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who know what’s shitty about being an adult?

forgetting to take the chicken out … for you to cook for yourself.

now you gotta beat your own ass

Cover for Issue #6: Hidden Things. Art by the marvelous kAt Philbin. See more of kAt’s work at

Cover for Issue #6: Hidden Things.

Art by the marvelous kAt Philbin. See more of kAt’s work at,, and her Etsy shop Stupid Animal Shop!

Follow@GoldenKeyLit for updates on the release date of Issue #6: Hidden Things!

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#illustration    #journal    #speculative    #fairy tale    #fiction    #poetry    #literary journal    #cover art    
seasons-in-hell: John Bauer, Illustration for “The Golden Key” by W.E. Björk, 1915 -edited.


John Bauer, Illustration for “The Golden Key” by W.E. Björk, 1915

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pb-and-paint: “From the top of the hill, they look like dogs to her…” An illustration I


“From the top of the hill, they look like dogs to her…”

An illustration I made for John Brantingham’s short piece, “Daughter of the Mammoth Hunter.” 

The Golden Key Issue 5: Things that Float /@GoldenKeyLit

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pb-and-paint: The Golden Key (cover) I had the wonderful opportunity to illustrate Issue 5, Things t


The Golden Key (cover)

I had the wonderful opportunity to illustrate Issue 5, Things that Float for The Golden Key, a journal of speculative and literary writing. The pieces in this issue are really fantastic and gorgeous and floaty, and were such a joy and challenge to illustrate!

Thanks so much, LiAnn and the editors, for letting me be part of this issue!

The Golden Key/@GoldenKeyLit

Huge thanks to Priscilla Boatwright for providing the stunning artwork to Issue #5: Things that Float—her art alone makes each piece a reread!

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Considering how big the universe is, there are probably space battles going on somewhere right now. 

Another snippet of an illustration by Priscilla Boatwright for Issue #5 Things that Float! See more

Another snippet of an illustration by Priscilla Boatwright for Issue #5 Things that Float! See more of her artwork here:

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Snippet of an illustration by the enormously talented Priscilla Boatwright (@pb-and-paint) for Issue

Snippet of an illustration by the enormously talented Priscilla Boatwright(@pb-and-paint) for Issue #5 Things that Float! Stay tuned for more sneak peeks into Issue #5.

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pb-and-paint: Inktober 27: Tiger wedding. We are wild over this illustration!


Inktober 27: Tiger wedding.

We are wild over this illustration!
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eimhinssecrettumblr: Tonight’s #inktober inspired by the Tinderbox by HC Andersen The princess’ stor


Tonight’s#inktober inspired by the Tinderbox by HC Andersen The princess’ story would be a more interesting one, I think. Surely she’d much more enjoy going elsewhere other than to and fro between dusty big towers

I hadn’t heard of the story before pb-and-paint mentioned it in a recent #inktober of their own.

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This is the first story in The Moon Cake edition of Lightning Cake! lightningcake: She rents a steam
This is the first story in The Moon Cake edition of Lightning Cake!


She rents a steamer to loosen the paper from the wall. It’s Pepto-Bismol pink, gummy and nauseating in its ability to bring forward memories of stomach upset. The layer below is from her mother’s youth: sky blue patterned with purple tulips, blue pansies, green leaves. She applies steam and peels it back, wonders how many layers she has to go. Next is something decades older: monochromatic green, a grassy hue bordering diluted watercolors, forming roses, leaves. Further down: red with yellow squares and blue flowers. She unsticks it from the wall and huffs as another layer of paper emerges.

In another house that is also the same house, a woman tries desperately to keep the paper up on her walls. It puffs out, then buckles back during breakfast. She puts her hands to it, pats it down, but then it’s sliding off in sheets, and it’s all she can do to keep it from knocking down the vase her mother gave her, the spices lining the back edge of the counter.


Rebecca Emanuelsen is a Michigan-based writer. Her stories have appeared in Shimmer, Parcel, Fractured West, and elsewhere. She occasionally blogs at rebeccaemanuelsen @

Illustration by guest artist Jen Muir. More of Jen Muir’s work can be found at

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fleebites: Commission for Kelsey :)


Commission for Kelsey:)

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telari:Missed details by SylwiaTelari18 or 19/04/2014, watercolour, graphite and white gel pen on


Missed detailsbySylwiaTelari
18 or 19/04/2014, watercolour, graphite and white gel pen on 15 x 21 cm watercolour paper.

Yes, more Beauty and the Beast. Mooore. The others can be viewed here or under this tag. This was done on the 18th or 19th of April… I don’t remember clearly. Well, Bella definitely takes no bollocks. I suppose it might have been funny to some, but it’s not the middle finger up, sorry.

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#illustration    #fairy tale    
The Golden Key Flash Fiction Open We’re thrilled to announce our very first Flash Fiction Open

The Golden Key Flash Fiction Open

We’re thrilled to announce our very first Flash Fiction Open! The contest is open to flash fiction 500 words or under, and it will be judged by a writer who is beloved by us: Karin Tidbeck, author of the unclassifiable and wonderfully strange collection Jagannath, and stories that have appeared in some of our favorite places like Unstuck,, Lightspeed, Strange Horizons.

The prize is $200 and publication in Issue 6. As each issue of The Golden Key is themed to be inspired by some “object” that might come out of the little iron chest in the Grimm Brothers’ “The Golden Key” tale, the winning piece selected by Karin Tidbeck will also set the theme for Issue 6.

There will be a modest entry fee of $5 for one entry, or $7 for two. We’re raising money so that we can pay our future contributors—entry fees are considered donations, and donations are never used for website or site-related costs—editors pay that.

We hope you’ll enter our first contest! You could win $200, your story could be the centerpiece of Issue 6, and you’ll be supporting other writers!

For more contest details, including how to enter, please see:

The wonderful poster art for the Flash Fiction Open was created by the supremely talented F. Lee. See more of F. Lee’s work here: Portfolio,store, and on Twitter @FleeCentaur. @fleebites

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ohmisterfinch: Flower spider sculpture By Mister Finch


Flower spider sculpture By Mister Finch

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ohmisterfinch: Moth and coach By mister Finch…….this is not a real moth… 


Moth and coach By mister Finch…….this is not a real moth… 

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