Ed being dramatic compilation

I just really want Stede to take him home to meet his kids please and ty season 2

This is the most characters I’ve ever drawn together ‍☠️

I wanted to try digital painting but it’s hard and I’m lazy

ghibli warm ups

Tried drawing Izzy I love his poofy lil sleeves

@ Sammy in the ofmd discord requested them in pyjamas and ofc this warranted a pillow fight



Hyunjin x reader. (s,a)

Author’s note: okay guys, it’s going to sting a little bit. Just a little , I swear!

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pairing: mafia boss!hyunjin x mafia boss!fem!reader

genre: angst, smut (MINORS DNI FOR REAL), some fluff, mafia au, enemies to lovers, suspense


warnings: switch but dom-leaning!hyunjin, switch but sub-leaning!reader, bad language, VIOLENCE, active use of a gun, russian roulette, mentions of injury and gore, death, very brief alcohol consumption, crying, hyunjin fretting over y/n, pain, LOTS of kissing, use of the color system, oral sex (m. receiving), praise, these two are vocal lmao, swallowing, slight body worship, shower sex, fingering, unprotected sex (don’t be embarrassing), mentions of cum, begging, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, aftercare, some fluff, PLOT TWIIIIIST MWAHAHAHA

a/n: here it is, the long-awaited part three!! thank you so much for your patience while I was writing this, finals week really hindered the creative process lol. I say it all the time, but I am so grateful that you all love this story as much as I do and continue to read it. please like or reblog if you enjoyed it! this part contains actual violence and dark themes, readers please beware!

read part one here
read part two

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>>> When a chance encounter thrusts you into a reality you’d only thought was possible in your wildest dreams (or the fanfiction you read religiously), will you find yourself falling in love, or free falling with nothing to do but brace for impact?

Pairing: Bang Chan x fem reader

Themes: idol!verse, developing relationship, slice of life, fluff, angst, smut, includes first time for both, switch dynamics, difficulties of celebrity relationships, friendships with all members, reader from a foreign country

Warnings: negative self thoughts, anxiety, emotional distress, mentions of body image and weight insecurity, explicit sexual content, masturbation, handjob, vaginal fingering, oral sex (m & f receiving), unprotected sex, d/s dynamics, degradation, breeding kink, slight puppy play, rough sex, semi-public sex, physical altercation with minor injuries (not in relationship)

Hint!There are songs recommended after each section. Use them as a palate cleanser while reading or as a reminder of the overall vibes of the previous part if you leave and come back! Hope you enjoy

Word count:48.5k

A/N: This is a self-indulgent mess created for the express purpose of putting all my late-night-scenarios-you-make-up-to-go-to-sleep thoughts to good(?) use.  It’s about 25% crack!, 25% smut, 25% idealized slice-of-life, and 25% angst, because even in a world of unrealistically perfect expectations, it can’t all be sunshine all the time.  Even so, this is mainly about the feeling of having everything slot into place, about finally finding your person, so I hope it brings you joy!

As always, happy to hear your thoughts and thank you for reading!

**this is a re-upload after I was an idiot and accidentally deleted the original post; reblogged version of that lives here**

Part 1 >>>The lilt of his accent catches you off guard, even stronger than the hundreds of times you’ve heard it in videos and Vlives.  If you weren’t already sure, now you are one hundred percent certain that the man sitting next to you is none other than Bang Chan.

Read here

Recommended for you:

Part 2 >>>“Relax, baby, I’m just joking; I think it’s cute.  As if I haven’t scribbled down lines about you when I’m in the studio.”

Read here

Recommended for you:

Part 3 >>>Do you have any idea what you do to me up there, Christopher?”

Read here

Recommended for you:

Part 4 >>>“And you almost never get to hear the messages that people want to say to you along with the gifts.  How they want to tell you how much you mean to them and how you inspire them, bring them joy.  And you deserve to know that.”

