A True Account of My Ignominious Transformation Into a SowOriginally posted on DeviantArt on May 20

A True Account of My Ignominious Transformation Into a Sow
Originally posted on DeviantArt on May 20 2019
(woman to pig transformation)

This isn’t the book I wanted to write.  Oh, I had grand fantasies; of writing some major treatise that would change the world.  But fate had something else in mind for me.  And as much as I hate it, I can’t deny that what’s happening to me is at least significant.  That it’s something people will want to read about.

It also has to be in book form.  Unfortunately, my vocal chords changed early, so I can only grunt and squeal now.  But I’ve always liked writing.  And perhaps, that’s the best mechanism for telling people what it’s like to transform into a lowly pig.  A simple sow.

There’s a lot to say.  Documenting each physical change; explaining my shifting senses.  My mental state.  My tail, my new teats.  My snout.  That my sense of smell is so refined I can tell how long ago a wet piece of bark got rained on.  Sometimes I’m afraid, or angry.  Sometimes a strange whispering in the back of my mind that I’m convinced is the voice of instinct tells me it’s okay.  It’s a whirlwind, and I’m only afraid I won’t be able to catalogue it all.

Hopefully my hands stick around for awhile – I’m not eager to learn to write by holding a pen in my snout.  Besides, my handwriting is like piggle squiggles as it is; I’m already struggling to make this legible.  And I have a lot more to say.  If this is to be my masterwork, it will be complete, I promise you that.

The source photograph is in the public domain and is available at Pixabay at

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Big Girl(woman to pig transformation)Some women were simply born to be swine, as this young lady can

Big Girl
(woman to pig transformation)

Some women were simply born to be swine, as this young lady can easily attest.  With her transformation well underway, it’s only a matter of time before this bloated beauty realizes her destiny on four legs, as an immense breeding sow.  And what a sweet, liberating destiny it will be!  The fat sow will fit in well with all the other quarter-ton hogs as she waddles proudly about her pigsty, showing off her massive, naked porcine body to peers who appreciate every sensual pound.  

This is the sixty-ninth of my photomanipulations to debut first on Tumblr.

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Breast ImplantsOriginally posted on DeviantArt on Apr 30 2019(woman to pig transformation)Hi, I’m Ca

Breast Implants
Originally posted on DeviantArt on Apr 30 2019
(woman to pig transformation)

Hi, I’m Caitlin.  So, like many people these days, I’m turning into a pig.  An ordinary fat sow.  And I don’t want to be indistinguishable from the rest of the swine.  I want people to remember that I was a woman; that I was intelligent and attractive and interesting just like them.  But I’ll look just like other pigs.  And live in a huge barn, with so many others, both transformed and normal hogs… I’m afraid I’ll be forgotten; treated like the rest of the herd.  So I want to do something to make myself stand out.  To make it obvious, yes, this was a woman.  That she had a full life that she cherished.  That you would have liked to know her.  That she’s still in there, in that flat head and behind those beady eyes.  And she’d still like that recognition of what she was, thank you very much.

I’ve always fantasized about having really big boobs, but never had the courage to go through with it.  But now?  Now I’m looking at not having boobs at all.  Just a row of teats, to nurse piglets.  So ‘now’ seems like the perfect time.  The time to stake my claim on my humanity.  What little can be preserved of a human, feminine appearance.  Breast implants will give me an undeniably human feature even when my body is one hundred percent pork.  And the bigger my boobs, the better.  Hopefully they’ll make people take notice and reminisce wistfully about me as a beautiful and vivacious woman, and not as a dirty, smelly hog.

But I’ll cherish them for myself, too.  Being a pig, living with swine… it’ll be so easy to forget myself.  Accept my lowered station in life as all I ever really was.  Feeling a couple of big, round boobs dangling from my body, swaying weightily, rubbing against my forelegs with every step, squishing under me when I lay down on the hay – it will make every single little movement I make a reminder that I’m still me.  Somewhere in here.  That I’m not just any other pig.  That I’m still Caitlin.  And I think that feeling will come to be the most valuable thing in the world.

Hell, I think I might even get a tattoo, as well.  Maybe my name over my butt in really flowery script.  Yeah, that’d be perfect.  I may be destined to be a pig, but I’ll be one in my own way, that’s for damn sure.

Stock image used available from Depositphotos at

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BoaredOriginally posted on DeviantArt on Apr 17 2019(woman to pig transformation)A little too advanc

Originally posted on DeviantArt on Apr 17 2019
(woman to pig transformation)

A little too advanced in her transformation to fit in with humans, and not yet far enough to fit in with pigs, this lovely pig girl has little to do but bide her time and wait.  But this interim period can be so boring!  All she has to get her through it are her imagination and her fantasies – fantasies which are taking on a much more porcine character with each passing day.  In fact, she’s becoming quite eager to be ‘boared’ by the first available male upon her triumphant entry to the pigsty.  She’ll have a great life as a sow!

