a gaming themed channel.
  • Tons of memes and a huge selection of ATLA emojis!
  • Best of all: super nice and friendly people who love ATLA!

ClickJOIN to join the server! If you are having issues with the link, it is also in my bio or feel welcome to shoot me an ask or DM!

#avatar the last airbender    #zutara    #kataang    #zukaang    #avatar aang    #katara    #toph beifong    #uncle iroh    #the legend of korra    #korrasami    #makorra    #avatar tlok    #kyoshi    
ariespsyche: kids shouldn’t be fighting your warsariespsyche: kids shouldn’t be fighting your warsariespsyche: kids shouldn’t be fighting your warsariespsyche: kids shouldn’t be fighting your wars


kids shouldn’t be fighting your wars

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aang: you muzzled appa??!? *enters avatar state*

avatar kyoshi:


These are all some of the things the Dai Li has done to this RPC. They are acting as bullies. Let’s end bullying.

Encouraging people to block others is bullying.

Making up false claims, aka, spreading rumours about people is bullying.

Sending people threats to their inbox is bullying.

Reblogging people’s posts you don’t like calling them horrid names is bullying.

Making a blog targeted at one specific person you don’t like and mocking their username is bullying.

Using racist language to mock someone you don’t like is racism and bullying.

Manipulating someone by making a blog to gain their trust only to go into their server and collect screenshots is bullying.

Posting a list of people to block on your page is bullying.

Posting people’s private conversations that you acquired through violation and deception on your own blog to smear them because all they did was privately gossip about the things you did to them is bullying.

Reblogging posts guilting people to go along with their smear campaign and narrative warped callout is bullying.

Making people feel so intimidated by your callout posts is bullying.

Attaching disgusting labels that are untrue onto users who do something that you personally do not like is bullying.

Repeatedly telling someone to “delete”, “delete yourself”, “delete your blog”, or some variant is bullying.

Telling someone that they are responsible for someone’s self-harm or potentially worse is death baiting and bullying.

Allowing these actions to run rampant in a community you are a part of is being complicit in bullying.

Stand up against the Dai Li now.

Reblog this post if you are done with being afraid of the Dai Li. They are once again messaging new users. They are still bullying. It’s time to make this stop. I know my username is attached to drama, but I implore all of you to please at least like this post if you stand against this bullying. Enough is enough.

End Dai Li bullying.


I finish watching this show last week and… aaaah I never thought I would love it this much.

Here some doodles

