
If I Catch A Fine Ass Flight Attendant In The Bathroom Getting Down Like That Were Both Joining The Mile High Club ⭐▶ S﮳﮳ CH﮳N﮳L

People are responding to my posts in Cyrillic now and I’m just… ????

What do I do with this. This is unintelligible to me. Are they agreeing with me or being monsters in the notes? I DON’T KNOW BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING CYRILLIC.


Anyway, please remember you evolved as a member of a predatory species, and it is very good and cool for predators to be full of food and take a long nap in the sun.

Someone in my notes pointed out that skin cancer is still a thing, which is entirely valid. Please apply sunscreen before you have your post-meal sunshine nap. Unlike most predator species, we don’t have fur to protect us from the sun during our well-deserved naps, but luckily for us, we have technology to compensate.

You should still 100% eat something that makes you happy and take a nap in the sunshine. You will feel better about your life after you do that thing. Just maybe apply sunscreen first.