Read here

Recommended for you:


series masterpost ♡ experienced

Hyunjin is anything butexperienced, which might be why he’s fallen for the exact opposite—you. When you offer to help him out, his world turns upside down.

pairing: hyunjin x reader
word count: 54.5k (inexcusable tbh)
chapters: 8
genre: smut, angst, some fluff (hyunjin is whipped), f2l, slight sub/dom dynamics, kind of a slow burn
warnings: lots of discussions about sex/sexual acts, mature topics, edging, masturbation (m & f), fingering, handjob, oral (m & f), protected & unprotected intercourse, mentions of anal in the context that it hasn’t been tried before; hyunjin’s sex experiences were badand he’s anxious about trying again, the mc is extremely sex-positive; they’re taking things veryslow; lots of overthinking on hyunjin’s part, insecurities, etc. (warnings will be added to each chapter)
masterlistupdates read on AO3↳ minors pleasedo not interact with this post or series in any way. if i notice you’re a minor commenting/liking/sharing my writing, i’ll block you. no hard feelings, it’s just not content meant for minors.

chapters:look ♡ kiss ♡ touch ♡ feel ♡ taste ♡ have ♡ hold ♡ keep

if you want to support my writing, you can buy me a coffee here and let me know what you think about it here. thank you! ♡


PAIRING: Minho x Fem! Reader
GENRE: fantasy, pirate au, angst with a happy ending, enemies to friends to lovers, soulmates (I know you saw it coming), LOTS of pop culture references (two aldo giovanni and giacomo’s references italian readers this is for you), magic au
WORDS: 23k
WARNINGS: mention of murder, mention of drowning, smut 
NOTES: I sure do hope you’ve read Chris’ merman fic because I’m feeding on my own lore / Ananke is meant as the greek goddess of fate / extra kudos to Black Desert for having an amazing map and kudos to me for using the videogame aesthetic because I don’t have enough creativity in me to come up with a fantasy world


«I think I’ve never missed Cleo so much.» you quietly sniffled.
«Your lover?» Minho questioned immediately.
«Mycat.» you clarified without hesitation.


«Everything is over, now.» the Captain spoke in a confident voice, «I won’t let anyone else hurt you.» he added, before capturing his lover’s lip in a gentle kiss.”
«Oh, holy fuck,» you blurted out as soon as you read that sentence, closing the book out of instinct, «holy shit, finally!» you added to yourself, completely aware about the fact that you were smiling like an idiot at no one but the now finished book in your lap but well, you couldn’t help yourself.
It was a book you’ve randomly found in the book-store next to your workplace, its cover had nothing special that immediately jumped to the eye: it was relegated in leather, some golden details that recalled the title written in beautiful handwriting.
Actually, if you had to be completely honest, the detail that convinced you to buy it was the small golden stone embedded right under the title, instead of the actual plot – plot that in the end you came to adore.
«You are really lucky, this is the only copy that has been sent to us.» had said the old lady working there, making you furtherly curious and giving you another reason to buy it.
It was a love story, but it contained the right amount of adventure as well. Christopher, a young and fearless pirate, was not only the Captain of the Golden Fleece – who was capable of intimidating anyone who saw its sails in the distance, but he had become the head of the entire commercial network that passed through the sea. Chris had at least 200 fleets under his command, each of them committing various raids in the name of their Captain, whose now was able to sail wherever he wanted without getting his hands dirty as he had done in the past.
During his adventures, he eventually fell in love with a girl – Leana, who was originally engaged with a navy’s soldier; after an awful lot of vicissitudes and obstacles in the path of their happiness, Christopher eventually stoleher away – he’s a pirate after all, making her a member of his crew and finally allowing each other to live their so craved love story.
Of course, the Captain would have never made it alone; his seven long time friends had always been more than ready to help him and support him in every case of need.
Among his crew, you definitely had a personal favourite: Lee Minho, a young former bounty hunter enamoured with the feeling of freedom he felt while sailing that definitely made your heart race more than once. He was straightforward and sarcastic, a reason why Christopher found himself asking for Minho’s advice the most; despite his strong personality, he truly cared for his friends, and he considered them like a family. Chapter by chapter, you found yourself admiring his character so much that you anticipated every one of his appearances, eager to read more about him.
«Oh, Cleo, can you imagine a love like this?» you sighed dreamily, absently running your fingers through your cat’s thick fur, Cleo simply mewled at you, a faint noise that you interpreted as a proper answer, «or a life like this.» you added, your voice suddenly turning a little more hesitant, a little more lonelier. During the last few months, your life had fallen into an incredibly boring and obnoxious loop: go to work, finish your shift with an incredible amount of stress spreading through your body just to stop in order to buy groceries on your way home, see some friends once in a while, take care of your cat and repeat, repeat, repeat.
Of course, you would have felt a lot lonelier if it weren’t for Cleo: you found her sitting in front of your apartment complex on a random day two years ago and since then she started living with you, as if she had been expressively been waiting for you to find her that day.
«You always look angry, don’t you?» you cooed at her, hoisting her into your lap as to cuddle her a little closer. «Just like your mom.» you referred to yourself, shortly drowning your face in her soft fur, loudly smooching her a few times; Cleo mewled, as if she was exasperated at your behaviour and you quietly giggled, your soft laughter shifting into a sigh as your eyes fell on the book once again.
I was really lucky to get the only copy of this,” you definitely had loved everything about the story, to the point to start fantasizing and wondering what could their next adventure be now that the crew gained a new very special member.
Did Chris and Leana got married in an actual chapel or did they ask someone in their crew to randomly marry them just like Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner did?
Engrossed in your thoughts, you didn’t realize that you ended up drifting off on your couch – still uncomfortably wearing your jeans, and therefore, you definitely could notnotice about the strange events occurring as soon as sleep overcame your senses.
The book you were holding in your hand seemed to be woken up by a curious kind of magic, as the golden stone began to glow in a faint light; the book opened by itself just as if it possessed personal will, and its pages quickly turned back and forth by themselves. The book’s golden glow gradually seemed to shine brighter and brighter, and it eventually woke you up.
«What the-» you mumbled, confused, when you felt as if someone orsomethingwas harshly tugging at your soul and all of a sudden, you felt like you couldn’t breathe anymore.
The book had closed once again, politely placing itself on your coffee table; the glowing had completely disappeared, and the golden stone returned to its original plain looking appearance.
However, in what has always been your home, all traces of your presence seemed to have vanished altogether.

