
you seem hungry, baby. did you not eat lunch today? you know you can’t skip meals like that, love. no no, it’s okay, i’ll take care of you. ill get you something to put in that sweet little tummy of yours. oh baby just listen to it growl, you really should have something. look at you, you’re practically starved. don’t worry, ill get you nice and full in no time, love. ill get you full and then rub your belly afterwards, how’s that sound? next time i’m not gonna be so nice if you come home hungry like this again. you know i don’t like it when you don’t come home with this little belly full for me. i wanna keep you nice and round for me all the time, keep this belly stuffed for me, can you do that? imagine how good you’ll look, your belly all round and heavy on your lap, doesn’t that sound appealing? ill go get you some ice cream while i cook you something, okay? gonna make you nice and chubby for me. 



❤️Charlie in lingerie❤️



I can’t.. I just… ✨soft belly rubs✨

Just,, super gentle palms laying over either full/hungry tummies, just soft enough to move the skin overtop but not really to disrupt anything else inside

Like butterfly kisses, a comforting hand would simply brush on top of an empty/full stomach, and there’s just enough contact for warmth to be shared

Oh and just to make it better, the caretaker decides to make these broad, slow rubs over the other’s entire abdomen, reaching from side to side as their hand gently curves over their concave/convex shape

Ohhhh, and maybe there’s size differences, so the caretakers hand nearly covers their partner’s/friend’s navel and almost holds it without hardly any effort



Carol x Whitty hurt/comfort

It’s late at night and I’m in a fluffy mood, so while I wait for people to find this blog and send me requests, here’s a little Carol x Whitty one shot I wrote! I hope those of you who are into it enjoy <3

(Warning: Contains painful hunger)

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oh what I’d give to have someone bring me massive amounts of hot greasy food and watches me stuff myself silly while rubbing my exposed belly in a shirt two sizes too small. oh to be teased for what a greedy fatass I am and how much softer and wider all this junk food will make me while coercing me into eating even more. to be called a lazy fatass with all of my rolls on display and my mouth full of fries. to have another pair of hands grabbing and jiggling all of my chub while told I need to lay off the snacking if I don’t wanna get even heavier. to be weighed and measured to see the damage I’m doing to myself while told how much fatter I’ll be a month from now…

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part one - part two

“So, what you’re saying is you’re the local dragon’s cock sleeve?” Melody asked, her fingers working your sore ankles.

You nodded, closing your eyes as the massage soothed your aching, swollen joints. One day to go, you told yourself, and the day after that, you’d be giving birth in the dragon’s den. You had not stopped growing. The hunger hadn’t slowed, either - you hadn’t gained any fat, except maybe on your chest, but somehow the dragons still leeched your energy faster than your body could produce it.

Melody snickered, genuinely amused. “Must be fun.”

You shrugged, moaning as she worked a particularly sore knot. Sitting sideways on your bed with your back against the wall, pillows supporting you, she could massage your feet while you rested. “I mean… It’s good sex, but try getting emotionally close to a giant fucking lizard.”

The girl nodded. “True…”

You sighed again, rubbing your aching chest. You’d given up on shirts, for now, since the only time you left your room was to march slowly to the latrines - Melody had somehow gotten a few days off and had been working tirelessly to keep your endless appetite sated. You’d gone through two loaves this morning, and though your stomach felt full of rocks, you suspected you’d be hungry again by this evening. You wished there was a way to just have someone else pump you full of food the way the dragon pumped your guts full of cum.

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#preg kink    


;okay, let me just say one thing: MAGICAL PREGNANCIES

werewolf pups would be insane. you’d have no way of knowing how many you’re carrying because there are so many moving limbs it’s hard to keep a count. and no, going to the doctor is a no go since you’re only carrying the pups for at least four months. don’t even get me started on the time during the full moon. can you talk about ow?? those pups would be going crazy with all that energy, not stopping for a second and there’s no doubt how awful the craving would be to eat raw meat will be INTENSE

vampires? yeah you have fun with that. not only would you have to sustain yourself on blood the entire time but your poor body might be in pain the entire time. you’d be on a very strict blood diet which means lots of blood bag, warmed up animal blood, and occasionally feeding from your vampire lover. a con of a super strong child is the kicks that leave bruises or possibly break your ribs. a pro is seeing your partner so excited to have a child. either it’s their first or it’s been several decades since they had their last.

and lastly lets talk about babies that have magical abilities. a powerful witch could be carrying a child they made from magic because they didn’t want to deal with taking the long way. little did they know that it gave them a low of powers that they can use from in the womb. if it’s too hot the witch’s belly starts to freeze, too cold it turns red and is hot to the touch, and even worse it can cast spells. the poor partner is getting the brunt of it which means if they piss off their mommy/daddy the partner is getting a nasty spell put on them. one time they were transported to a park with no clothes no. another time they were turned into a pig for three weeks all because they commented on how much the witch had been eating lately. how in the world could this couple take care of a magical child when they’re out in the world when they can’t control them in the womb?

#preg kink    


character a: ‘tummy growls’

character b:*insert from list below*

(75 responses! Not all are realistic)

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#hunger    #stuffing    


Just a Tear

“Go change,” she said to him, sternly.

