







not going to reblog it since i don’t want it on my blog but i just saw a day-old callout post with replies that entirely disproved it and i’m sorry but i’m never going to reblog someone’s callout on here unless i’m convinced that 1. they aren’t making shit up and 2. it’s actually an issue and not just petty drama with moralizing attached

anyone else see that mess of a post calling out one of the girls in that iconic lesbian makeup photo for being a homophobic criminal and it’s literally all disapproven and op is just like “lol oops sorry didn’t mean for this post to get big anyway :)”

that’s the reason i wrote this post

its important not to spread misinformation but it is not the fault of that op for not knowing the information provided was false when there was no opposing information present at the time of their posting

like yes think critically about what u post do ur research but accidentally spreading misinformation because there was fake proof and then apologizing when u realize it was misinformation does not make the person bad and yall should stop being dicks to ppl who make accidents cause literally everyone does

no actually you have a moral responsibility to not spread shit about other people without hard evidence that it’s true

with a lot of cases of abuse and similar situations the only evidence available is the word of the victim

does the lack of hard evidence mean the abuse didnt happen? no! but does that mean that there are those willing to spread false accusations? yes!

but we cant just ignore the testimony of someone just because theres always a possibility they could be lying, then real victims wouldnt be heard especially victims of emotional abuse

when theres a situation where someone /did/ lie then the blame should be placed on the person who LIED not the person who BELIEVED THEM the person who lied is in the wrong the person who believed them was just manipulated

the principle you’re describing here, which is to believe (and spread!) abuse allegations even in the absence of evidence, is not only hilariously unworkable in the real world, it’s often actively counterproductive! the thing about abusers is they will frequently accuse their victims of being abusive, and are in fact far more skilled at navigating evidence-free situations than their victims. you cannot reliably tell the difference between an abuser and a victim without evidence, and if you believe otherwise you’re a mark.

the other part of this attitude that i find absolutely infuriating is this shit:

when theres a situation where someone /did/ lie then the blame should be placed on the person who LIED not the person who BELIEVED THEM the person who lied is in the wrong the person who believed them was just manipulated 

you have a responsibility when you spread things! if someone tells you the earth is flat and then you start posting about how everyone who believes the earth is round should die, that’s partially on you! they shouldn’t have lied to you and they are the bigger asshole, but if you stopped to consider if what they’re telling you is credible before you started posting about it, it wouldn’t be a goddamn issue.

and in this case, those two women are real people! if this spread far enough without being corrected they could get death threats or even lose their jobs. that’s not a hypothetical - it’s happened plenty of times with this kind of thing, and the people who spread fake callouts are in part responsible for the consequences.

if you aren’t sure whether something is true and you don’t want to put in the effort to find out for sure, just don’t spread it! it’s very very easy not to spread misinformation about other people, and if you do anyway, you deserve to be criticized.

Can’t believe people have to have it explained that “participating in a smear campaign” makes you complicit to any lies you help broadcast. Like congratulations on feeling so entitled to reblog misinformation for social media engagement that you actually have to abandon the concept of having any moral responsibility for helping perpetuate lies actively designed to harm people. Infantile.


In my head I imagine a high level Sony executive who I’ve named “Morbles Mckenzie.”  He’s had a series of bad breaks with projects at Sony, and he was really hoping Morbius would be the win that would save his career.  At first all looked grim, but then, THEN, the memes!  “I’ll be saved by the memes!” he said, betting it all on a second release to capitalize on the memes.  “It’ll work!  The memes will save us!”

And now he’s watching the box office results, whiskey in hand.

It wasn’t morbin’ time.  It was never gonna be morbin’ time.


Always break water before going into the water Australia just has so much beautiful wild life that wants to eat you





…..So after following them both for literal years I have just now found out that @chadfarsightand@transmechanicus are not the same person.

Excuse me while I go and bang my head against every flat surface.

