It’s just the fact that like… Aria played a character that got more development and better writing and emotional scenes in a couple of hours of a radio play, just with his voice, than the Legacies writers gave him for Landon in two seasons of the show. (which is what, like 20+ hours?) It’s just crazy how they managed to waste that much and do that little… I’ll never be over it.

Aria’s new radio play is now available, check it out!


I don’t care how rushed it is. I don’t even care if it doesn’t make sense. I need this season to end with Landon being out of limbo, getting to live a long happy life as he chooses. Bc if it really ends with Landons soul still belonging to the Ferry Man and Landon having to eternally be the Ferry Mans servant. And if they really try to pull this narrative that Landon is “okay and happy” about it bc he’s helping people. Idk who I’ll become.

I know this won’t happen, but imagine if Landon does come back to life and if they got Peyton to come back for a scene (like he did for 4x03) so that Landon and Raf can have a last scene together. And when they see each other again they say “hello brother,” paralleling the tvd finale.


Thinking about how there are people who have done some really bad things. And not only did they not face any consequences for it but they get to be happy and live their lives. While Landon who’s done nothing but good continues to suffer. It’s just so crazy to me. But what’s even crazier to me is that these writers don’t even bother trying to hide how badly they treat Landon. They had him be stuck in two different dimensions, to then have him be possessed with no control over his body. Then to have be stuck in a 3rd dimension(if you would even call limbo a dimension) just to pop him in and out of there for no reason at all. To then have his soul become property of the Ferry man. They didn’t give him a fuenal twice and idk if I actually believe that anyone went to get his body and they just wrote him having a grave so Landon could have someplace to wake up in the real world with Ted. And probably not even an hour or so after his death in 4x04 they gave away his room(and probably all of his stuff too).

And then they said big stuff for Landon is coming. But watch this “big stuff” just be him leaving limbo for good.


Things I’ve learned from legacies

1. Hope and Landon don’t get to be happy or live the lives they want.

2. The more good you do, the more you get to suffer.

3. Do something wrong you either get reward it or forgiven in a few minutes(even if you don’t apologize).

On the plus side, Landon is free from writers who hate him and can belong to the fans now. So we can reimagine/rewrite the show how we want…

Well, I hope what the writers did to Landon/Aria was worth it for them. I still get the feeling they did what they did to pander, at least to some extent, in order to get more views because of all the Landon hate. And if that was at all the case, it was for nothing and did them no good because the show still got cancelled. They could’ve done so much for his character and given him so much development, they set up so many interesting storylines for him that they could’ve done a ton with, they could’ve explored his phoenix side. They could have still done his character justice despite the hate instead of giving in to it. Maybe if they’d just done more for his character it would’ve even helped to lessen the hate. But instead they threw it all away and tortured Landon. They wasted their male lead and treated Aria like that for nothing.


I now fear even more about what’s gonna happen with Landon. My biggest fear is that they might pull this happy in the afterlife thing for him. And I don’t want that, I want Landon to get to live a long happy life. He deserves that much after an entire lifetime of trauma and pain. Let Landon have something good for once.

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