She was sitting at her vanity, powdering her face when he walked in. She didn’t even turn around to say that, merely glanced at him through the mirror. Charlie was momentarily shocked, but then nodded to her and quickly made his way back to his room to put on his maid outfit. This was a common occurrence for him. Sometimes she’d demand to see him in his maid outfit, while other times she didn’t mind the butler one. But he would gladly change for her whenever she asked.

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As promised, a four panel force stuffing piece featuring prince Dimitri with that fantastic new game plus hairstyle I like so much. I noticed halfway that I forgot to give him the eyepatch but eh XD I can’t be bothered to fix it and I’m sure there’s a route where he keeps his eye? Anyway poor Dimitri looks so full~ Don’t worry though, he’ll be fine, his stomach is possibly the strongest of the boys in that game. Why Hubert? Because I like him and also because he’d probably be the best guy for the job in this scenario.

Thank you to the amazing @we-justhere who has created a short fic to go with my art and therefore turned this into a colab <3 I will post it below so if you wanna read more, do just that and click ‘read more.’

Warning: Contains; hunger, stuffing, force feeding and stomach growls, a bit of overeating pain but not much more than that~ ^_=


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This is Wednesday, aka Seraph Sariel, my cute lesbian magical girl OC!

This is Wednesday, aka Seraph Sariel, my cute lesbian magical girl OC!

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A selection of recent-ish art! Top row are gaia commissions; one for @retro-tan, and the next for KnA selection of recent-ish art! Top row are gaia commissions; one for @retro-tan, and the next for KnA selection of recent-ish art! Top row are gaia commissions; one for @retro-tan, and the next for KnA selection of recent-ish art! Top row are gaia commissions; one for @retro-tan, and the next for KnA selection of recent-ish art! Top row are gaia commissions; one for @retro-tan, and the next for KnA selection of recent-ish art! Top row are gaia commissions; one for @retro-tan, and the next for Kn

A selection of recent-ish art! Top row are gaia commissions; one for @retro-tan, and the next for Knife Puns.

Middle row is for my partner @bittertowncowboy! First is Mahito from Jujutsu Kaisen riding a bunger from Bugsnax (idk either this is one of the most unhinged things i’ve drawn in a while), and second is her boy Gemini and his boyfriend Nico.

Bottom row are my OCs Rho and Tsukasa.

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#megomoart    #art circa 2022    #gift art    #commissions    
Been practicing rendering a bit. I’m more of a cel shading kinda guy but I’ve been trying to expand

Been practicing rendering a bit. I’m more of a cel shading kinda guy but I’ve been trying to expand my skillset a bit. It’s HARD.

Here’s a Severen.

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Aquarius, or Ari if you’re nasty.I like the flat grey versions more than the colour so I included thAquarius, or Ari if you’re nasty.I like the flat grey versions more than the colour so I included thAquarius, or Ari if you’re nasty.I like the flat grey versions more than the colour so I included th

Aquarius, or Ari if you’re nasty.

I like the flat grey versions more than the colour so I included them!

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did anyone know that i am relentlessly and forever in love with Elvira

did anyone know that i am relentlessly and forever in love with Elvira

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#megomoart    #elvira    #art circa 2021    
the biggest baddest god from my dnd games is a very queer fake elf boy who wears corsets and really

the biggest baddest god from my dnd games is a very queer fake elf boy who wears corsets and really loves his husband.

A doodle that got out of hand because I decided to try new colouring things. It was a lot of fun.

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Been designing some new OCs just for funsies lately! First up is Nicodemus Kyriakou, aka Nico, a demBeen designing some new OCs just for funsies lately! First up is Nicodemus Kyriakou, aka Nico, a demBeen designing some new OCs just for funsies lately! First up is Nicodemus Kyriakou, aka Nico, a demBeen designing some new OCs just for funsies lately! First up is Nicodemus Kyriakou, aka Nico, a dem

Been designing some new OCs just for funsies lately! 

First up is Nicodemus Kyriakou, aka Nico, a demon (?) priest. He’s weird as hell but nice enough. He really likes humans and tries to help them as much as he can. He tells a lot of long winded stories that sound like nonsense and other demons think he’s nuts (but harmless).

And next is Ascalaphus, aka Asca— an owl familiar who went off the dang rails and killed his master so he could do whatever the heck he wanted. Definitely makes soft hooting noises in his sleep, and would absolutely swallow an entire rat while not breaking eye contact with you.

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Time for the annual drawing of my garbage twins Severen (many eyes and many arms) and Miles! Their birthday was February 26th… wanted this done for then but time is a very slippery construct that continues to evade me.

Severen is a god and Miles is a warlock who uses him as a patron (and has also dipped his toes into necromancy). They’re both trash.

I have a tiktok account !!!! I’m @megomobileart there.

But here’s a fun redraw I did of a pic from literally 1998.

I taught myself how to draw by copying sailor moon screens (you know by …. pausing my copied vhs fansubs at the frame I wanted to draw and trying like hell to get the art down before it unpaused and I’d have to find the same frame and repause again).
