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me when characters experience the devastating consequences of their own actions:


I don’t think dandelions are weeds. I think dandelions are free flowers that four year olds can pick for their mommies


once again i keep forgetting to post these things here

for my fellow mahikaren enjoyers ive subbed this skit from the starry konzert orchestra event… enjoy ✨


chokers by raspberrymazohyst on ig


Do not let Gerard’s legs and shorts distract you from the fact that Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge turns 18 today.


good music should beat the shit out of you



Po Hurvíkovi je pojmenovaný asteroid!. OPAKUJI. Po Hurvínkovi je pojmenovaný asteroid!

*Hlasem Horsta Fuchse* Ale to není vše:



this actually reminds me of when i was in second grade and it was snack time but we had been misbehaving so they gave us assigned seats on the rug and i had to sit next to this girl who’s snack was mangoes but i didn’t like her because she bullied me so i told the teacher that i was allergic to mangoes and i couldn’t sit next to her and my teacher was like “oh it doesn’t say anything about any food allergies on this paper right here you might have to update the school nurse on that” so i went to the school nurses office and she called my mom and my mom was like (and i genuinely have no idea why) but my mom was like “yeah sure she’s allergic to mangoes” so then the school had on paper that i was allergic to mangoes so at this point i was like in wayyy to deep so i just pretended to be allergic to mangoes for the next 5 years like i went full throttle into this lie i even came up with a backstory to explain how i found out i was allergic to mangoes it got to the point where even my parents just genuinely believed i was allergic to mangoes until one day when i was 12 i just came clean and explained the story to my parents and they where like “yeah that sounds like something you’d do” but anyway i never got to enjoy my new found mango freedom until about a year later when i was over at my friends house and they had mangoes and i was like “actually i haven’t had a mango in 6 years” and they where like “omg they’re so good you have to try some” so i did and they were sooooo good like i look exactly like the picture above i was gobbleing that shit up like cookie monster it was insane and anyway basically 20 minutes later i broke out in hives.
