
Grandpa Friend™:

- almost always grumpy
- bad at showing affection but cares about their friends a lot
- “what did you say?”, “Sorry i didn’t hear that, can you repeat it?”
- often reminisces about their youth (even though they’re probably only in their twenties. Alternatively: “kids these days…”)
- too old for this shit (see above)
- totally not down with the youth
- bad back (and everything else hurts too)
- likes to complain

I have audios of Idina’s concerts in DC and Philly (lower sound quality and a lot of audience nonsense on the second one, though). Message me if you would like them!

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#you and me    


i just think sam should’ve been creepier like dean calls for him and he just pops out of the shadow from a corner out of nowhere like “yuh”







Something really interesting about Sam and Dean is the element of arrested development in their relationship. Like they have all these holdovers from when they were kids, and people laugh and go “classic siblings!”, but it’s… really not typical for adults?

Like the bit I just reblogged about Dean barging in on Sam in the bathroom. Sure, my brother thought that sort of thing was hilarious when he was like… eight. Them wrestling on a bed or Dean putting “kick me” signs on Sam’s back or Sam rolling his eyes and childishly mimicking the dumb thing Dean just said. Or even tiny things, like Sam clinging to Dean’s shirt when Dean grabs him or tucking himself against Dean’s side in public like you know he’s been doing since he was a toddler. Let’s not even get into how normal they perceive sharing a room to be (and how apparently disconcerting it is for Sam if they’re hunting and don’t share).

Like there’s a level where Dean perpetually views Sam as “baby” until literally the day he dies. But there are these other weird things where they’ve somehow never outgrown certain childish ways of being with each other. I remember reading a Mary-POV fic where she feels like they act like these rambunctious boys with each other, but they’re in their 30s and she finds it disturbing more than heartwarming.

It’s just an interesting layer in their very multilayered relationship, this aspect where they still act so… little with each other.


context: this was after ezekial took control of sam’s body to kill the demons


Warsan Shire, “Inheritance.”


sam and dean in 1.20 | dead man’s blood

#you and me    


to me supernatural is secretly a claustrophobic psychological torture arthouse incestuous lovestory masquerading as pulp horror

#it sure is    