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#菅井友香    #守屋麗奈    #大園玲    #田村保乃    #小池美波    #櫻坂46    
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#大園玲    #櫻坂46    
the-kin-train-archive: ~Rust Blood!Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck) Stimboard with sand and smooth looping


~Rust Blood!Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck) Stimboard with sand and smooth looping gifs for anon!~

It’s really difficult to make perfect loops on Ipad so I had to find some I hope these are alright! Have a great week nonnie!


~Mod Seiko ❤️

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#stimboard    #terezi    #homestuck    #cutting    #knives    #styling    #crystals    #kinetic sand    #factory    #clusters    