A single name can be used by many beautiful women on tumblr

This is true but same name, both trans and same fandoms/interests…..I thought you were the other Erika’s 40k sideblog.



bealzebug: warmups ft. my fat manbealzebug: warmups ft. my fat manbealzebug: warmups ft. my fat manbealzebug: warmups ft. my fat manbealzebug: warmups ft. my fat manbealzebug: warmups ft. my fat man


warmups ft. my fat man

Post link


this is the only good funko pop i think. hes pretending to be a different funko pop box. very fun


Like and reblog if your account is a safe space for trans lesbians. It feels like trans lesbians in particular get shamed and ridiculed a lot by people in and out of the community. If you’re reading this I want to let you know you’re valid and I hope your safe and doing well.



happy bisexuals day i love being bisexual and you should cherish your bisexuality and your bisexual friends

happy pride month i still love being bisexual and you should still cherish your bisexuality and your bisexual friends


asked my champion fencing friend for pointers





People in badly written fantasy stories will usually talk about the major historical events of their world and how magic has affected the lives of everyone, but ask a person in the real world to describe the effects of WWI and the invention of the combustion engine on modern life and they’d probably couldn’t tell you.

Broke: every character seems to know everything about the history and lore of the world

Woke: most characters can’t tell you much besides the basics but there are some that can tell you more complete but specific parts

H Y P E R W O K E: Every character tells you a wildly different version of the past and what effects it has on the present, ranging from the government is an imperialist, colonizing body obsessed with power to the one true ruler was sent by the gods and has smote down anyone who got in his way to “Oh you mean Jeff, the quote unquote tyrant of the west? I knew that guy! He was alright, never did anything wrong really just wanted some soup.” And there’s no way to tell what actually happened

I like your thinking

The one story everyone knows and basically agrees on is the one that’s 100% made up, but everyone’s mom told it to them when they were small so they’re very invested in it. 

jayrockin: Some random language-related doodles.1: Idrisah’s Tiiliitian handwriting vs Sirawit’s. Sijayrockin: Some random language-related doodles.1: Idrisah’s Tiiliitian handwriting vs Sirawit’s. Sijayrockin: Some random language-related doodles.1: Idrisah’s Tiiliitian handwriting vs Sirawit’s. Si


Some random language-related doodles.

1:Idrisah’sTiiliitian handwriting vs Sirawit’s. Sirawit picked up hearts from human culture, they dot their Latin alphabet “i"s with hearts sometimes too.

2: I drew this after learning that colloquial Hindi and Urdu are essentially the same language (Hindustani) though they tend to be written in Devanagari and Arabic scripts respectively. Shyam is fluent in Hindi; Idrisah knows some Urdu from her dad’s side of the family, but is better at listening comprehension than speaking it. Talita took Portuguese in high school and has forgotten most of it. Her biggest second language skill by the time she meets Shyam is ASL, thanks to Gillie.

3: The signatures of the main 4 ladies.

PATREON|STORE|Runaway to the Stars

Post link


I love when dogs and cats just let you pat the shit out of them and they enjoy it so much. Like yeah dude real quick I just need to play you like a bongo and they’re like god yes I’ve been waiting for someone to play me like a bongo

dimetrodrawn: Dragons from a recent dreamdimetrodrawn: Dragons from a recent dream


Dragons from a recent dream

Post link


Another good boomer joke






There once was a doctor named Freud

who woman preferred to a-void

bitch loved his cocaine

But he couldn’t explain

Hatsune Miku vocaloid



the world.. is in turmoil. and people.. are in pain. even still we can take comfort in knowing that there is bucket of wet slop. grins.



we as the autistic community have GOT to start talking about how a special interest can be toxic

you might have a toxic special interest if:

  • it interferes with your ability to care for your own needs, be they physical, psychological, or social
  • they bring out your worst behaviors (might overlap with a toxic fandom)
  • they are demonstrably harmful to minority communities/the world at large

i once had a therapist tell me to think of special interests like relationships. they CAN be bad for you and sometimes you have to end them.