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[all yours, forever - hyunjin]

minors do not interact!! or else i block you >:(

warnings:nsfw, softie hyunjin :(, hyunjin is pussy-whipped, protected sex, he talks about wanting to have kids once, smut only starts 2k words in, the rest is fluff because i’m SOFT and someone requested they be comforted by hyunjin so i must give the people what they want. it’s like really mushy

words:5.4k (kill me )

the sunshine breaking through the window feels more like a slap in the face than a gentle wake-up call, but what really makes you groggy is the absence of your boyfriend’s body when you extend your arm to the side. you’re only met with the cold sheets, which pulls a sigh out of you, eyes still closed. you can feel the beginning of another bad, stressful day, if he’s already left you like this without even saying anything. you catch a glimpse of the hour - 8:33 - and another tired exhale leaves you. it’s far too early to get up on your free day, but you can’t really fall asleep again either.

it takes you a few minutes to peel the covers off of your form, clad only in his baggy t-shirt and a pair of comfortable pyjama bottoms. he bought them for you on your anniversary, admitting that he got a pair for himself as well: tailor-made specifically for you both. the memory of it makes the cold air in the room that hits your skin more bearable, a small smile shaping itself on your lips.

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Pairing: Bang Chan x Fem!Reader

Warnings: swearing, angst

Y/n hasn’t been home to Sydney for the holidays in a few years. Neither has Chan. One year, the childhood best friends’ visits coincide - Y/n visiting her parents, Chan and the members visiting his and Felix’s families. Will the two weeks they have in the same place for the first time in over a decade be enough for them to look past ignored texts and calls and mend their relationship, one that runs deeper than they’ll admit? Or will they miss the countless chances laid out in front of them?


  1. On Track
  2. Hello Stranger
  3. Gone Days
  4. Sunshine
  5. Haven
  6. Question
  7. Secret Secret
  8. Here Always
  9. Sorry, I Love You
  10. 24 to 25
  11. Star Lost
  12. Grow Up
  13. My Side
  14. Another Day
  15. Gone Away
  16. Epilogue





Hey guys it’s Roan. So um, I recently cut off interactions with someone who very much needs her mental health checked up on…

This post is about someone named @//got7noona007 . Her name is Dani, and HERE IS A STORY, WHOOT!!

