cottaqecore: source This is so inviting, I just want to go sit with my back against one of these tre



This is so inviting, I just want to go sit with my back against one of these trees and read while listening to birds.

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I was just thinking earlier how awesome it would be if drinks were all sold in multi-colored glass bottles do you know how neat and shiny that would be

I’ve got news for you about sixty years ago

I don’t LIVE sixty years ago I’m NOW


Another fantastic scifi/space opera series to recommend for y'all. I’m on the last book right now and ended up staying up very late into this morning, bawling my eyes out and being heartbroken right along with the characters. Fantastic aliens, fantastic world-building, cool telepathy, and on top of it all a love story. Interesting delves into alien biology (Czerneda also wrote the Species Imperative series, which I also HIGHLY recommend) by a former biologist and she doesn’t waste time trying to explain too much about physics in the universe, giving you just enough to make sense and make it feel real then focusing on the species interface (which you might guess I love, given how much I love Foreigner) and the development of species biology and culture over very long time spans.

Anyway, it’s super good and has some fantastic cover art too:



So, there’s apparently research coming out now about microplastics being found in people’s bloodstreams and the possible negative effects of that and I feel the need to get out ahead of the wave of corporate sponsored “be sure to recycle your bottles!” or “ban glitter!” campaigns and remind everyone:

It’s fishing nets. It’s fishing nets. It is overwhelming fishing nets It always has been fishing nets.Unless regulations are changed, it will continue to be fishing nets.

The plastic in the ocean in largely discarded nets from industrial fishing. The microplastics are the result of these nets breaking down. The “trash islands” are also, you guessed it. Mostly fishing nets and other discarded fishing industry equipment.

Do not allow them to continue to twist the story. Do not come after disabled people who require single use plastics. Do not come after people using glitter in art projects and makeup. These things make up a negligible amount of the issue compared to corporate waste, specifically in the fishing industry. Do not let them shift the blame to the individual so they can continue to destroy the planet and our bodies without regulation.

Industries are incredibly resistant to taking responsibility for their own waste, to the point where “consumers are responsible for industrial waste” is somehow considered a sensible, ethical, worthy sentence.

It is actually perfectly reasonable to say that “industries are responsible for industrial waste” and “the effects of industry can, should and must be fixed by industry” and “Industry can, should and must be held responsible for its impacts on the commons, such as air, water, oceans and land.”






rocky horror is the worst and is also transmisogynistic can we please finally get over this shit movie

ok but like the writer is transgender nonbinary and the language used in the play was the preferred language by trans people of that time can we not deny parts of our history because we’ve evolved since then thanks

So fucking much this.

PS, youth of today: you’ll be saying the same damn thing about art from this time before too long, for good or for ill. Terminology will, in fact, change. Definitions will, in fact, shift. It always does, they always do. 

PPS, it is pretty much impossible to overstate how life-alteringly important this movie was to kids who didn’t conform to standard expectations of gender and sexuality, back in the day. Especially when back in the day was the mid-to-late 1980s, when the only queers you saw on TV were neutered AIDS tragedies, Bowie was playing straight, and even Elton John was married to a woman, and midnight showing of RHPS were pretty much the only place that felt like home. It was mental life raft for a lot of people.

I was one of them.

#the queer youth of today has forgotten all its history and is spitting on its ancestors and i hate it (via@gaythreats​)

beautifully phrased

RHPS kept a lot of us alive.

Mentally, yes, but also literally. We found community and passed resources, we found roommates and bought each other post-show food at diners. It was a way to network in places where there weren’t Queer Centers.

I’m not saying the show doesn’t have its issues. It does, and the things which are keeping you alive? They have issues, too. Nothing we make is perfect.

Someday the things you hold precious will show their age, and you can then rejoice in that, because that will mean we know more and we’re doing better.




If you do want to go toe to toe with cops don’t do it at the main protest in your area. Start shit across town and split the cops’ resources. “Open a second front” so to speak and take some of the heat off of the people they have absolutely no qualms about harming. Split up and open up a third front, a fourth. Keep moving and keep them moving.

even the cities with the largest police budgets only have enough force multipliers for one big containment


LOTR Characters as things my 70+ year-old Paleontology Professor has said:

Gimili:I wore camouflage because the faculty likes to throw things at me.

Frodo: Don’t make dinosaur noises at me in public. I will get scared.

Gandalf: I am old and decrepit. My bones ache.

Pippin:*shakes*TOO MUCH CAFFEINE!!!

Saruman:I’mgonna steal your backbone and put it on public display.

Samwise:i’M oUt iN tHe FiElD iN mY BiRkiEs

Merry:There’s bones here. Its a boner.

Legolas:*crouches on top of chair and imitates dinosaur noises while wiggling butt*

Aragorn:I never broke a bone until a 70 year old woman hit me skiing.

Gandalf:This university used to be good, but it has deteriorated over the past couple years…like my back and my brain.

Samwise: I get into arguments about flower sperm….

Sauron:I’m talking about strippers, mastication….and now whips.”

Legolas:Yes, I got that close to a lion. He was a FINE boy. A lazy boy. *longing sigh*

Boromir:That orgasm was so loud all the pterodactyls took to the air!!!

Pippin:Theres nothing like being chased by a goose!

pt2: the hobbit characters as things my 70+ year-old Paleontology Professor has said

I want, nay NEED, to hear more of this old man’s wisdom and humor.



in the club dancing like a twin peaks character

in the club like

Back in the day we called this the goth girl sway.




This Lyrebird is living in a zoo which has been under construction for a while and now it is imitating the sound of construction.

Neighbour behaviour

Charles: What is that?

Odie: It’s a lyrebird. It’s very good luck.

Charles: And you want to put that in my board room?

Odie: People will love it. It’ll put them off their guard.


Odie:<to the bird> Okay, sweetie. Tell me what you heard today.


In Neal Stephenson’s book “Seveneves” there is literally a genetically modified Corvid species that just hangs out in public transport stations, collecting bits of conversation from random passersby and repeating it and people will show them photos of certain people and use them to send messages about where to meet.

Pretty neat.

imjacksonsgf:i’m having a moment (insp: x) imjacksonsgf:i’m having a moment (insp: x) imjacksonsgf:i’m having a moment (insp: x) imjacksonsgf:i’m having a moment (insp: x)


i’m having a moment (insp: x)

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