‘Baby Doll’ Clowns enjoy having a small nest to retreat to. It often is made up of randomly cut up pieces of cloth, a small box, small shiny objects like coins or tiny bells and objects that are of a colour they enjoy. Some jokingly call them the Bower Birds of Clowns because of this though other clowns will occasionally create nests like these as well

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Clowns often enjoy any sweets they can get access to, including gummy treats and chocolate bars but please just give them candy floss or cotton candy for treats. They might enjoy the flavour but they have a harder time digesting chocolate and it’s impossible for them to properly digest gummy treats.

Isn’t chocolate poisonous to clowns? Humans are kinda just. poison eaters. right?

Actually, clowns can consume chocolate. While chocolate is poisonous to most other animals, clowns seem to have a strong resistance or immunity.

Update on the little mime.

She has been adapting well to her tent and to me. She has become less fearful when I’m around and she’s grown a little since I last updated you all. I even saw her do a little performance with a ball I gave her. She did run away when I clapped though so I have provided a little back of the tent area that is occasionally provided to clowns who are nervous at loud noises. I’ll update you all in a week with either more news or a care tip.

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Clowns often enjoy any sweets they can get access to, including gummy treats and chocolate bars but please just give them candy floss or cotton candy for treats. They might enjoy the flavour but they have a harder time digesting chocolate and it’s impossible for them to properly digest gummy treats.

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Scares can also be frightened. Just because their whole schtick is looking scary doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a place where they can retreat to if they’re scared of something. While they are much braver than some other varieties, they might still be startled by loud noises they weren’t prepared for or perhaps spiders do them a frighten.

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Scares happen to have a very surprising ability. As they were bred to guard people they bond with, they can actually sorta smell out anger or frustration. This is helpful for when they need to keep their owner or ‘troupe’ safe.

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I got the mime’s tent set up recently. It took a little struggle but she was successfully moved to the tent. Gave her a few more toys and she is eating a teensie bit more than she used to. Not alot but it’s good enough for her to not starve. Someone seems to have applied makeup to her because I can see some markings covered by blotchy white face paint. I’ll update you guys later.

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To the person who left their Glastonbury Mr. Punch outside my house while you went on a 2 hour shopping trip, forcing me to go take care of him when it began raining, I hope he plays the meanest of pranks on you. I’m talking breaking expensive stuff pranks.

The Glastonbury Mr. Punch is a breed of Jester under the Mr. Punch category, along with the Buckingham and York breeds. Mr. Punch jesters are far more malicious in pranks and heavily dislike mistreatment. Proper care is required if you don’t want your valuables disappearing and your kitchen floor turned into a raw pasta mosaic.

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The reason for mimes lacking colour connects to an uncommon but not entirely rare mutation that can happen in certain clowns called monochromism. While many often love their colourful clowns, some people enjoyed the black and white colours of monochrome clowns. After many generations of breeding, mimes were recognised as their own variety of clown. Earlier mimes were also mute, a side effect of breeding generations of solely monochromatic clowns. However, in Tarrascon, France, there is a breed of mime known as the Tarrascon Redcheek. This breed are known for their, well, red cheeks, a defining feature that appeared from a mutation more common in the area. So, Tarrascon Redcheeks originated from a mutation that occurs in a variety that originated from a mutation.

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To clear up a mistake some people make, Rodeos are nottheeasiest type of clown to care for. The easiest happens to be the very small Teacup variety. They don’t need as much space as Rodeos, who require a big tent and plenty of space to roam around in. Teacups are perfectly content with less space and are more often than not low energy. They’re also perfect for all kinds of house, from apartments to farmhouses.

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A note on mimes and how to check their health:

Firstly, while mimes are quiet, they’re not wholly anti social clowns. Mimes can interact with other clowns and humans and typically, a healthy mime should be able to do so happily. If a mime is very nervous around humans and other clowns, that’s a sign something is wrong or troubling them and you should get it checked. This is one o the few ways to know if they’re healthy or not, considering mimes cannot vocalise feeling unwell.

Secondly, look for if they do what they’re named after. Mimes are very intelligent clowns, occasionally more so than other varieties and they can display using miming how they feel. A healthy, happy mime will probably perform sillier tricks (invisible box or rope, heavy balloon, strong wind) while a sick mime will try to grab your attention. If they come to you and seem to display pain or feeling ill in a certain area, do not ignore them. They’re not playing or performing, they’re telling you something is wrong in their own secret language

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Young Latina Bitch With A Tight Phatty


On that ASS bitch!!


is this thot serious? id but in dat asshole


You think this Bubble butt Latina bitches panties say Pink because that’s the color of her pussy?

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