So, Dani followed me a while ago, and we quickly became close to siblings. Little did I know, I was in for a shit show.


Dani had it in her head that she and Bambam, of GOT7, were engaged and in love.

She constantly sent me these weird, creepy cheesy messages about oh, “we’re soooo in looove” and “true love conquers all”… 

And she had it so stuck up into her head that she was in love with poor Bambam that I was forced to play along with her. I was forced (please don’t cancel me) to try to make her think that I was involved with NCT to keep her off of my trail of suspicions against her; here’s just one screenshot from the whole shabang:


Recently it escalated to where she started “hitting on Haechan.”

Saying the most disgusting things “to him.”


Who is barely a legal adult.

Furthermore, Dani once asked me to help her find an extremely-expensive-ass wedding ring that she described as “rounded and pretty setting with 24k gold & diamonds with maybe 4 different stone options”.


And just a few days ago, Dani offered to blow me if I ate her out.

Thinking that she was talking to Lee Haechan.

The newly-turned legal.


Here’s a screenshot:


And another:



Here’s more of what she’s said, for context.


…………………………………………God help me.


Oh and here’s her excuse for all this:



god burn her amen

TAGGING LITERALLY EVERY URL I KNOW. Some of you I have never interacted with, but I follow you. So be aware.

@got7ent @got7-updates @got7daily @sungwonz @hwarora @choiyeonjuns @fierreth-who @navi-llera @aash-nah @ashawol @quokki @melonaia @taem-min @ikonsnet @wonjaems @sassychaostrash @dreamtonin @dazzlingkai @mingissoggywaffles @yungisstar1117  @yunhoflrtz @yukhellno @yyukhei @inhypen @lattaeyongs @heungjoong @hongjooong @editsty @emeraldenha @jeongyunho99 @lovek4rd @sunoosbestfriend @kflops @ljaebeom @narcissisticvictorian @neocatharsis @markleesthighs @taeyongssmile @jaehyunsfashionevaluation @kkooromi @malegroupsnet @beetoogether @seohopeful @tsukixnoxko @shinehyuk @haechan @jjsungie @echoslocket @kittensyoonie @notleehaechan @ohsenhun @sm-lucas @jaesqueso @negrowhat @bobateastay @kwonminsik @deja-vux @atiny-chocolate-chip @stevenyeuns @kasperneo @sluttyignorance @wakeyjaykey @realstraykids @renchinz @isacoree @chaerincore @lunarxsun @notmarklee @life-is-drip-or-trip  @atrirose @psycho-mocha @ensushi @therose-net @thehunterofsleep @kp0p10v3r2 @kpop @happybbh @jeontaeil @littlejisung @xxrinooxx @athenixrose @exo-l-atina @mangomingki @078-jay @hjsraccoon @wooyoungsbae @yungisstar1117 @dianas-starry-night @lex-thesimpzzz @lee–felix @hwxnghyunjin @woo-minhee02 @wooyoung-a @sultrybaby @umbralhelwolf @hello-yav @hellborn-ateez-cb @queenmedi @srslyac3 @simp-for-sunghoons-hair-tied-up @wooyoungsbae @soobin-chois @hohohugs @djxiao @lunarxsun @hermione-lily-choi-styles @elxanxr @niche-bitch @venusmir @strawb3rryboy @nuoyi-city @akuutaguava @umbralhelwolf @hopexclouds @tbzvity @aluxuriousjourney @woo-minhee02 @miroticized @linoragi @eat-th3-rich @multifandomclown @freezedsoul @queenmedi @wooyoungsbae @vampireyeosang @yungisstar1117-writes @babyboobean @yunkiwii @hijirikaww @jihyoscrown @yunhoflrtz @blxckswxnxge @blxckswxnxge @multifanbisexual @seokwoosmole @hello-yav @yutaalove @drunk-on-yuta @wonjaems @we-howl-in-harmony @multifanbisexual @enhafika @akuutaguava @leemarkmywords @moonsclover @hyuncore @taemin-jaemin @joongs-lost-treasure @hermione-lily-choi-styles @jihyoscrown  @blxckswxnxge @chaoticdreaminisode @tinted-peaches @tfischaitea @miroticized @baekpedia @bluejaem @linoragi @zhongqianshi @babyboobean @apple–pie @boombboi @i-kai @i-need-a-new-username @sunootonin @hwxnghyunjin @nctaezen @leemarkmywords @tfischaitea @shes-my-prince @baekpedia @ateezangelbang @cherryeoo @elxanxr @imdamnconfused @trashlord-007 @eneabastianini23 @nuoyi-city​ @glittercrashhh @kiaira @shinestarddeonghwa @luvmydesire @ramsitty​ @tenebrislowkey @sociallyawkwardcat @urlocaltransbrother @frankly-dear​ @vngelgyu​ @flowingblooms​ @tinted-peaches​ @wooyoung-a​ @seokwoosmole​ @moonsluvr​ @likedomino​ @djxiao​ @yuyubinnie​ @linoragi​ @hayripotur​ @roswrosa​ @depaysement-moon​ @tbzvity​ @moonsluvr-rawrz​ @kimjonginkai​  @yunkiwii​ @taeminfucks​ @multifandomfix​ @rubysluvbot​ @ewthefuck​ @uselessbisexualfool​ @oosizins @jin-neck-shaft @ambivartence @hyunsuksmygod @liza-empress-of-emojis @verifiedsunghoonsimp @minhos-foreheadtowel @jakesofficialwife @sweetlemontart @ramenlixxie

