

adding “oh dear jesus. oh god. oh heavens aboveth” to the personal dictionary


tbh it’s really sad how most people who are questioning their gender/sexuality will say stuff like “well i feel like this label fits me and it describes my experiences really well and i feel happy using this label BUT i don’t 100% fit the definition so am i allowed to call myself that??” 

like yes!! yes yes YES you are ABSOLUTELY allowed to call yourself that!! it’s OKAY if you don’t fit the rigid definition of a label, if it fits you and it makes you happy, you are totally allowed to use it!! 

or people will be like “well i feel like BOTH these labels fit me am i allowed to use both?? do i have to pick just one i don’t want to they both fit me so well” you can use both!! even if a label is “contradictory” or whatever if it makes you happy you can use it!! you don’t have to fit the rigid definition, it’s okay!! do what makes you happy!! 

at the end of the day it all boils down to what makes you happy!! if you feel like an identity fits you, you can use that label even if you don’t 100% fit the definition or you have another label that might “contradict” it!!

be happy!! live your life use whatever labels you want it’s okay!! laugh and live and smile and breathe go outside and look at the sky and feel the wind rush past you and smile and it’s all going to be okay. do what makes you happy!! i love you <3


Yesterday, one of my preschoolers came up to me very concerned, and said, “Miss ____, this book doesn’t have any pages!”

Now, this kid is only three, and I can’t always understand what he says because he’s still so little. However, he carries himself and has the conversational lilt of an 80-year-old academic, so I absolutely believed him. Also, like any library, not all of our books have been as gently used as one might like, so there’s always a chance that the pages of the book this kid was holding actually had fallen out somewhere, and he was only holding the cover. I hurried over to see if this was the case and he opened the book for me, still very concerned.

He had only opened to the end sheet, that blank page at the front of a book. I turned the page for him to reveal the title page. This look of absolute relief crossed his face and he went, “Oh, silly me. I didn’t look hard enough!”

I love kids.


legit the best advice i can give you: feed your friends

any time someone is in any kind of crisis or upheaval, offer to feed them. tell them they don’t have to choose what it is if they can’t make decisions, just ask about allergies and preferences and tell them you’re just gonna make food happen at their house.

friend having a baby? delivery gift certificate to order food to the hospital after the kid shows up.

someone’s relative passes away? offer to make them dinner.

buddy gets laid off? ask if you can order them lunch.

pal stuck in a depressive episode? offer to drive them to fucking mcdonalds, if that’s what they want.

people in crisis are tiredandsadandangryand the last thing most of them are doing is thinking about feeding themselves. so if you have the ability or time or money, providing that is always, always a good move.

legit i do this all the time, and it is 100% always appreciated. i have taught all my friends that when something happens, we feed each other. it makes people feel extremely cared for, and I cannot recommend it enough.



[Audio transcript: 

I’ve seen more and more people make, like, jokes and comments on this app about how, like, “I forgot that old—that gay people could get old! I forgot that there’s, like, old gay people!” [Pause] Oh my god.

The fact that there are kids identifying with the LGBT+ community who are young enough to have never learned about the AIDS epidemic and what it actually did to us… Like, they just do not know the level of destruction that it caused, to the point where they make jokes about how they don’t— they’ve never seen old gay people, and they don’t know why that is.

The reason you forgot that gay people could get old is because we didn’t. For about fifty years. Because of a virus that was used essentially as a bioweapon against our community in an attempt to wipe us out.

AIDS killed almost an entire generation of us. That’s why you don’t see old gay people very much. It’s because they died young.
End transcript.]

jubi-liana:russian-and-soviet-cinema:The Post: I present you Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov, the Soviet



The Post: I present you Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov, the Soviet ethnographer who deciphered the Mayan writing system!

The Comment Section: and who is this dude holding him?

I just need to add:

Post link



Holiday season is around the corner and it’s once again time to remind you that PETS ARE NOT PRESENTS unless you and the recipient have had a nice long conversation about the care and responsibility that goes into keeping one.

Heyo! It’s that time of year again!


Shout out to all the notes-app poems, love letters, secrets, novels, diary entries, bucket lists and lyrics that were hurredly typed into people’s phones at 3am and then hidden from the world and forgotten. Maybe one day you’ll open the app and laugh at how pretentious you were, or maybe you’ll smile at that part of yourself that noone else saw



Jumping from child care to private security really messes with you. I keep saying “oopsie daisy” and encouraging drunk folks to “go home, drink some water and take a nap, and let’s try again in 24 hours, okay?” Best part by far is that it’s working. Guy went like he was going to fight me the other day and his buddy said “you leave the nice lady alone”

[ID: Comment by @emilyshka “INCREDIBLE, good for you. I went from being a nanny to bartending and accidentally put a whole bachelorette party in time-out. 100% recommend it was great.”]




Y’all have to remember people are lying to you online

the person “cooking badly” is faking it so you’ll comment to tell them how dumb they are and increase their engagement. the person who “failed at life” didn’t actually quit their rich person job, they pretended to do so so people online would write posts about them. the person “reuniting with their long-lost dad” didn’t actually find their parent, they were paid to act this out with a logo pointing towards the camera. once you start understanding how marketing has adapted for the digital age, you start realizing how many “natural” viral posts are carefully curated to drive algorithm interest and purchases

Note: does not apply to Tumblr nobodies who are 1) posting about something extremely mundane 2) obviously not selling shit

Typically if there are swear words involved, or the person in question is very public about how much they crave werewolf cock in unambiguous explicit terms, it’s not an ad.


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