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Watching these first two episodes, it’s like all faith in the goodness of the world left Obi-Wan after he thought Anakin died. Like there’s no light left in the world, no true hope, because he shows no drive to try and make the world better. There’s just grey grief and endless days that all look the same. Sure, Obi-Wan speaks about training Luke one day, but that’s still a safe, abstract future. It’s not here and now, like when Nari shows up needing help. It’s not actual action, actually having to do something and having the hope that it will make things better.

And Bail calls him out on that. That’s it’s not Luke and protecting him that has Obi-Wan chained to Tatooine and his passivity. It’s Obi-Wan himself that’s stuck in hopelessness. Like after the loss of Anakin, after he destroyed Anakin, there’s no way for him to believe that Obi-Wan Kenobi could bring something good to the world. And no way for him to actually trust in the kindness and light of others. The brightest light has burned out and he’s stuck in darkness.
