
If i was living in the ancient times  i would probably be  the best berry picker/gatherer  of the tribe   But i would be hated due to my str4ange vibe . 


They strike to kill, and you know I will


I really wish “unlearning internalized misogyny” hadn’t become synonymous with “learn to like being feminine.” That’s true for some people but it’s not true for everyone and it shouldn’t be true for everyone. Some people don’t like femininity because of internalized misogyny, but some people don’t like it because they’re just not feminine. It’s not for everyone. Not liking pink because it’s just not one of your favorite colors isn’t interalized misogyny, and not liking it because it reminds you of the pain of having femininity forced on you growing up isn’t internalized misogyny either. You don’t have to “unlearn” those things.

Internalized misogyny isthinking every woman needs to be feminine or there’s something wrong with them. Internalized misogyny is trying to enforce a feminine performance on women around you. The idea that there’s something inherently worse about being masculine than being feminine is radfem-y and disgusting.
