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Jerma smite stream going well


cropped screenshot of a tiktok with the caption "two seconds into hanging out with the girl who got cut off by all her friends 'for no reason'". the cropped image is of a person with their eyes closed rubbing a hand over their brow. they seem resigned. ALT


It’s really funny how usually, games with promotional crossovers try not to get the crossover cast TOO into the game as this would obviously cost problems with the worldbuilding. However, telling Hypergryph not to write lore would be telling them to die so now the Rainbow Six Siege crew are not only canon to Arknights, they have established relationships with some of the characters there.

For a lot of people, Tachanka’s an Arknights character now.

god’s domain is a place on earth where you can eat your body weight in cum and lard

carnival-phantasm:evilbuildingsblog: I don’t know whj I really don’t like it



I don’t know whj I really don’t like it

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ewaneneollav:ewaneneollav:music & a bite to eat is life playing my game



music & a bite to eat is life

playing my game

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whats better than this, guys bein dudes

when is joe biden gonna do something about corroserum’s kit

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today i found this like. insane trad art person on twitter who still thinks impressionism is like a dangerous and degenerate and novel art movement

this is the funniest hill to die on ever i think

The impressionists were all in their 70-90s when WW1 kicked off

William Adolphe Bouguereau, the Academecist who painted the painting on the left, died aged 79 in 1905.

no excuse. those old men should have been in the trenches #mindset #success #hustle