i cant tag anymore people my brain will explode TAG EVERYONE YOU KNOW PLEASE </3 rip

@dreamescapeswriting @yubinism @international-kpopfan @straykisz @staysuki @seospicybin @chaninfused @chogiwow @changbinslovelylegs @maplecornia @skzwritersclub Sorry for pinging you guys but this is really important.

tagging a bunch of urls i know to spread the word: @jimeanour @freckledwinterfalls @crispy-chan @geniejunn @hyunjun-jpeg @maplecornia @jayhopely @straykisz @ryuflix @ickynai @koroleva–rezni @jannine00742 @im-questioning-my-existence @mythicalamphitrite @minspalette @felix-neverbad @minsugallery @bbanghoonie @deerecordstudios​ @myooniverse @siredsong @eternally-writing-main​ @mxxndreams-main​@ezralia-writes @kinzavskpop @lavienjin @p0t4t0don14ll @bowlofblueberries​ @ohmysparkle @perriwiinkle @skzooo @danihow @lolalee24 @mickmoon @betysotelo18 @imbonibi @fangirl125reader @akshreads @6-ucci @lolalee24 @mickmoon

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This could be the most important post I’ve ever shared. Please Share it with anyone who is or might be going through this terrible disease.

My mom has fairly severe respiratory issues and is recovering from joint replacement; her PT told her the same info about sleeping/sitting positions and how they impact the lungs. Fascinating.

rebloging again in case someone missed this.

Excellent health information.

Stuff they don’t want you to know!!!!!

Great post.

(I.D. A series of tweets from twitter user @ItsMa____

“How to treat Covid at home … this was shared on a Covid survivor group…


No one ever talks about how to fight Covid at home. I came down with Covid in November. I went to the hospital, running a fever of 103, a rapid heart beat, and other common….

…. symptoms that come with Covid. While I was there they treated me for the high fever, dehydration and pneumonia.

The doctor sent me home to fight Covid with two prescriptions - Azithromycin 250mg & Dexamethason 6mg. When the nurse came in to discharge me, I asked her..

….. “What can I do to help fight this at home?” She said, “Sleep on your stomach at all times with Covid. If you can’t sleep on your stomach because of heath issues sleep on your side. Do not lay on your back no matter what because it smashes your lungs…

.. and that will allow fluid to set in.

Set your clock every two hours while sleeping on your stomach, then get out of bed and walk for 15-30 min, no matter how tired or weak that you are. Also move your arms around frequently, it helps to open your lungs.

…. Breathe in thru your nose, and out thru your mouth. This will help build up your lungs, plus help get rid of the Pneumonia or other fluid you may have.

When sitting in a recliner, sit up straight - do not lay back in the recliner, again this will smash your lungs…

… While watching TV - get up and walk during every commercial.

Eat at least 1 - 2 eggs a day, plus bananas, avocado and asparagus.These are good for Potassium. Drink Pedialyte, Gatorade Zero, Powerade Zero & Water with Electrolytes to prevent you from becoming dehydrated..