Stock image used available from Depositphotos at

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Just a Taste of Pork(woman to pig transformation)Watch out – one taste and you might be hooked for l

Just a Taste of Pork
(woman to pig transformation)

Watch out – one taste and you might be hooked for life!  Take seriously people’s warnings that bacon can ruin the taste of everything that isn’t bacon.  This sensual sow girl might just make you a believer in that adage!

This is the sixty-eighth of my photomanipulations to debut first on Tumblr.

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It Takes Courage to Enjoy ItOriginally posted on DeviantArt on Mar 31 2019(woman to pig transformati

It Takes Courage to Enjoy It
Originally posted on DeviantArt on Mar 31 2019
(woman to pig transformation)

It’s a big step, starting to turn into a pig.  But oh, the sensual world you’ll enter!  It takes courage, to seize this kind of life with both hands.  Well, hooves.  But the rewards are great, for the brave!

Stock image used available from Depositphotos at

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Friend Like MeOriginally posted on DeviantArt on Mar 24 2019(woman to pig transformation)“Hey, buddy

Friend Like Me
Originally posted on DeviantArt on Mar 24 2019
(woman to pig transformation)

“Hey, buddy!  You look pretty cool.  And… and you smell, pretty interesting, too.  I don’t know anybody here, but I’ll be moving in soon.  In fact, I’ll become a permanent resident.  Would you mind showing me around?  Introducing me to all the other pigs?  I’d really appreciate it!  I could use a friend like me!”

Stock image used available from Depositphotos at

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Lowering Herself(woman to pig transformation)She’s lowering herself… but only to all fours!  She doe

Lowering Herself
(woman to pig transformation)

She’s lowering herself… but only to all fours!  She doesn’t find life as a pig to be degrading or to be embarrassed about, after all!

This is the sixty-seventh of my photomanipulations to debut first on Tumblr.

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CounselingOriginally posted on DeviantArt on Feb 26 2019(man and woman to pig transformation, man to

Originally posted on DeviantArt on Feb 26 2019
(man and woman to pig transformation, man to donkey transformation)

“I don’t know why, Doc, but I feel like you always take her side.”

Stock image used available from Depositphotos at

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Year of the PigOriginally posted on DeviantArt on Feb 5 2019(woman to pig transformation)Today begin

Year of the Pig
Originally posted on DeviantArt on Feb 5 2019
(woman to pig transformation)

Today begins the Chinese Year of the Pig – a holiday that should not go by uncelebrated!

Stock image used available from Colourbox at

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Weighty Consequences(woman to pig transformation)Oh, I wish, I wish, I’d never insulted that witch!

Weighty Consequences
(woman to pig transformation)

Oh, I wish, I wish, I’d never insulted that witch!  I just hope the other pigs like me – because it looks like I’ll be taking up an awful lot of space in their sty!

This is the sixty-sixth of my photomanipulations to debut first on Tumblr.

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LonelyOriginally posted on DeviantArt on Jan 30 2019(woman to pig transformation)Since her transform

Originally posted on DeviantArt on Jan 30 2019
(woman to pig transformation)

Since her transformation began, it’s been a lot harder to get friends to spend time with her.  To find dates. To have any social interaction, really.  Even the cashiers at fast food restaurants treat her coldly.

Sure, there are hundreds of thousands worldwide who have started changing – but it’s few enough that the transformees are still too unusual for acceptance.  And deep down, lots of people still worry it might be contagious.  So it’s lonely, being a woman with pig features.  And probably will be until the day she’s ready to be tossed into a pigsty as an ordinary sow.

But that knowledge is of little comfort, as she navigates her lonesome life.  Without family.  Without friends.  Without a boyfriend.  

It gets cold at night.

Stock image used available from Depositphotos at

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I Have a SecretOriginally posted on DeviantArt on Jan 23 2019(woman to pig transformation)So, I have

I Have a Secret
Originally posted on DeviantArt on Jan 23 2019
(woman to pig transformation)

So, I have a secret.  And I don’t think he’s going to like it.  Obviously, I haven’t thought of a way to tell him yet.  But the longer I put off telling him, the worse it will probably be.  And… and I think he might be the one, so I don’t want to screw this up.  So, how would you do it?  What would you say, if you were me?

Stock image used available from Shutterstock at

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Assume the Position(woman to pig transformation)Soon standing on two legs just won’t be feasible!  B

Assume the Position
(woman to pig transformation)

Soon standing on two legs just won’t be feasible!  Better get used to four legged locomotion while you can!

This is the sixty-fifth of my photomanipulations to debut first on Tumblr.

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