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“girlhood is grief” you’re a middle class cis white woman


tumblr is simple. I log on. I reblog pretty pictures. I see the most insane opinion a human being can have. I log off


yall would live much happier lives if you would stop to think “is this about me?” before starting pointless shit.

you don’t need to accuse a post about safe sex of being aphobic. someone talking about the struggles of being bi doesn’t need you saying they should be a lesbian instead. if someone talks about a nice thing their dad did they don’t need you replying about shitty men are

so many people around here are so rude and bitter that it almost seems like they’re trolling but they’re not! they’re just horribly self centered


I hate to say it and I hate to know it but if you crave intimacy and deep relation you truly have to muster the courage to go first.


fuck it izzy s&m rihanna fancam

props to my yellow paper crane

#hiiíi    #see cute    

i literally look so cute rn


new uterine lining just dropped


Get in we’re going grocery shopping


bugs are so important to this world I will never diminish the worth of a bug but the truthis they scare me and I don’t want them in my home please

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