.. . Do not drink anything cold - have it at room temperature or warm it up. Water with lemon, and little honey, peppermint tea, apple cider are good suggestions for getting in fluids. No milk products, or pork. Vitamin’s D3, C, B, Zinc, Probiotic One-Day are good ideas

.. Tylenol for fever. Mucinex, or Mucinex DM for drainage, plus helps the cough. Pepcid helps for cramps in your legs. One baby aspirin everyday can help prevent getting a blood clot, which can occur from low activity. “

Drink a smoothie of blueberries,strawberries,bananas,honey, tea and a spoon or two of peanut butter.

We always hear of how Covid takes lives, but there isn’t a lot of information out there regarding how to fight Covid. I hope this helps you or someone you know, just as it has..

… helped me.

Share please.”

End I.D.)

As someone in this feild and some who was home quarantined during covid I can definitely agree to this.

Post link



Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader

Genre: Smut

Word Count: 3k

Warnings: Pegging, subby Hyunjin, Bottom Hyunjin, degradation

A/N: Thank you to @channiesmixtape for inspiring me to write this monster of a beast. I hope it turned out as good as I hope it did (spoiler: I don’t think it’s good at all lmao). This baby is dedicated to all my Hyunjin stans that just want to fuck the shit out of him. This one is for you!


At 7:30am your alarm went off like normal, jerking you out of your cozy warm dream. Your hand smacked against the nightstand, careful of the water glasses sitting somewhere on top as you searched for your phone. Finding it, you spam clicked the middle of the screen until your alarm was silenced and snooze began. As you settled back to grab another five more minutes of rest, the body next to you started to rouse and long, lanky arms encircle your waist, pulling you back closer to him.

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Yum, coffee


paring: yang jeongin x reader

genre: fluff, angst, smau, enemies to lovers!au, college!au

summary: y/n has always been an easy going person, but now she’s ready to live her life. with her four best friends, she goes to college ready to have fun and get her dream job as a painter. y/n drags her friends to try out the drinks of a new cafe, but maybe y/n shouldn’t have lied about liking coffee.

warnings: alcohol, partying, fighting, arguments, cursing, poor attempts at humor, various versions of y/n

status: ongoing

y/n and the groupies/telekinesis and hotdogs

one:cafe cutie

two:we’re fighting

three:general direction

four:feel like cinderella

five:ass on blast

six:juicy psychic ass

seven:stupid jeongin

eight:ken you not

nine:full name pt. 2


eleven:mister steal yo girl

twelve:monster slushies

thirteen:maybe I do..

fourteen:nearly cried

fifteen:like you hate me.

sixteen:you’re welcome <3

seventeen:spit it out woman

eighteen:group merging⁉️


Pretty please

Pairing: Hyunjin (Stray Kids) x Reader

Genre: Smut

Word count: 1.9k

Warnings: anal play (male receiving)

Note: this was previously posted on my old account. It’s been reworked.

You’re lying against the pillows and headboard of your bed. The apartment is quiet, the sun is setting, and you’ve got a warm light coming from your nightstand to illuminate the book you’re reading.

Hyunjin is laying over your legs, your body and his making a strange cross that meets at your hips. His pelvis rests against yours, his long legs to one side of you and his torso to the other, face down, playing games on his phone. Your book rests atop his buttocks and you hold it open with one hand as you stroke up and down his back, all the way to his hair, mindlessly petting him with the other hand as you read. He seems so cute like this, occasionally making a little hum in content or tilting his head back so it fits into the cup of your hand. He’s wearing a soft set of a matching gray sweatshirt with sweatpants, and his hair has just dried after his shower and it’s all soft and plush.

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seo ji-soo (korean: 서지수; born december 2, 1999), better known by her stage name angel (korean: 앤젤), is a fictional korean-canadian singer and songwriter. she made her debut in march 2018 as a member of the co-ed group stray kids under jyp entertainment as a main vocalist, main dancer, and rapper.

interactions from @leech4ns


disclaimertagsasksask gamesramblesateez ocadmin’s navi

— feel free to send an ask if you want to be added to angel’s tag list !!


frosty goodbyes

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